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Everything posted by ewsieg

  1. I like politcians that don't get caught.
  2. Of course, but to be fair, I read an article months ago that stated Biden officials wanted to be more aggressive in combatting this (in birds, but with the idea that it would help decrease the chance or at least the impact once it jumped to humans) but ultimately it was decided that politically it wouldn't help Kamala, so it was downplayed. Trump isn't the only one that likes to hide stuff that doesn't fit his narrative.
  3. I saw a video of Trump signing something over the Gulf of America, effectively making history, as he went to the Superbowl yesterday. That's it, i'm on board now. He's out there doing historical first, ain't no way that won't have a positive outcome on inflation.
  4. https://www.thebulwark.com/p/ezra-klein-the-resistance-back-from First Bulwark podcast that had a glimmer of hope in awhile. Not sure I agree with Ezra, but he makes some points on why it might be good that Trump doesn't have guardrails like he did in his first team. Essentially the argument is Trump's stupid decisions could sink him quick in the public, whereas he had folks to save him from that last time.
  5. I still think it was constitutional, just not desirable. Congress has had years to find a more desirable solution while still remaining constitutional. Never really understood why that's SCOTUS' fault.
  6. Appears to be to simply look at a description on any spending. Does it indicate another country? If yes, cut it. Could a person on X construe it to be DEI related? If yes, cut it. Does it sound boring? If yes, IDK, maybe flip a coin.
  7. He's already called for another vote. I personally think he's one of the more standup guys in congress, despite having political differences with him. He's a progressive left wing guy that represents Silicon Valley, so of course he's going to have ties with them. He's generally very open to explaining his views on a subject/vote. Has reminded me of Amash in that sense. Weird world we live in, 4 years ago having ties with the large tech companies probably was a plus for his base, now it means he's part of the swamp.
  8. Per Twitter, the vote was put up without notice and per Khanna, several folks missed it. He claims he would have voted yes and on Twitter urged Elon to discuss with him.
  9. Well, the DNC just doubled down on identity politics, so even if we survive this, may still be awhile before we get one.
  10. Still needs his money, but I'm hopeful his ego and lack of self control ends it quick.
  11. This might be the best summary of what we've experienced in the last week or so. Wow, this hits hard.
  12. Trump's CIA announced the findings that Biden's CIA made and chose not to report. Low confidence is as Pfife describes it, but it also means they find it more likely to be correct than not correct as many other investigations from other Biden agencies determined. Call me a conspiracy theorists, but if we could flip a switch and automatically have the full truth of what led to Covid, I'm putting some money on a parlay that includes: 1) It was a lab leak. 2) It was gain of function research, as defined as gain of function research under Obama. 3) Fauci knew about it and worked to redefine gain of function. Never with any ill intention, in fact nothing but good intentions, but it still led to a tragedy that killed millions of people.
  13. Sounds like he's already floating the idea that it would be used to purchase TikTok. So state run media....that's awesome.
  14. Well, that's another option. We saw the tech bros line up to endorse him in the last few weeks and while they are influential, CEO's of all sizes of companies are going to fall in line until his decisions start hurting them. And this little stunt, even if it ends up being just a stunt, is going to effect them down the road. Canada and Mexico will, without a doubt, begin looking to strengthen trade ties with other countries over favor with us. In fact anyone that trades with us is going to wonder if they are next. CEO's hate instability and they want to make decisions based on how the countries they operate in deal with them. They are now lost on what their own country will deal with them and now realize the other countries they operate with are questioning how to deal with US companies too.
  15. Let me make this very clear, I am not calling for this, but at some point and I can't believe it's too far from now at this rate, he's going to create a whole lot of "Luigi's".
  16. Trump had two things going for him (us) in his first term, people that said no and an insight to follow a populist take, especially if the right (literally) person led a call for that take. He doesn't have anyone to say no. Sadly, I still hope he'll take populist views from guys like Bannon as I hope thats our only chance against Musk.
  17. I've been avoiding this forum on purpose, as well as limiting my news intake, simply to help ensure my own well being. This ****upery from Trump is next level. Roughly 10 days in and it's shaping up to be such a monumental disaster. The only thing I wonder is if the economy begins to tank, does he back out of everything and kick out Elon, or does he see this through.
  18. I miss mine, what a great machine.
  19. Seriously though, Nuclear power, it's time. Let's do it.
  20. <points up> This guy gets it. Solve an issue with an abundant resource we already have while at the same time, addressing the trouble with Medicare. Medicare isn't that expensive if people die before they get to it!!! Win win for all, except those with the black lung.
  21. To note, it's not just a rival or their family. And it's not about putting people in prison, it's about making the life of rivals crappy. If the full weight of the government starts interviewing Kinzinger, key aids in his office are affected as well as while they didn't do anything wrong, they need to hire attorneys. The idea behind this is to fiscally punish those they don't like.
  22. Many reddit subs are doing this. I feel like if any one site could make an impact, that might be the one.
  23. And note, when I say no public evidence, i'm referring to everyone he gave pre-pardons to minus Hunter and the brother. They definitely did shady stuff outside of the illegal stuff Hunter actually did.
  24. At this scale, it's definitely new. It's bull**** he did it, but at the same time, bull**** he was essentially forced to do it. Trump and even folks he put up for cabinet spots have threatened to go after these people and refuse to address the fact there is no public evidence to even suggest his claims.
  25. Actually Obama started some of the current sanctions after the Crimea invastion. Trump kept them and added some additional sanctions. Biden largely kept those, but rescinded some and added others. Each time we sanction, there is a response from Russia in how they do business. If Trump wants to add some additional sanctions, I welcome the attempt. There is evidence this war is beginning to effect the daily lives of the Russia people. More pressure on Putin is welcomed IMO. Is he all talk and no bite though?
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