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Everything posted by ewsieg

  1. Democrats loved tariffs, then Trump imposed them and every democrat said they were the dumbest thing in the world. Biden kept them in place and it's a non story now. Lots of things don't make sense to sensible people. I don't think we're dealing with that with the Trumpers.
  2. I'm not saying there aren't people that are like what you describe, but as a whole I think you're misguided. There is no advantage for the GOP here. Right now, for the politicians, yes, they have to play the Trump game. It allows them to stay in power in red districts/states and for independent/blue states, it allows them to stay in the party should it ever turn around, but they know they will lose elections until Trump is gone. Eventually it will force a change in the party in order to win elections. Without the unique ability of Trump, I'm confident you would have already seen that. And in today's world, who cares about who shares their politics. If it weren't for Sanders primary voters voting for Trump over Hillary, we may not have ever had Trump. They couldn't be any further politically, but the message resonates the same. That message is powerful people are taking advantage of the government and you, and there is no politician that is going to do a damn thing about it. That's why the Strong Man/Fascist view resonates, because for years, both sides says the other side is stopping progress from fixing issues. They are finally believing both sides and figure it's the only option to fix it.
  3. Sounds like they had just hired this guy for their upcoming tour. Opening band refused to play with them and now the tour has been cancelled. I listened to several songs of theirs and enjoyed them. Hopefully they can get through this.
  4. I say 'republic' now, so I guess this fits me. That said, I say republic because I got roasted on this site for saying we were a democracy years back. There are some that truly believe the election was stolen, thus they don't believe in democracy/republic/democratic republic anymore, but most of the Trump folks I know simply want to burn it down and seem to think we'll be better to start fresh. As with most people, they don't follow politics/news/business enough to truly understand what 'burning it down' would entail. Both sides have been telling the other how the other side wants to destroy America. It's not that the Trumpers picked a side, it's that they ended up believing both sides.
  5. Ironically the Dems have been subtle in slowing drifting towards immigration in the past month or so. Wasn't too long ago there simply wasn't an immigration problem, at least if you asked the WH. Smart move IMO and Biden hammered that home the other day with the "I'll close it down" talk. GOP has been overblowing the immigration issue since Biden got in. This could seriously downplay that as an issue heading into next year. (edit: this year)
  6. I just rewatched it myself and agree completely.
  7. TV ratings were much different in 2016 then they are now. The show doesn't have the reach it once had. I notice someone say republicans don't watch it and that's probably right under the Trevor Noah, but I can see clips getting shared quite a bit on social media if Stewart had a take on things. So while I doubt it could have the effect I think it could have in 2016, it still could be helpful. I think Stewart is similar to Maher in that those on the right know they are lefties, but trust that they will call out the left and not just the right. Stewart's rant on Colbert over the lab leak theory was all over right focuses media / social media. So when they have a pointed attack on the right, I feel like people on the right are more receptive in listening to the complaint versus simply trying to find a way to attack back.
  8. I think it's over as well and eventually she'll bend the knee too. Until then though, I would love to see her attack like she finally did last night. Every republican/independent voter that thought about voting for Trump, but decides to just stay home in this upcoming election because Haley soured them on Trump, is a potential vote for her in 4 years.
  9. I personally urge you to still consider it. Your reasoning is sound, in no way am I making light of it. That said, being politically unable to say what the Civil War was about, or say that racism was never a problem with this country, is still much further towards normalcy then a guy that is willing to parrot whatever Stephen Miller says.
  10. The entire album isn't out yet but there is another song I almost shared called hammer and nail. The lyrics are only well known phrases which I enjoyed, but could see some thinking it was tacky/countryish. Excited for the full album though
  11. I don't know why anyone would want to go into middle management at my company. I feel like unrealistic goals are set by upper mgmt and middle mgmt has to scrounge to meet those while not pissing off their employees. That said, i've ran into some that do nothing but cook the numbers to make upper mgmt happy and their teams are worthless.
  12. I think I disagree, I could absolutely see him acting in disbelief if called out on it like "ummm, but they own all the convenience stores...isn't that a good thing.....for those people?"
  13. I snickered at it, not so much because of using the old trope that Indians run all the convenience stores, but more along the lines that Trump would absolutely think that would be a perfect role for him and wouldn't even realize how racist it is.
  14. Hopefully the entire 55k of them were at the caucuses.
  15. His entire show, including the War Pigs cover. Would have been cool sit in for this. A Change is Gonna Come is another one he absolutely nails.
  16. https://apnews.com/article/yemen-attacks-iran-ships-retaliation-houthis-d770a3fb0fab4c4b72e2459771833e11 This might end up being Biden most important decision of his presidency. It's looking more and more like we'll have a soft landing with this economy and this issue already started to effect shipping which would have only increased inflation if the Houthi's kept this up unchecked. Considering we went out and got a coalition together to support and back us with this in a pretty short time is good governance. Iran will respond, but it looks like we're in a good position to deal with that.
  17. This Hunter thing is wild. Everything negative said about him is true, yet the GOP is so inept you can't help but rooting for him against them.
  18. Well, right now you're probably right. But when Russia was being completely mocked on the world stage daily it looks like you wouldn't have had to concede any Ukrainian territory (pre 2021). And again, Ukraine said they would only do it with western security agreements, so the US and other major European countries would have had to sign protection treaties, which I think would have been easier to do back then. I feel like this is the main reason the war hawks enjoy watching this war drag on. It continues to weaken Putin. That is a good thing and no one should be ashamed to admit it, but is the cost of using Ukraine as a pawn worth it, that's my only question.
  19. I’m pretty sure the only connection Musk has to Epstein was related to financial dealings, which Musk denied. Quite a leap to go from that to being named a pedophile, but it was funny, the laugh track thought it was at least.
  20. Again, my only point is that it's a joke and most of you are taking it too seriously, including Kimmel who hopes you can be understanding that joking about things that are bad can be overcome for the right person. I personally feel political affiliation is why you are so upset. So a quick google search, because this Rodgers joke, while a blatant attempt at a joke, wasn't really funny and there was no way no one else didn't try and grab this low hanging fruit. A look, the Late Show did a bit, let's check it out. So obviously Stephen Colbert should be taken off of the air, just like Rodgers should never be allowed to be back on McAfee's show. Crazy that no one seemed to get upset with Colbert....wonder why.
  21. It's always fascinating to me when people can do similar things, yet a persons opinion on if that is ok or not is based on political affiliations. Kimmel can wear black face because he's on our side and he apologized once someone called him out on it. Megyn Kelly seriously didn't realize in high school (many years before Kimmel actually wore blackface) how offensive it was!!!! Who cares that she didn't wear blackface, the fact that she was ignorant about it 25 years ago is intolerable, she needs to be cancelled!
  22. Oh C'mon. I kind of want to say your statement is ridiculous, just as ridiculous as anyone that would back up MTG on that stupid Will Smith joke Kimmel made about her, but then I saw this: Look at the date of this vile tweet. Matches up with when they broke up. Now we know why, because Kimmel saw this and realized he couldn't be with such a disgusting person. Now, I don't know why they have been civil and friendly after this, probably because the network forced them to be, but i'm glad he blackballed her because Pedophillia is not something to joke about. Kimmel has been consistent, so for that alone, he deserves an apology....oh wait... He's married to a women that is advocating for child neglect and he's still with her. Raising kids with her! What, does he think child neglect is funny?!?!?
  23. "The List" has been talked about for years and was a major headline in the last week as we knew it was coming out. It was topical and hence why it was used in a joke. Maybe you're right that it wasn't, what is the harm in assuming it was though. It's not like he said it deadpan on an Oprah interview, it was the Pat McAfee show. I'm not trying to defend, I was just surprised by the uproar from Kimmel, who has made his living making fun and telling jokes about people, i'm sure many which haven't landed well. Kimmel got offended, the nice thing would be for Rodgers to just say sorry. He probably won't because he's a jerk. Still, is it that big of a story that we should all gang up on Rodgers and demand he be sued? Seems like you're the people that are really bothered by this stupid joke.
  24. Not sure what that has to do with anything. MTG is an idiot, everyone on this board agrees with that. Is it OK to joke about hitting women if they are idiots?
  25. So is there a list about things that can be joked about? Violence against women.....yay or nay? Asking as Kimmel joked about violence against MTG. She complained, Kimmel responded that it was just a joke.
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