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Everything posted by ewsieg
1 year off of the Biden win, the Dems are fighting each other and Biden doesn't appear to want to get involved from an executive level. Not VA goes GOP, a major scare in NJ, and even the progressive democratic nominee for Mayor in Buffalo, running unopposed, couldn't win the election (albeit against a former democrat, and incumbent, who lost the primary). Do those on the left here just feel it was a communication issue combined with deplorables coming out in force, or if the democrats did something wrong, what are your thoughts? They didn't run progressive enough? They failed to move to the center? All of the above?
The people that believe that were going to vote against 'the socialist' no matter what. The dems appear to be doing with white rural america what republicans have done with black urban america, not even bother to court them. For the more educated voters, that voted Biden a year ago, they were upset about teaching as a whole and issues around CRT, like possibly kids at home for 18 months when many other states seemed to find a way.
I think you can look at every leader, both domestic and foreign, and find some things they screwed up with. I compare to Whitmer on this board as she's viewed as being infallible and conversely, maybe Abbot is the only other Governor that could possibly be more wrong than DeSantis...again, in the view of the majority of this board. So with Whitmer doing all the right things, and DeSantis doing all the wrong things, it just strikes me that the numbers, per capita, are pretty close.
I just don't get how he's the epitomy/cause of every Covid death in Florida and if he would have only done it 'right' apparently there wouldn't have been hardly anyone in Florida that would have died in Florida. Meanwhile, many states that did it 'right' have similar deaths per capita. Now add in the vaccination rates and he compares well (and better in some instances) to those states that did it 'right'.
If his plan was simply natural herd immunity, and his voice carries as much weight as you claim, why does Florida have a better vaccination rate than Michigan? And correct me if i'm wrong, but my understanding is the better the vaccination rate of a population, the better that population will be in regards to Covid. So based on that alone, how is Michigan better off than Florida at this exact moment in time?
fact free comparisons? You guys are the ones that look a the Florida numbers and then shit on DeSantis without even looking at the vaccine rates for that state. You can't look at the vaccine rates because it doesn't support your argument. He's been an absolute idiot on masks, i'll give you that. So obviously you look at these recent covid numbers alone and it allows you to validate your thoughts without diving into the data deeper. He actually was very pro-vaccine, especially early on. I know he's fighting against mandates, but his message has still advocated for vaccines. And don't get me wrong, I disagree with him on his stance. But I'm just not seeing the black/white divide in deaths between Florida and some of these other states that everyone on this board says 'did it right', at least overall. If over the next few months Covid is nothing but a blip on the midwest/northeast states, then I think you'd have the evidence you claim you already have.
Let's not get crazy, the vaccine has proven to be the best option available in terms of limiting Covid. There is nothing else even close to it.
Yup, and still, more than 50% of their kids are wearing masks in school, same as Michigan. Cities in Florida defied orders and demanded mask mandates as well.
I agree that is a good number to look at, but it just seems like you guys move the goal posts whenever it fits. Me: Why isn't Whitmer putting additional restrictions back in place? (Circa 2 months ago) Board: The GOP stripped her powers. Me: Why isn't Whitmer putting additional restrictions back in place? (After getting some folks to admit she has some power still) Board: We got hit so hard early, combined with her great effort to get folks vaccinated, we really don't need anything additional. Whitmer: (after numbers rise again) We did such a great job so early in this pandemic to stop the spread of this disease, it just left us with a very small percentage of the population with antibodies, so this was to be expected. Board: Ya, know, she's right. Florida has better vaccination rates than Michigan. When looking at vax rate alone, Florida is a major outlier in terms of deaths with this last recent surge. This board has assured me, despite my objections, that any precautions Whitmer wants to do, she simply can't. She has absolutely no power, whatsoever, to impose any restrictions since last year. So exactly what is different between Florida and Michigan right now, except that based on the short time frame we know about Covid, seems to hit the southern states in the summer and winter, vs midwest/northeast where it hits fall and spring. Right now, when looking at that alone, is that Michigan is experiencing a smaller surge much earlier than we did last year. I do get, if the entire GOP was behind this vaccine from the beginning, overall we'd all be better off. I'm not trying to play both sides here. I am simply objecting to anyone saying that every death associated with this disease is solely on one governor, one president, etc.
You're just talking March/April of 2020? Florida gets no pass on their first spike which happened in the summer of 2020 because apparently the world knew how to handle this by then? Yet Michigan's biggest spike didn't come until the winter of 2020/2021? Whitmer just decide not to follow the all to well known protocols for some reason?
Fine, I'll concede your point completely. By conceding it though, doesn't that mean FL did a hell of a lot better than Michigan prior though? I'm not trying to take political solace, just pointing out the numbers as they are. Covid made a lot of policy makers look stupid, that's all my point really was. Michigan is up to 50 deaths a day on average, double of what it had this time last year. If you go on historical trends by date/season, Michigan is going to surge this winter. Luckily there is some evidence now suggesting that we may have already gone through our most recent surge, certainly hope that is true.
McAuiliffe has already played the Trump card, pointed to Stacey Abrams as having her election stolen from her and indicating that might happen to him too. Even the 'adults in the room' are idiots now.
I really don't like DeSantis, but he's also the governor of one of the oldest populations on average. It's the same state with less deaths per capita than Ohio, who has a governor that was applauded by the left for making the right decisions, not 'Trumpian' decisions. It's the state with numbers close to Michigan, who even with 20/20 hindsight, never made any mistakes and only followed science. And finally, it's the same state with the lowest Covid numbers per capita today. Politicians usually get measured by what have you done lately, not what have you done.
The above statement doesn't put negligence on the actor per se. We don't know if Baldwin was instructed of this process. Is this an industry standard or just something this group does? Lots of questions still.
Absolutely Absolutely again.
SNL definitely would go after 'the right' person involved with this situation. In the case of Alec Baldwin, I definitely believe his outward anti-Trump stance over the years isn't necessarily giving him a pass on this, but is allowing time for the facts to come out, which so far, appear to show the actor should not be responsible for determining if a weapon is hot and should rely on the experts. He is also the producer, so he still might have some culpability though. Now imagine Don Jr on some set, filming the cheesiest possible ad for his dad's 2024 POTUS run and the same incident happens. The twitterverse would absolutely push the media into a 'how is he to blame' mindset and you'd hear stories of his hunting / gun usage. Because a person died, maybe we don't see SNL jump on it right away, but absolutely they would be tracking it and just waiting to get something in. In thinking further, maybe not, just talking about guns might create an unsafe space for the SNL crew and thus keep it out.
For boosters, are they allowing mix and match yet or you're still going with the one you got originally?
Lab leak theory certainly strengthened this week. https://www.science.org/content/article/nih-says-grantee-failed-report-experiment-wuhan-created-bat-virus-made-mice-sicker
He'd still caucus with the dems. That said, I don't think it's happening. I think it's a political ploy that will allow him to back some version of the BBB bill at some number between 1.7 and the 3.whatever, while showing a 'I'm very concerned about the debt' that a good portion of his state apparently cares about again.
There is no real comparison and your second statement says it all. I could go on all day about how AOC is the perfect definition of the things I've always disliked about the democratic party. She has big grand ideas and IMO, but no policy that will actually achieve it. Then you have Greene, she has no big grand ideas, she has no policy. She claims everyone should have a right to speak, but then only wants her voice heard. She spends more time playing pre-school with her staff, drawing up signs that she can hang outside her office to ridicule her colleagues. If there was a game where you had to defeat a bunch of Karen's, MTG would be the final boss Karen at the end. She brings no actual value to congress, but the Trump right love her because she can be entertaining.
Bill Kristol tweeted this out with nothing but "Big, if true". Never thought of him as a funny guy, but that was gold.
Fixed that for you, and based on his recent statement regarding Colin Powell he's the far left leaning radical kind that bitches at Ellen for being nice to evil people like Bush.
I want their thoughts and recommendations taken seriously by our elected officials.
https://www.ajpmonline.org/article/S0749-3797(21)00506-7/fulltext Interesting findings. High enough percentage to make it clear that good governance matters, but IMO, somewhat backs up what I've said in terms of simply putting everything at the feet of Trump. This was going to suck regardless of who was president. I will say, I do tend to be wary a bit at their conclusion. I don't necessarily want health officials making public health decisions, just as I don't want Generals making all decisions related to defense, bankers making all decisions related to the Fed...etc. Piggybacking a response I just made in the Biden thread about Trump though, if Trump defers the handling of Covid to Fauci. Let's Fauci be the face of that, and says he's going to continue to focus on the Economy and try to keep that as strong as possible, it's clear we're at least 8% better in terms of Covid numbers and likely have next to nothing in terms of deaths since the beginning of summer.
If Trump would have named my 11 year old daughter his campaign director, and listened to her, he's still president today. He was actually a worse candidate than he was a president.