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Everything posted by ewsieg

  1. Safe to assume you're 100% in on Russian Collusion?
  2. Do you actually believe this Hongbit, or are you just trolling?
  3. I completely agree. But if you refuse to play by the rules, or claim that you will but balk when you're put to the test, well, you're out. What we do know now is this Wuhan lab wasn't playing by the rules. Was it Shi/Fauci./NHI... right now it would be irresponsible to blame them. Was it Daszak that should be blamed? Again, not sure, no clear cut evidence, but there is some evidence against him that raises eyebrows. WHO to blame? Again, the ties with Daszak are the same things that put eyes on him and therefore put eyes on them.
  4. Overall correct, one point on knowing where it came from as being important, even if the investigation never proves it one way or the other.... China is stonewalling. Those that believe in the lab leak theory will point to that as proof. Those that don't believe in the lab leak theory, will also point to that as proof. Regardless though, putting pressure on China giving us answers is confirming just how much they are stonewalling. Personally, I don't care if new procedures/infrastructure, safeguards, are put in place, if the NIH/US or any other country chooses to put money into a Chinese lab going ahead, they need to recognize that all of that means nothing. Putting a focus on that should help persuade others from assisting a government that has no interests in getting the truth.
  5. I'd caution against statements like 'unlikely enough'. Remember, the same people you are using to support that it's 'unlikely' now and that we should wait for evidence, were the same "Lancet" ones, without much evidence, claiming early on in the pandemic that it definitely wasn't man-made.
  6. I don't know how you can read this article and equate the lab leak theory to other debunked conspiracy theories, which is the only point I was trying to make.
  7. I was somewhat surprised how a few folks on this site, in another thread, believe the lab leak theory is right up there with the "stolen" election, and landing on the moon conspiracy theories. I'm not saying Covid was definitely leaked from the Wuhan lab. I'm not saying Trump calling it the 'China' virus is evidence either. If you think the lab link theory is a conspiracy theory, I just ask you to read this. It's long and i'm not going to pick out and quote any specific parts. There are some I thought about doing that with, but this article does give counter arguments and I didn't want to make it look like I was supporting one side over the other, even though there is one part that I hope folks catch. https://www.newyorker.com/science/elements/the-mysterious-case-of-the-covid-19-lab-leak-theory
  8. We should benefit shortly as a lot of folks around here are starting to get eligible for the booster. Early evidence points to that decreasing breakthrough cases.
  9. I don't understand this response. Is this just a generalized 'I hate the GOP' response, or is it pointed at me? If it is pointed at me, what did I exaggerate? What foolishness did I add? Do you really believe that the lab leak theory belongs in the same bucket as "stolen" election, clinton child sex trafficking, and russian collusion..... oh wait, you believe that last one, based on a few reasonable charges, played up, exaggerated, with a lot of foolishness.
  10. That can be said about anything. When the lab leak theory was thrown into the same bucket as 'stolen election' and 'clinton child sex trafficking' and me merely pointing out it shouldn't be met with virulent disdain for Trump like i'm trying to defend him, that's silly.
  11. That's called changing the subject or simply not being able to discuss anything that can possibly be related back to Trump without GETTING REALLY MAD AND AARRRRGGHHHH!!!!. He called it the China virus. Possibly the right thing to do, if history indicates how to name something; Spanish flu, UK variant, Indian variant, Ebola, Lyme disease..... With Trumps tone and rhetoric, I agree with you though. My point wasn't about that though, Trump indicated it could have come from lab. The response to anything Trump said in the last 6 years has been to vehemently disagree. From an odds standpoint, it's the best call. Doesn't mean it's always right though.
  12. What record straightening did you achieve here other than try and change the course of this conversation. I didn't defend Trump. That said, when I beat up my british co-worker because of the UK variant, note the courts didn't let me blame the media for talking about it, they said I had to deal with the consequences of my own actions.
  13. The initial argument was Trump calling it the China virus and pointing out a major lab is in Wuhan that studies coronaviruses. It was mocked, in part because outside of happenstance, no other initial evidence, plus Trump was saying it so everyone wanted him to be wrong. I heard stuff early on going back and forth as well, but it didn't take long for a united front that this was definitely not man-made became all you saw in the media, in part because, initially that's probably what people thought. We now have plenty of circumstantial evidence, combined with some researchers that are admitting, at minimum, it should be re-analyzed. To the point that the Biden administration agreed it's a credible theory.
  14. No offense, but are you kidding me? Again, i'm not saying it was a lab leak, but to call it foolishness is equally to far.
  15. Exactly, but to compare it to the stolen election or clinton sex trafficking, seriously now. There is actual evidence other than just the happenstance that it originated in the same city as an internationally funded virus lab to support it as a viable theory.
  16. I'd argue most don't lie about it, which might be even scarier.
  17. I mean, Archie is wrong to state it as fact, but if you are comparing the idea that it originated in the lab to the conspiracy theories that the election was stolen, clinton child sex trafficking, and russian collusion, than you are purposely ignoring facts as well.
  18. I want to say I heard via Gary Graff that Jagger/Stones are just tired of defending it as it was written as an anti-slavery song, but the upbeat aspect, combined with some of the lyrics pointed out, doesn't give that feeling. I guess you could think of it sorta like 'Born in the USA' which there are still folks out there jamming it on the 4th of July.
  19. Infrastructure is a must, in fact, it's not big enough IMO. I don't even care about 'paying for it'. It's an investment in the country. The BBB, I'm much more lax on spending than I have been in the past. There are some things, that by themselves, I can understand why they are being called infrastructure. But as a whole, just looks like a giant wish list. Add in the fact that i'm not hearing much about how to pay for it and how some of the programs might only be set for a certain amount of years, with congress needing to take action in the future on those.... that's dangerous territory to me.
  20. Honestly, his first sentence aside, go back and read what he wrote. I don't find it objectionable. In terms of that first sentence, Biden is not 100%. I'm not saying he's senile or anything, but he's clearly not at full power. Still, I do believe he's capable of understanding the issues at hand and putting, even if I disagree with them, competent folks in charge. So when he indicates he isn't allowed to participate, that is concerning. While he doesn't have a defined role in legislation as POTUS, he absolutely has the right (and some would say responsibility) to lead his party. Maybe there has been more stuff behind the scenes. I know Sinema was at the WH a few days in a row a week or two back, but publicly there is nothing coming out of Biden and I do find that troubling.
  21. Credit to some ticket texter on 97.1 just now:
  22. It's all about what have you done for me lately when it comes to politics. Additionally, accomplishments can be defined differently. For instance, if a GOP president touts his 'accomplishment' for cutting taxes, you won't see that as a plus, you'll see more burden on the middle class while the rich evade taxes. When you hear Biden stopped the Keystone Pipeline, I'm guessing you see that as an accomplishment. When a year later we're dealing with high gas prices (even if you and I can understand it's not directly related), some may correlate those two things and second guess what they thought was an accomplishment before.
  23. My daughter is on....IDK, quarantine warning? With a negative PCR any day after Monday, I could return her back to school come next Monday. Instead I chose to test with antigen tests daily and she can go into school. At least I can find them now, but at 25 bucks for 2 tests, it's a costly week. I feel bad for families that can't afford or find these tests. My daughters friend was out of school the week before as they couldn't find the tests.
  24. I think you had a GOP candidate that was able to shy away from Trump and still win the primary. That is not going to be an everyday issue next year. He ran against a guy that from a national standpoint, played the right calls and tried to make it a referendum on Trump, just didn't work as the candidate was able to shy away from Trump publicly. That said, if Biden was able to get his infrastructure bill pushed through, and right now instead of the divide in the dem party, along with the hijacking of the infrasctructure bill, wasn't front and center in the news, but rather a passed bill that McAullife could point to as democrats making a difference and a united communications front on the BBB bill, explaining why each of the things that Sanders wants are good things, but they are being mindful of the costs and working to ensure only best will be put in, you'd have pulled from that center group and won the election.
  25. 1 year off of the Biden win, the Dems are fighting each other and Biden doesn't appear to want to get involved from an executive level. Not VA goes GOP, a major scare in NJ, and even the progressive democratic nominee for Mayor in Buffalo, running unopposed, couldn't win the election (albeit against a former democrat, and incumbent, who lost the primary). Do those on the left here just feel it was a communication issue combined with deplorables coming out in force, or if the democrats did something wrong, what are your thoughts? They didn't run progressive enough? They failed to move to the center? All of the above?
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