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Everything posted by ewsieg
I haven't followed this obstruction issue much, but it does strike me that maybe that by leveraging Sarbanes-Oxley which was designed to deal with the likes of Enron/WorldCom to apply it to folks that broke into the Capital, maybe the Justice department went to far. The news is making it sound like all of these 1/6 folks will go free and the ones still being found/prosecuted are off the hook. You mean there isn't anything else you can charge them on?
He was never a poor public speaker, in fact his public speaking was a plus for him. He wasn't polished like a lot of other politicians, but came off as just a 'normal Joe'. In the last several years is when you've first heard about him not being a good speaker, that's nothing but a push by his side to downplay expectations. On substance Biden won, hands down, it wasn't close. But unfortunately that doesn't mean he won debate. Was the Nixon/Kennedy debate close? I honestly don't know, all I know is Nixon lost horribly because he didn't wear make up. Additionally, how many people stuck around to watch Biden settle down, which I agree he did. I'm hearing quite a few say they turned it off early as it was too brutal.
I’m going to turn off Maddow trying to outline why this could be good and I’m going to watch The Boys so I know what to expect next year.
Well NK is coming! joking aside, the country has been seriously damaged and dealt significant loss. If not one more Ukrainian dies and they regain the East and Crimes, only then would that possibly considered a win. For the US it’s been great though, humiliate Russia via a proxy is priceless.
That’s funny, but how ****ing offensive was that answer. Immigrants take “the jobs no one wants” as stated by both parties at times. So by Trump’s own statement, blacks would be great under Trump if they only still had the jobs no one else wanted.
Not saying Trump is right, but pretty sure Ukraine isn’t kicking ass either. Better than expected against a great power, I’ll give you that.
CNN coming to Biden’s aid there, prefect time for a break after possibly the best quip from Biden all night
It was, but Biden’s response fell flat. A little deprecating humor would have been perfect like “I’m not going to say I’m the man I was 20 years ago, at one time I certainly could play well, but now I don’t have time due to my job”
Best line of the night from Trump calling Biden the biggest liar, lol. It’s not a fair debate, Trump spews bull**** with made up “stats” (I thought stats had numbers, not just ‘The best’). Biden is trying and struggling to remember actual stats/info, but it just looks bad.
I feel like he’s getting testier and that seems to be working.
Everyone has seen or heard about some middle aged person having a stroke and gradually improving. Joe isn’t going to improve, some good days, some bad. The thought of voting someone like this is scary. I’m still voting for him, but certainly hope there isn’t a national emergency and he’s having a bad day.
Great, 4 more years of Trump.
Maybe I'm wrong, but I feel like Russia would have problems with China if they gave them a big boost there.
Romad, looking for an opinion, do you think Kim believes his troops would help and that they will be protected by the Russian army? Just wondering if Kim actually thinks they will return and he can tout that as a triumph or if he knows he's sending them to slaughter but it's worth it to get closer to Russia.
Tim Miller (Bulwark Podcast) recently moved there and brought up his experience and basically stated you can find a community that fits you just about anywhere. Every Red state has blue areas and even the reddest states generally have 40% voting for democrats in most state elections. Now on the flip side.... My conservative (fiscally as it turns out) aunt and uncle moved there pre-Trump, probably 2010'ish. Retired and moved down near Nashville. Both were extremely active in the community and with their church and absolutely loved it. That said, as Trump came around, they noticed changes they didn't like. The church they were involved in all of a sudden had an issue with their daughter (who is married to a women), it was never an issue before. My aunt, even retired, remains an advocate for Credit Unions and is always aware of all financial legislation at both the state/fed level and she had republicans she liked which she could work/discuss things with that were now busy pushing Trump 'stuff'. Top it off with a few of their closest friends moving or passing away and it didn't take them long to head to DC (well, Maryland).
There are folks in both parties that aren't fine with it as well and I don't want to defend Monsanto, but the analogy leaves out quite a bit. This is like me deciding I really want an Audi TT, but it costs a lot of money so while Audi specifically tells me I need to use premium gas in it instead of regular, otherwise i'll void my warranty, I used regular anyway as I want it cheaper (that is my right, is it not?!?!?!). Now my engine is damaged and Audi wont' fix it! Audi is obviously an evil company and both parties are fine with it.
It's also gullible media doing surface reporting as well. I listened to an interview with Matt Taibbi (the center left reporter the left and right hates) and himself and the two interviewing him got into a discussion when they sort of realized Trump could possibly win in 2016. They felt they were more educated on the news than most based on their jobs but all in hindsight admitted they missed so much.
Harvard and MIT have quite a few courses you can audit for free, I'm sure many others as well. Here are a few possible links or sites to check. https://www.edx.org/learn/government/harvard-university-american-government-constitutional-foundations https://www.classcentral.com/tag/constitutional-law This one is on the US Revolution, not directly related to what you seem interested in, but I found it while digging these up and plan on watching this. youtube.com/playlist?list=PLeCFWdLZpnW97PCYqTm4e37ush6xgnJ_G https://online.hillsdale.edu/landing/intro-to-the-constitution?utm_medium=search_paid&utm_source=google&utm_campaign=online_courses_dsa_oc&utm_term=&utm_id=692119507807&utm_content=oc_course&gclid=CjwKCAjwydSzBhBOEiwAj0XN4Gpx5aGGkgQpDHBdf2FqmSSMdcUGF5r5y6g3EKHHCiiUw7CSxILQEhoC594QAvD_BwE https://www.coursera.org/
Saw these guys last night, fantastic show.
I honestly think the East Palestine issue hurts Dems more than the GOP. I know the Biden admin tried to pin it on Trump, but ultimately the train deregulation Trump did wasn't actually in play here as the train was allowed to classify itself as non-hazardous and thus wouldn't have been held to that regulation anyway. Local folks are well aware of this and I think they were more upset with the clean up efforts and the fact that they felt abandoned by the Biden administration. I don't see how this is a good issue for Biden. With all that said, based on a high level from these election results, looks like they are still turning towards Biden/Dems.
This is along the lines of what I've said before, outside the heightened view of the democrat party you have. To my original point though (and not directed at you), just don't try and gaslight me that Trump is the only one in decline.
This is just me thinking aloud based on some anecdotal evidence as well as what I remember in terms of polls/results from 2016, 2020. If I remember correctly, Hillary was expected to easily beat Trump but lost. By 2020, Biden had an edge in the polls but everyone freaked out due to the 'they will vote for Trump, but they are afraid to tell anyone they will' factor that was believed to be the big reason for the inaccuracy of the 2016 elections. Trump did better than polls suggested, but not by the margin in 2016. My mom and one of her sisters and one of her brothers are the biggest Trump fans (or so I thought) around. And by Trump fans, they admit he's crooked, but it's a 'they are all crooked, at least he's honest about it' mentality. I just found out my aunt won't be voting for Trump. If you looked at her facebook feed you would have never guessed that. She was over a few weeks ago after my daughters confirmation and I heard her tell my brother 'you'd be surprised who else isn't voting for him' and I didn't get a chance to chime in. According to my brother she never mentioned who she was talking about, but even he wasn't thinking it was our mom or uncle. That said, he mentioned our mom just a few days ago made some comments that surprised him in how she talked about Trump making him think that is who my aunt was talking about. The thing is, she's still posting facebook garbage that makes her look like a huge MAGA supporter. So, while years ago you had that voter that wouldn't say they'd vote for him but would.... I wonder if we're moving into a situation when previous Trump supporters won't vote for him, but don't necessarily want others to know they won't.
I dislike aspects of qualified immunity, but I feel like that would simply sway the pendulum too far the other way. To say there is no way to fix policing except by removing qualified immunity shows you haven't paid attention to policing in the last 10 years or so.
You're living in a bubble if you think this screw up by Trump is proof that he's in cognitive decline but there is no proof that Biden is completely fine.
Not that it would sway my vote, but I'd be more apt to vote for Trump more if I knew his chief of staff had more control than him. I don't think Trumps decline is as clear, but it's noticeable as well. Unfortunately for us, if he is elected, I think decline or not, he will be in control and will not let his administration do any 'business as usual' work.