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Everything posted by ewsieg

  1. Absolute horrible decision. While I agree it's not a charge you often see on the gun charges, but the dems aren't doing themselves any favors by complaining about that charge on Hunter. And as far as the tax evasion, the lying about bribery had nothing to do with that. In fact the witness you mention was just charged with 4-6 years for tax evasion regarding the money he got from Burisma.
  2. I was so happy to move back to the 'let our family and friends get away with small ****' with Biden. Ironically the folks that were so tired of that consistent crap from leaders of all parties for centuries that they elected Trump and even after he "Trumped" that grift and expanded it to exponential levels, they elected him again.
  3. https://www.freep.com/story/news/local/michigan/oakland/2025/01/13/crumbley-campaign-smear-prosecution-defense-ethan/77664834007/ Between the secret immunity and this, these convictions are going to be reversed. McDonald should be investigated as well.
  4. 4th place, all day long!
  5. That's what he gets for going the DEI route. Go woke, go broke! </badjoke>
  6. In regards to the conspiracy theorist stuff, I saw a video on twitter of a guy saying Trump was playing 4d chess regarding the 'Gulf of America' and the reason was that Biden's recent executive order bans offshore drilling in the Gulf of Mexico. Trump changes the name and hence he nullifies the executive order! Oh man, Trump is so much smarter than us..... @MotownWebGuy, we need a facepalm emoji added to the hot keys for this thread.
  7. Like most things, it can be abused. Like most things, trying to make it better is the correct choice, not getting rid of it. DEI initiatives have been very beneficial, but focusing too much on DEI can be wrong as well.
  8. I made the mistake of turning on CNN last night to get some updates on the fires as Twitter is starting to suck for even breaking news. Learned that CNN now sucks with it as well. That said, after a quick jump to Fox, I was back on CNN. The host and 1/2 of her guests (the 10 o'clock show, not sure of her name) didn't want to talk about any potential gov't failures and put it all on climate change and begged for Biden to help immediately because Californians have less then 2 weeks of federal help before Trump does everything to derail restoration efforts. And apparently to give 'both sides' an argument, the other 1/2 of the panel refused to address climate change and said it was a disaster only owned by the Dems. Newsom has recently talked about regulations hurting California, he's going to be in a lot of trouble politically (assuming he runs in 4 years) if people are still trying to rebuild their homes but are stymied by state/local regulations.
  9. The Bulwark podcast solved this issue today. DeSantis and Landry should agree to help push through the renaming of the Gulf of Mexico to the Gulf of Trump for 1 Trillion and federally backed insurance.
  10. <clears throat> You mean New America, right?
  11. Should have worded it differently. I wrote this portion as a statement I would expect from a MAGA person... "Of course he's just trolling Canada, Mexico, and Denmark, he's doing that so those that want to stop him from doing good are distracted from the real work he's doing behind the scenes." Those that believe he wants to annex Canada are going to believe he really wants to do that, until he doesn't, then you'll see that statement from them. Thus the 'conspiracy theory' type mentality. No matter what he does, his folks will claim it's some 4d chess move and not the obvious answer, that he's a ****ing twat.
  12. It's your basic conspiracy theory believer. Of course he's just trolling Canada, Mexico, and Denmark, he's doing that so those that want to stop him from doing good are distracted from the real work he's doing behind the scenes. There actually might be some truth to that (doing stuff behind the scenes), in fact that's the part I'm scared about.
  13. Glad to see he’s tackling the most pressing issues first.
  14. Still, did you not notice people that overreacted initially come back and retract it? I haven't been on this site much due to vacation and prior to catching up on this thread last night, I had seen the video posted about this husband as well as another video which wasn't cropped as much where his cane was more obvious (you mean someone posted it in a way to illicit a rejection...oh my!). So yes, I was a little annoyed at the overreaction as well and was going to post about it.... but instead doing that, I finished catching up on the thread and saw people admit they may have made a mistake. End of story. I know it's not as fun as 'getting a win', but you don't always have to go for the gotcha, especially when folks already admitted they may have made a mistake. You could have chosen to still post something and point to the cropped video and made commentary pointing out the left pulls the same crap the right is accused of and left it at that. That would have been a valid point, instead you mock them about just needing to find a way to be outraged, which is a tough pill to swallow when the current leader of the GOP (Elon) is on his social media platform daily expressing outrage at anything he can find.
  15. The asshole is blamed because while you’re right several overreacted because they assumed the worse due to a letter R after his wife’s name, you have to rub it in. Couple that with the hypocrisy that if he truly had snubbed her and admitted it, you would have bent backwards to find a way to defend that.
  16. On another subject, never would have imagined I'd have 'rooting for Laura Loomer' on my 2024 bingo card.
  17. I hope this doesn't come off disparaging, but i'm playing off the well rounded aspect of education that goes along with some of this immigrant talk for technical jobs. My company, like most, have outsourced a lot of our IT (in fact we offshored, then outsourced the offshored, and then sold many to HCL). Anyway, for the past 10 years, getting any new application up and running has been more difficult as we're working with Indians. If you put a clearly defined and specific goal in front of them, they are fantastic. Very technical. But prior to the offshore, we could take our idea and work with IT where they would be able to help us develop and brainstorm exactly what an end result could look like and also give us feedback on what is needed from us to help get to that point. So now every project, regardless of how small it is, gets a project manager that essentially just breaks down every tiny little thing into very specific things and it's on the PM if something breaks to figure out. I'm going on too long here, essentially they aren't good at understanding the vision of the final piece and figuring out how to get there. To me, that's not a culture thing, that's a result of not having a well rounded education.
  18. I guess I would like to hear Biden's explanation for his reasoning, but in the end, Oblong's response above, which has similarities to everyone else, ultimately captures the same feelings I have.
  19. Not sure where this came from. I call Biden out on things i see an issue with, just as I have with Trump.
  20. So I can kill a mother in front of a 14 year old, kidnap the girl and eventually torture her until she dies and expect compassion from the federal government because I only terrorized a family versus a specific type of people? If you believe there are things people can do in which the death penalty should be carried out, then you should leave it to the people to decide which ones deserve the death penalty. If you don't believe in the death penalty, then you should fight to stop all death penalty convictions. And as an aside, there is a part of me that thinks life in prison is worse for some people. For the Boston bomber, I hope he lives a long life with a daily reminder that he ran over his brother.
  21. I only read your first sentence and saw your allsides attachment attacking the New Republic and was going to complain about you disparaging the source rather than addressing what he said. So I went out on a search, found the Fox News interview, heard nothing but a legitimate response in which he correctly points out that it's not confirmed that Russia downed this plane BUT that it's a reasonable thing to speculate based on them doing it before, then giving legitimate concerns that would have to be addressed for Ukraine NATO membership. At least based on this interview, sounds like he's a competent member of Congress....oh the horror!
  22. I see the argument a bit, but it's not like Biden needed to negotiate an outcome. If he feels that "more convinced than ever that we must stop the use of the death penalty at the federal level. In good conscience, I cannot stand back and let a new administration resume executions that I halted." like he stated, then there is only one choice, commute all. To me, this type of decision shouldn't be political and yet is clearly was. He deserves to be called out for this crap.
  23. I prefer not to side with Tigerholic, but not sure if I can accept answers like "Well, he commuted most of them so that's a plus" or "i'm not going to lose sleep about these few" work for me when you want to congratulate Biden for this move. I'm on the fence with the Death Penalty. I listen to podcasts that work to overturn convictions and i'm confident innocent people have been put to death by the State. Even with that, the death penalty is not completely abhorrent to me and the biggest reason i've been against it for years now is that it costs too much to put someone to death. But back to Biden, if you are commuting these sentences because you don't believe the State should put someone to death, but you leave 3 out because, IMO, you're afraid of the political fallout, well, you never really had any scruples to begin with.
  24. This issue for me isn't a 'hill to die on' so to speak, but obviously if you did go with a voucher system, part of a school accepting it could require certain state/federal requirements as well. Oblongs objection is one you hear from the teachers unions the most, 'how do you improve something by taking away money'. Well, that's part of the issue, they are not built to change and improvise quickly. When Chevy and Ford weren't selling cars, they decided to make more SUV's, not petition the US government to force people to buy cars. Our current education system is not producing for many reasons. For the places that offer some type of private alternative, the numbers aren't promising, but for the places that haven't had to deal with a private alternative taking away money from public schools, they aren't looking great either.
  25. Happy Holidays all, I wish you all the best.
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