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Everything posted by ewsieg

  1. I feel like this is the Dem's version of 'build the wall'. Would there be some benefit from this, probably greater than null, but the return on investment would be atrocious. I have a one step process to fix government. On paper, it's simple, in theory though.... - Find a revenue producing investigative journalism business model at local, state, and countrywide levels.
  2. Fixed that for you.
  3. Mods, can we get this thread shut down and maybe see out give Early an early exit? I just read the article, it's a terrible story, but how it was presented here, clearly points towards an attempt to divide.
  4. We were notified that my SIL tested positive for Covid and my BIL/SIL were at our house for a week over the holidays. No rapid tests anywhere (thanks Biden) so we went up to a local center that does it for our school district. Ended up in line for 2 hours with a guy behind us. He was in his 70's and I had to listen to him talk about "Babblin' Biden" and "Kooky Kamala", he had one for Blinken as well, but I can't remember it. He fought for this country, but is saddened that he defended a country that has become socialist. Since he retired, he says he spends a ton of time on Facebook. He described it as 'fun', which I took as getting into groups that are feeding his views with memes. I finally got him off of politics and it turns out he's retired from Chrysler, big union guy, and upset that the union isn't as strong as it used to be. I can't help but believe he voted D his entire life, retired and fell into Facebook as Trump came along.
  5. MB, you need to get back on your aunt's FB and share some more of those. That's gold.
  6. The fact she ripped off some big names is probably the reason it's so big. I don't think they've tied any deaths to her, but I wouldn't be surprised if it at least hastened someone's death. In short, many doctors were treating their patients in part by what they believed to be accurate blood tests, only to find out years later that they weren't real at all.
  7. If Cheney loses her primary, I think it's 100% she runs for president in the GOP with the intention of making as many waves as possible before running as a third party. I also suspect she runs a very focused campaign, not intent on winning, but on taking away GOP votes from Trump, not votes from the Dem nominee.
  8. Spot on. Trump will not lose in 2024. He either actually wins or Biden or another democrat gets more votes, win the EC, and might be considered the legitimate president by 100% of democrats and 50% of republicans, but there will be a large group which will just solidify in their minds that Trump was cheated again and Trump will feed on it. It's a no win situation for democracy if he runs.
  9. It's much harder to get into the Canada in the first place though. The only border they share is with the US and the refugees they let in are vetted, just like the refugee's we let into the United States. Human trafficking into the US is a big business now though, and while the cartels make their money on Latin Americans mostly, they'll take money from anyone that gives it to them. I've listened to interviews with the president of the border patrol union and he has stated that he has seen chinese, africans, and middle easterners come through the southern border illegally. So in theory, if you stop that, you at least help ensure folks go through some process, either through the US or Canada, which even if you don't think Canada is doing the best they can, they certainly aren't at the level of having Cartels running the show up there. In terms of national security, I do agree that the republicans appear to want to point to the southern border and make it appear to be bigger of an issue that it has ever proved to be.
  10. Well, depends who you ask. MSM has pointed out the GOP is in disarray since 2016 when Trump won the primary. FoxNews has pointed at "RINO's" like Romney and McCain trying to mess up the party and since January 6th, point to all the headaches other "RINO's" like Cheney, Romney, Kinzinger, Upton and Meijer are causing the republican party. I'd argue the GOP is not in disarray at all, but is squarely behind Trump. I pray and hope for disarray everyday.
  11. Canada has strong immigration laws which helps keep terrorists out of their country, thus they can't get to ours. Legit point, although I'd argue many would argue a white mass shooter is a terrorists, which I wouldn't really disagree with, but that also means more than 0 people have been killed by terrorist walking across the border. The numbers show illegal immigrants account for lower criminal rates, but it's also a group that shouldn't be here at all and should be an easier fix. Again, point taken that there are other issues which would deal with a larger percentage of the issue though.
  12. My SIL, who was with us until the end of last week, tested positive after developing symptoms the other day. My daughter had a slight fever which went away within a few hours today. My wife just got home from the hospital and they still don't know what's up with her, so now we're all in separate rooms. This has been the most exhausting 'holiday' of my life!
  13. Additionally, if I understood him correctly, the belief is that the booster will help efficacy but currently they don't have the data to confirm. In terms of hospitalization, he doesn't believe the booster is needed to keep vaccinated folks out of hospitals.
  14. I saw this as well. Appears that Delta doesn't necessarily give a boost towards Omnicron, but Omnicron appears to help out against Delta and other variants (I was interested in what those 'others' were, but it didn't state it and I didn't go looking). Listened to a podcast (Detroitcast #1493) and they had a doctor in Immunology and Microbiology on. I found it very interesting. Note the podcast hosts are right leaning (but both vaxxed) and will probably trigger most folks on this board, the guest fought them on some things, but agreed on others. As for Covid, he currently doesn't believe you can get it twice, but mentions you have to be specific. For instance you can't get Delta twice, or Omincron twice, but you could get Delta and then Omnicron.
  15. She's there at least for the night. I hope she gets better care than she did at Beaumont.
  16. Not sure if I posted anything about it, but for the past week my wife has had some medical issues requiring a few ER trips and a short stay in the hospital. Another ER trip today and no guests allowed at this hospital. My wife calls me from the waiting room. She was ushered to a spot and some guy near her tells staff he's Covid positive, one of the staff members see's my wife back away and laughed as she told her 'oh honey, everyone has Covid here'. So yeah, that's awesome.
  17. My guess is Ann Arbor probably has the best vaccination rate in the State, if not, near the top. Absurd.
  18. "Robert Koch Institute" hahahaha, you crack me up Fox! I will say, it's time to stop talking herd mentality. It appears we can get this with/without the vaccine. But if you want to increase your chances of beating it drastically, you should still get the vaccine.
  19. Not Brandon, but the Feds already did: https://www.ny1.com/nyc/all-boroughs/health/2021/12/24/u-s--pauses-shipments-of-2-monoclonal-antibody-treatments-over-ineffectiveness-vs--omicron Then the CDC just came out and said that 70% Omnicron figure they stated nearly two weeks ago, yeah, It's roughly 50/50 as of a few days ago. Maybe if the CEO of Delta would ask that we keep shipping treatments that have proven to work until they aren't proven to work, that would be great.
  20. I'm sure my view of Peds was vastly different than a nurse/doctor. Mom/Dad almost never left and often just cleaned up after themselves so I wasn't in those rooms with patients often. They had a big play area and the kids that were feeling alright and able to be around others were out there having fun. ER was hit and miss. A bad car accident and you see a guy rushed past you and into Trauma 1 and you'd take one look at assume they weren't going to make it. There were a few that were real serious that I remember and while I wasn't in the room, I've heard them work. Sucked cleaning a room after they were moved to the morgue. Nurses were responsible to clean up bio-waste, but if it was bad, I'd still have a little to clean up and you knew what just happened. But the euphoria that was shared by the entire ER if they were able to stabilize a very serious case was a great feeling.
  21. https://www.freep.com/story/news/local/michigan/2021/12/31/michigan-update-covid-19-quarantine-guidelines-follow-cdc/9062458002/ I want to make a comment like i'm glad to see Whitmer following science again, but admittedly, that would be a troll move. (Not below me mind you). But instead, I will give a criticism that I actually think is not only legitimate, but somewhat ironic. So Michigan doesn't follow CDC guidelines saying they need to know more. The statement from the State indicates they are satisfied now, but they don't give any details on what information helped changed their decision. So Delta buy off Whitmer too?
  22. Right out of high school I worked as a housekeeper at a hospital. Occasionally if someone was on vacation i'd get put on a regular's job for a week. Surgical wing was great, you'd see folks right after a surgery and some looked horrible, within a few days they are talking/laughing and heading home. The cancer wing, oh man, watching a person in one week go from talking and being in good spirits despite some issues to family members whispering about next steps is brutal. Couldn't understand how nurses would chose to stay on those floors.
  23. I don't want to get into a pissing match about who has the toughest job, especially when I know for sure mine isn't one of them. That said, imagine being such a manly man that lifts large objects for 12 hours a day, probably 7 days a week, 365 days a yearx, but a piece of cloth, which you openly mock as doing nothing when it fits your narrative, apparently is that extra physical issue that prevents you from doing your job.
  24. Oh believe me, it did. And i'm not a fan of democrats.
  25. History has shown that population immunity has always worked. It happened to kill a larger percentage of the population, but it worked. Damn kids wanting to change everything. Next thing you know my kids are going to be pushing for me to buy a toaster when building a fire every morning and flipping the toast on a stick has always worked in the past. Plus, how are you going to know if it's starting to burn if you don't even have eyes on it. Stupid kids.
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