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Everything posted by ewsieg

  1. I was about to push back on your "Maybe next time, don't vote for Hamas" comment '84, but you're subsequent comments give more context and unfortunately, I think you're correct. Yesterday I saw a comment about Israel having a blank check and I disagree with that, but I do agree that a "proportional" attack is going to be a lot different here than it might be elsewhere based on how Hamas wants to use Palestinians as pawns. I haven't heard follow up, but it was reported that Israel killed 4-5 hundred folks just to hit one major Hamas leader yesterday. Didn't that original hospital bombing which turned out to be friendly fire originally to be said hundreds of people and it turned out to be just a handful? Any number of innocent deaths is horrible, but also 1) I don't trust any numbers I hear coming from Hamas and 2) everything you stated is the reason why there will be higher casualties.
  2. This is kind of fun watching others deal with pfife's gaslighting instead of me.
  3. Graham turned and looked right at him to scold him as well. Per usual, just another issue we have to deal with because of Saban.
  4. wow
  5. Twitter is lit up with Senate drama as well. Some GOP senators are finally going after Tubberville publicly about his military hold ups.
  6. None of it says that, nor was that the point I was trying to make. It's a nuanced world and I thought there were some interesting tidbits that went along with some of the things you were raising. An overall view and reaction towards someone that has been considered a champion of progressives, which correct, isn't saying it's anti-semite, but shows a considerable difference from the Biden core of democrats on the issue. I suspect you'll disagree, but it looks similar to Macomb county and how it changed recently. Pre-trump, your side felt it was full of good, honest, hard working union men and women. They surprisingly stopped voting blue for a billionaire because for reasons you can determine and the left, or at least folks like 1984 believes they are racist now. And yes, i'm sure there were some hidden racists that felt empowered to puff their chest a little bit, just like you're seeing with some anti-semite's that feel they have a little more power to express that now too.
  7. I might have to surprise my wife with that show. We saw them at the Magic Bag probably 5-6 years ago, maybe longer. Soon after I saw them on a TV show or something and figured they were about to be big. My wife is still a huge fan. They were great live.
  8. Chuck, I found this article interesting talking about the blowback Fetterman has had after a statement in which he said Israel has the right to remove Hamas. They cite some polls that were interesting as well which was interesting. https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/congress/sen-john-fetterman-faces-left-wing-backlash-israel-rcna122204
  9. https://www.freep.com/story/news/local/michigan/2023/11/01/flint-water-crisis-residents-say-state-failed-delivering-convictions-justice/71397342007/ The Flint saga is finally over. End result, not a single felony conviction. This is what performative politics gives you. Can Nessel be charged for her recklessness so we can get something good out of this?
  10. Trump needs no spin, he'll just claim he was responsible and his cult will agree.
  11. I searched for Lone Justice to make sure I hadn't posted something from them before and saw this. I have to ask, you remember what Lone Justice song that was stuck in your head back in June? This is one of my favorites from them.
  12. It seems like all of you folks claim you hate Twitter, but then someone says something on Twitter, which is horribly slanted, you agree with it and love it. I don't get it. One person said there was 17 people with guns, in reading the story, the first person at the scene didn't have a gun and yelled at the person which spooked the assailant and caused him to flee. No one else was injured, no one was shot by accident. It is a horrible story, but outside of one eye witness that it sounds like showed up after the fact, this story is not about guns.
  13. I do agree with republicans that mental illness (in a holistic view) is the root of the problem and until that is properly cared for you will continue to see deaths due to someone 'snapping'. Guns are just a more efficient way for these folks to rack up a body count. My problem with republicans isn't that they are incorrect on the root of the problem, it's that they refuse to put a band-aid on it (common sense gun laws) and offer no solutions on the mental illness portion outside of 'go find God'. The democratic solution of focusing on the guns, IMO, doesn't address the root of the problem, but it definitely would save lives while we all work to correct the root of the problem.
  14. Please understand this, YOU are part of the problem.
  15. I would like to say in regards to this and what Edman posted earlier. I think the socio-economic issues are driving up the depression medications. I do think in some individual cases, this makes it worse, not better. As I’ve mentioned here, my wife was damaged by the Covid (+flu) shot. I am still a proponent of them, but I feel it’s important to tell people so they can educate people that taking them together if you already have an auto-immune disease. I worry when I say it people are rolling their eyes and I’m losing credibility with them.
  16. Chuck, I hope that very last paragraph isn't directed at me as you are right, that would not be a serious idea. As for your post, I feel like we're really close on our thoughts, we might just have some disagreement on how we interpret/define certain words. When I believe we're facing mental illness issues, I'm not saying we have more sociopaths, psychopaths, or schizo's than other countries, I'm including what you've hypothesized in recent years. That isn't mental health in the traditional sense, but it absolutely affects a person's mental health and that's exactly what i'm thinking about when i'm talking mental health as the reason why people choose to do this, add in an ease in finding the tools to carry it out and that's why we're exponentially outpacing the world.
  17. No country has as many guns per capita as us, not even close. But taking the US out of the equation and I'd venture to guess that the highest guns per capita to the least guns per capita countries don't see mass shooting issues at a scale close to us. All that said, it's still not apples to apples as pretty much every other country have more regulation on firearms, which again can be the splint we need until we can address our mental health issues.
  18. I think we're heading in the same direction, but I do take issue with this statement while I feel you were dead on with the rest of your post. I personally think mental health is a very large issue, not trivially small, for these shootings. In fact I'd argue it's the heart of the issue. There are other countries with access to guns that don't experience what we are currently experiencing. How you deal with it is the question though. If your kid breaks their arm, putting a splint on it does nothing to fix the issue, but it does prevent more damage from being done until it can be addressed by a doctor. The USA needs to figure out how to deal with mental illness, but in the mean time, some common sense restrictions on guns can help prevent more damage.
  19. M.L. Elrick interviewed LeDuff, I thought it was a good discussion. Gives more background on what Nessel did as well as how LeDuff managed to take the eyes off of Nessel and back on him and how he got let go. https://www.mlsoulofdetroit.com/ - 10/24 podcast
  20. Honestly, go back 10 years ago and I would have said I thought this is a left wing view/issue on mental illness. Prior to Covid it was my A2 liberals that I worked with that complained about Big Pharma and Docs too quick to put pills in kids and how just eating non processed foods would solve most issues. There are definitely some on the GOP side that have this view now, but I believe most GOP'ers don't think it's anti-depressant's that are causing it, but that the little bit done for mental health is just docs handing out pills which doesn't help. There is probably a some truth to that too.
  21. There is some truth to this, but the same people that make this claim anytime we see something like this, do nothing to try and help deal with mental illness.
  22. The GOP didn't even really give them a shot. I have to imagine Emmer withdrew as he was told he wouldn't get the few crazy voters he needed. The GOP did this to themselves. From a Dem viewpoint, it might be good to head into the next election with the Speaker pushing the abortion issue. The GOP would be best served to ignore and hope voters don't fixate on that.
  23. My buddy sent me this. I didn't think he listened to anything outside of 70's rock and 80's metal. The link had a preview with #comedy which had me thinking it was a parody at first, but apparently that's just the name of the album this is on. I can't stop singing it. Queen like feel.
  24. For good reason as well. I really like him and enjoy the passion he brings to his stories. He genuinely cares for people, but he always has trouble controlling that emotion. All that said, his reporting here appears to standup. I really would like to see Nessel address his article, not just put out a presser complaining about the News in which they said they couldn't even print as an opinion piece due to its explicit inaccuracies. I want to know what 'judicial appointment' is planned for Kornak and have someone force Whitmer to address if she is planning on appointing her to a position.
  25. https://www.detroitnews.com/story/opinion/2023/10/20/from-the-editor-gary-miles-the-ags-complaint-against-the-news/71242831007/ Leduff is involved so I suspect some will disregard, but IMO, this is the kind of political corruption, performed by both sides, which ultimately led to someone like Trump because so many people realize this is just standard operating process for so many of these folks. You can go to Leduff's podcast if you want the full background or here but Traci Kornak is Treasurer for the Michigan Democratic Party. The allegation is that she attempted to defraud an insurance company and tried to bribe a nursery home once they questioned it. Nessel sets up a firewall to keep her out of the loop as they investigate. She later asks for the file, gets it, and sends it to the solicitor general asking for process as Kornak is waiting on this to be completed so she can get a judicial appointment. She later claims that the investigation was completed with no wrong doing found, they just hadn't officially closed it therefore the firewall rule was no longer needed. The investigation also claims the whistleblower refused to cooperate, but he says they never got ahold of him, in fact he didn't even know they opened an investigation until Leduff reached out to him regarding it being closed. Kornak hasn't been charged, so my guess is Dems will hope no one pays attention and then in another month or two Whitmer will appoint her to something. Annoying.
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