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Everything posted by ewsieg

  1. Some are, most are inquiring on the 'what if' serious conversations with Biden (and donors) change Biden's mind.
  2. But she did win those delegates, those people voted for her and now she's telling them to vote for someone else! It's an assault on our democracy!!!!
  3. As an outsider looking in, I find it fascinating and hilarious that you keep trying to play this game. The same Dems that put up road blocks for Sanders and flat out made it nearly impossible anyone could run against Biden this time around. I will say the right wing message i'm hearing right now are two fold. - Biden, as his party is making the case that losing this election will end our democracy, is content with doing his best. If he does his best there will be no regrets from him. - Whitmer, Newsom, and others are waiting for 2028, which is odd considering if Biden loses there will be no ability for them to run.
  4. She's saying this publicly? Won't she go to jail for destroying Democracy by encouraging her delegates to vote for another candidate?
  5. Reports have surfaced that Biden has seen a doctor known for his work with Parkinson's several times as well. Doesn't mean he has that, but if true, his medical team has some concerns as well. Maybe if Biden can just get a letter out to the press of 50 well respected doctors to say they don't show anything wrong with him this will be put to bed.
  6. Yes, many are upset because (both sides alert!!!) how dare anyone ever question a democrat. He saved us from Trump and restored the American dream and to question him is blasphemous. People on the ground that have already determined they are voting for Biden, like you say, some blindly follow democratic talking points and regurgitate it like zombies (just like many MAGA's they mock about doing the same). But trust me, there are many like me that will vote for a Ham sandwich over Trump but in the end, aren't confident in how well a ham sandwich could run this country.
  7. I'm not saying they don't matter, but how many of them feel now that the version of Biden they voted for was a lie? I was not sucked into the lie that Biden was completely fine and even I was shocked by the debate. And he follows it up with a 20 minute taped interview....are you kidding me? Maybe i'm wrong, but the actions of the campaign/administration after this doesn't exude confidence either.
  8. You're right, they don't get to choose. But, it's not everyday that an opposing party's workers publicly reach out to the opposition and not only says it's imperative that their party loses, but maybe you should look into x, y, and z in how to defeat them. Might be worth giving a listen instead of thinking of Biden like Kim...what's the handicap of someone that gets 11 hole in ones in a round? 6 like Biden?
  9. To a point yes, which honestly likely explains why why we're in this position as our 'overlord media' refused to try and look into if this was an issue. They were fine pointing out policy differences (democracy vs ahhh, not so much democracy) until it was thrust upon them that one might not even be able to be president. At this time, this is RGB all over again. Complete confidence that no one would get in the way from ensuring their legacy would carry on, only to get screwed. If the numbers show that a delusional old man, that I personally know has put women in extremely uncomfortable positions and likely skated ethic issues to help his son earn money versus an orange man that has done bad things to women and was unethical to help his family, but also wants to be a 'supreme leader', I'll do everything to support him.
  10. MB, I agree this election should be on policy and as someone that focuses on policies, the only caveat being I priority different policies over others. Unfortunately many voters don't do that and unfortunately many of those voters are needed to win an election. In the 'old' days, you'd get a person that was able to articulate their views better then the other person or often outside forces (economy) steal the perception away from someone and towards another. Biden has no chance himself to articulate his views to the public in a convincing way. Maybe the dems stick with him and there is an all out blitz by everyone on his team to do that work. Actually that's what i'm hoping as I'm guessing he won't back out. But because he can't do that, it's tough to simply tell voters that don't really care about the news or politics to sit down and review the policies and by the way, we have no way to make this interesting for you.
  11. It's been a 4 year story for many in the media and not just FoxNews types. Granted you only heard about it on the right wing, but there have many things that Biden has done or has been reported over the years that now people are taking another look at. - Biden's first campaign, he did very little travel (comparative to POTUS campaigns in the last 30+ years). Covid was blamed for the reason and the majority of the media went along with it. - Few press conferences, the least since Reagan. (Wonder why Reagan had so few?) - Passed on the SuperBowl interview. - Many instances of physical issues (falling up stairs, etc) which Biden wasn't known for, he's not Ford. - Looking for the dead House rep among a crowd, only to be reminded she had died recently. - Special Counsel note on why they wouldn't pursue charges with Biden "sympathetic, well meaning, elderly man with a poor memory." - Recent article where even dems (anonymous) said they saw Biden aging drastically recently. Meanwhile, anytime any of these stories came out and the Biden WH felt they were suggesting his age was the reason, you'd have top friends/colleagues come out with fantastical stories how he's only getting better with age and is the sharpest they've ever seen him and I think I lot of people kind of knew they were getting gaslit. Then the "one day" story happened at the debate and I think you've been seeing everyone reconsider so many of these previous stories.
  12. Ha, worrying about unifying factions in the Dem party is often what gets them in trouble. Isn't Sanders older than Biden?
  13. Not being a smooth talker and possibly not have the wherewithal are two very different things. You don't have to convince me who to vote for. Unlike most of you though, I'm really starting to think Jill has been running the show much more so than Joe and that hasn't waivered who I'll vote for a bit. I'm just not going to pretend that everything is fine about it.
  14. As of today, CNN and MSNBC are protected from Trump even if he becomes POTUS again. There is no official act of a president which allows for an attack against the first amendment. That said, it would eventually go to the courts and I no longer have any confidence there.
  15. I mean legally, you're right, but c'mon, it's unfair of anyone to pass on an candidate because his speech is poor? Part of the job is proving you can lead this country and it's shown most easily by being an effective speaker. It's not the only thing, but it's pretty important. In Biden's case it doesn't matter though, he's still an effective speaker, he just had some overseas travel (12 days before the debate) that affected him. https://www.freep.com/story/news/politics/elections/2024/07/02/biden-blames-overseas-travel-for-poor-debate-i-nearly-fell-asleep/74286978007/ So when I vote for him, I not only have to worry about that 4am call, I also have to worry about any 9pm calls after any overseas trips in the past two weeks....great.
  16. I may be wrong, but I think he was just Walt here, but Walt was just part of his username over on MTS. I just tried to confirm but either can't find out how or this site doesn't have that option like the old one. I saw a facebook post indicating someone from an OOTP league passed away, but no name, regardless I felt horrible. He was a solid guy with a young family. Last thing he did was have his organs donated, saving and improving the lives or countless others.
  17. Saw AJR with my daughter last night, she absolutely loved it and I was thoroughly entertained as well. Quite a production for a band that I would have never thought could fill LCA.
  18. I try not to freak out on SCOTUS rulings until i've heard legal minds discuss them. Not that Oblong is a legal mind, but just based on his posts above, I think that leaves me a little more reserved as well, but still, why so ****ing long to get this?
  19. Well, maybe if the press corps had access to Biden instead of being hid, we'd have a better idea of what's going on with our leader. MB would be demanding this and calling it an existential crisis and pointing to Reagan's second term if a R was in the office. Biden was an effective speaker. If folks want to claim he wasn't a good public speaker, fine, but he was effective. He's not effective anymore. I'm not an effective speaker, so when I'm 80 if I'm not an effective speaker than either, you're right it wouldn't be evidence of mental decline. For Biden it's some evidence suggesting it, not proving it, but suggesting it. My biggest issue is his response time. I saw that with my Grandpa and it directly correlated with dementia. Still, alone doesn't mean anything, but we're starting to add things up. Plus, think back to the Wall Street Journal "hit piece" which had not only democratic but WH sources, maybe it wasn't so much of a hit piece in hindsight. Even by CNN standards Trump only out lied Biden 3 to 1 in the debate. Again, it shows Biden is better, but maybe if you want Biden to win don't focus on health or lying where Biden would fail miserably against most.
  20. Here is the problem MB, there have been legitimate questions for quite some time as to whether Biden was up for this or not. In fact there were questions last time and in hindsight, It definitely looks like Covid and being able to hide from public events was a big factor for him. You need to stop believing the spin your side is feeding you that Biden just had a cold and an off night. If my mom had 30 minutes like Biden had at the beginning of the debate, my brothers and I would be discussing what we're going to do with mom. Likely we would have learned that each of us saw some signs prior as well, which has been reported recently, but cast away by folks like you as nothing but political hit pieces despite the fact democrats were sourced for those articles as well, they just didn't want to go on the record. Nearly everyone on this board, assuming Biden is on the ballot, is going to vote for him. If he has a heartbeat i'll vote for him, heck, if he dies prior to election day but is still on the ballot, i'm voting for him. I just never thought i'd be voting for someone that I seriously thought might have trouble making it to election day, definitely would not complete his term, and even if he somehow did, I have 100% confidence that he would not be calling the shots. That's just crazy. It's not Donald Trump crazy, but it's still pretty ****ing crazy.
  21. It would do good for Biden if some mediocre white men voted for him. The Lincoln Project and Bulwark/Miller were never behind Biden, they were always against Trump. It's no different now.
  22. Rather this is a planned trip or not, if his team is not talking to him about stepping down, then they are just 'yes' men like we all fear Trump will have anyway. It would be a dereliction of duty if they do not ask the tough questions to him.
  23. Biden will not be president again, I feel that's a near certainty. Rather he steps down to give dems a chance or loses, I don't know. In response to motownbomber, many on the bulwark were folks that helped create Trump, but Tim Miller is not one of them and I think his last podcast was 100% right. Rather the dems keep Biden or not, they need to be 100% on the offense right now. Every member of the cabinet needs to try and take up as much spotlight as possible to show they have a team around Biden and Kamala basically has until the convention to make people believe that if, or rather when Biden dies/resigns, she's ready and capable. Personally I think that's about as likely as Trump resigning for the good of the country, but it needs to happen.
  24. From everything I’ve read, Biden asked for this format and rules and Trump accepted them all. i wouldn’t be against a live fact checker but I definitely can see some issues with that too. There was very little for the moderators to do here based on Biden’s rules and they pointed out several times, only to Trump, that he didn’t answer the question asked of him. blaming the moderators on this performance is ridiculous.
  25. Yeah, let’s have a debate where the moderators also do the work for Biden as it’s clear he no longer has that option. Or, just hear me out, you put someone up against Trump that can do that job, as they should, as Biden once could.
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