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Everything posted by ewsieg

  1. https://abc7ny.com/nyc-migrants-asylum-seekers-new-york-city/13829853/ "Adams moves to exclude migrants from city's 'right to shelter' law" https://www.nytimes.com/2023/09/07/nyregion/adams-migrants-destroy-nyc.html "Migrant crisis will 'destroy' New York City." DC and Chicago both have reshipped migrants out of their town. Seems like it's not a problem, when it's not their problem.
  2. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/long-covid-symptoms-risk-research-data-b2418408.html?utm_source=ground.news&utm_medium=referral Long Covid diagnosis appear to have been overstated.
  3. Why does your party hate them when they move to cities?
  4. I feel like one of the biggest Achilles heel Biden has is the immigration/border issue and it's been a rough few weeks with even Adams out of NYC publicly complaining about the Feds. What has he done? He just gave roughly 500k Venezuelians permits to work, which relieves local and state governments as they can support themselves, but that could signal a green light to folks still in Venezuela or Venezualian folks that have already migrated to other countries to come here. Adams, while complaining publicly about the Fed, did still play the democratic narrative that we only have an issue because of people like Abbott bussing folks up to him. This week it finally hits MSM that we have a program allowing folks to fly directly to their city of choice. Considering Adams is complaining about 110+ migrants in his city and Abbott has only sent 8k, i'm guessing Adams might want to turn his attention to Biden on that as well. Even though it's something I think Biden can be attacked on, I guess i'm not sure if this would affect votes....
  5. This Menendez crap is BS. This keeps up and before you know it no congressperson will be able to sell their power/votes to the highest bidder. Isn't this America? I thought this was America.
  6. I suspect Rupert truly is out. Lachlin is believed to be one of the earliest non-supporters of Trump on the channel, but he's also considered to be more conservative than Rupert, so it feels like a crapshoot in determining how this will play out.
  7. https://www.cnn.com/2023/09/21/europe/poland-ukraine-weapons-grain-explainer-intl/index.html I suspect Poland/Ukraine solve this rather quickly, but if you push Poland to the point they don't want to assist, you've done messed up A-Aron.
  8. Re: Obamacare - Bob Odenkirk spoke on a podcast recently about how his long time Doc told him to start taking Statins and he was so pissed about learning about the Doc not wanting Obamacare that he didn't trust him and refused to take them.
  9. https://www.cnn.com/2023/09/19/africa/ukraine-military-sudan-wagner-cmd-intl/index.html While it's utterly absurd that the GOP is talking about bombing Mexico, I'm fairly confident most everyone here would have no problem if Ukraine did. Why hit in Sudan? Try to force more troops there instead of the Ukrainian front?
  10. Absolutely agree that you have to curate it. Last week someone sent me a link of the hit and run that killed the retired police chief in Nevada. I didn't it send it to anyone else, I didn't like the tweet. Soon if felt like every tweet was black on white crime though. Once I hit 'not interested in this post' it cleared up. I don't like that my app seems to default to 'for you' versus 'following' now as well. I likely would have never noticed this if it just stayed on 'following'.
  11. Would that be Thomas C Theiner? I initially didn't find him, but I realized I entered Thomas Rheiner..... Once I entered it correctly, Twitter tried to confuse me on if I wanted Thomas C or Thomas D.... I just hit enter, first post was about Ukraine with an option to follow him below it.
  12. Twitter has acknowledged that some pro-Ukraine posters may have been downgraded as they may have been lumped in with fake Ukraine pro-Russia bots that Twitter has tried to handle. In fact i'm pretty confident that started before Musk owned the company. Even under Musk they said they welcomed information to help them correct that. I just did a quick search and the latest article I found mentioning this was a Gizmodo article from April in which UkraineCrisisTopic was in it's Do Not Amplify list for Twitter Spaces specifically. Additionally, we don't know what that accounts for as it could be for the pro-Russian bots. The article even acknowledges that Musk released the source code just prior to this article but before they could review and I don't show one article since that which one would think would have a lot more proof if Musk was doing this. I know you folks think i'm a Musk fanboy, but there is a lot of accusations all because he isn't a fan of war. He holds way to much power for just one person, so he deserves the scrutiny, but for a bunch of folks that demand we follow the facts when it comes to Covid, you're big on following the narrative with Musk.
  13. Reddit can be a cesspool too. You can avoid some by staying in specific subreddits, but that also limits a diversity of views.
  14. To be fair, how many politicians can you find that regularly tell the truth? Can Biden say a personal story without at least 1 lie in it?
  15. I think with the UAW specifically, you have to remember that they have new leadership. Old leadership was more apt to work with the big three and was part of the regime that allowed two tiered pay, etc. You can argue their core wanted it at the time. We're roughly 15 years later and a larger contingent are working on that lower tier level. The older ones already got 'theirs' and seem to recognize what they gave up and how it affected their younger 'brothers and sisters'. As such, I think you have a much more vocal union leadership that is much more steadfast in showing support to Democrats, they are seeing democrats showing up to walk the line with them, and they are seeing Biden repeat their demands, record contracts to go with record profits. Trump absolutely needs to peel off voters in this group to win and he is smart for recognizing that, but I think he's going to be much harder pressed as you see the Dems fight for it as well.
  16. Let's wait to see how he executes it. Trick plays are only good if they work. If he gives an answer like he did to Walker this past weekend, a union crowd on strike is going to turn quickly.
  17. Only on the supercharged models.
  18. If I didn't know better I'd think you hit on her and she turned you down.
  19. https://nypost.com/2023/09/12/cops-called-after-jennifer-granholm-staffer-uses-gas-powered-car-to-hold-ev-charging-spot-for-biden-energy-secretary/ To help promote EV's and ease of long drives with them, she used an advanced team to hold charges open for when they got there. Seriously no one could think of a PR nightmare holding up a charger could cause? smh.
  20. My doc knows about my wife's issues, but said for me he has no concerns with me getting them together, that said I plan on separating them so I don't add concern to my wife. I'm at my Walgreen's once a week for her medication anyway, not like it's a big deal for me anyway.
  21. If you have any auto-immune issues, I highly recommend you space out the flu and booster. My wife still isn't the same.
  22. I think I would actually be excited about a Klobuchar/Buttigeig ticket. You get competance with Klobuchar and potential with Buttigeig. I think this Transportation gig exposed that he was still pretty green behind the ears, but in terms of a communicator, I don't think there are many better than him. In time, he should be the face of the party.
  23. I absolutely believe that, I just have no idea what you believe. Still not sure if you folks are gaslighting me or what.
  24. You do realize you are using evidence that he didn't violate the Logan act (work with a foreign government beyond legal limits) to claim he did violate the Logan act simply because you would have preferred the outcome, right? There is plenty to dislike about him and I wish there was a Washington think tank using him as a use case of what can the government do to ensure individuals don't have too much power, but I simply don't see it with this specific issue.
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