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Everything posted by ewsieg

  1. Not really, Great Lake states and the Northeast have gone up roughly the same time since this started. There definitely is something based on weather (IMO), we just don't understand it yet. Right now, Michigan does appear to be a going up while others in the above regions were going up too, but appear to have plateaued.
  2. AT&T/Comcast here, and add in a running joke about the need for a fruit market in the area. Occasionally, and one of my favorites, is when someone asks for recommendations for home improvement. Every time someone mentions their company you get someone that complains about them, followed by supporters of the company. Go to the NextDoor app for more of that fun-ness.
  3. This is a very 'ewsieg' comment of you to make. Do you not realize that Trump and the MI GOP is the reason why MI has a high infection rate. Every stat in the last 18 months that has shown low infection rate, is because Whitmer's policies. Any time it increases, it's Trump and the GOP's fault, you should stop posting any data that could question that as Trump is no longer in power.
  4. I actually agree with you here. Pfife mentioning W and Obama did better with pandemics, like we can point to a single thing Obama did right which prevented millions of deaths because of Ebola? And this is where you lost me. IDK, maybe wear a mask, understand and encourage precautions. Additionally, don't play politics to the point that when a vaccine comes out (which politically you could claim as a win and tout), your folks decide to become stupid liberal hippy idiots that don't want anything 'unnatural' in your body.
  5. Do you think that number is too high, or too low? Additionally, it might be skewed based on a different "GOP" pool now. In 2015, I would have answered a poll that I was a republican. I wouldn't answer that way today and thus, wouldn't have been counted, even though I'm far from a democrat. My mom, who would vote for Trump again, is even telling us she's an independent now.
  6. Buddy of mine told me to watch 'Old', so I did a few nights ago. Turns out he only told me to watch it as he wanted someone else to be tortured. Just an awful movie.
  7. First single off an upcoming album. His first album with the Night Sweats was great, the follow up album was alright. I think I dig this. I'm a sucker for a band with horns though.
  8. Absolutely agreed, as you appear to agree with though, wish instead of 'they all do it', they all would pay a price for it.
  9. Sounds more like he surprised the one guy. From that point on, sounds like the soldiers treated it like a civilian issue, and simply worked to stay safe until civilian law enforcement dealt with it. My guess is if he was able to gain access to where these guys were hunkered down, it wouldn't have ended well for him. All that said, my brother served in the DMZ in Korea and said he'd get sent out without ammunition as they didn't want to risk the first shot coming from the US. So very possible, especially during training in the US, they weren't armed. A guy with a sword can do quite a bit of damage quickly.
  10. Exactly, nor does it show any real 'gotcha' moment. I think her politics suck and I think she's a fraud that doesn't care about her constituents, so trust me, I would love to see something that validates what I already know from her and possibly could hurt her chance to continue to get elected. But this is a fake 'gotcha'. The mask issue is widely overblown by the right. The left is simply trying to set an example. My son has his learners permit, when i'm driving with him in the car I'm much more conscious about what i'm doing. I tend to be an aggressive driver, lately I'm more relaxed. I try and force myself to keep both hands on the wheel and not push the 5-10 over based on what road i'm on. These are all things my wife tells me I should do while driving in the past, but instead of pointing it out in front of my son as a 'gotcha', she's an adult, realizes i'm trying to set an example. (...and then before we go to bed, out of earshot of our kids, she comments how I'm driving better, lol)
  11. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/retail-traders-follow-nancy-pelosis-stock-moves-to-find-winners-163943788.html Might want to follow Pelosi's husband's stock moves and join in. Apparently his history of making great decisions is finally getting some press.
  12. Who cares if the source is biased. She's outside and fully vaccinated. Of course the only reason why she's wearing a mask in that situation is because she's sick and tired of the 'gotcha' crowd. More proof of the GOP moving away from policy and more into a 'anything to own the libs' platform.
  13. I assumed, based on what I was hearing out of the CDC, that it was imperative not only to ensure testing was available, but also ensure response times on those tests were shrunk. As mentioned, possibly before you joined on this site, I was advised to get my daughter tested with an over the counter one to rule out if she had a cold or covid. Thinking I could find one set me back a day as I drove around my area to certain sites that listed them in stock only to eventually just start calling and than realize I needed to schedule a test through the local pharmacy. https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2020/10/19/923972496/covid-19-test-results-get-faster-but-still-too-slow-to-help-slow-disease-spread Absolutely not happy at all. How is Trump the guy you don't like in this scenario and not the bad candidate? The division in this country was there before Trump, but he is directly responsible for the boiling over aspect of now. He is directly responsible for the insurrection, which I saw you playing down. Far right folks on the middle east - turn that sand into a sheet of glass. Far right folks on riots in city streets - bring in the national guard and shoot to kill. If they don't care about their property, why should we. Far right folks on a regular Tuesday - I'm so patriotic i'm going to head to the grocery store with my Trump flag attached to my car. Far right folks when the police kill someone that broke any law whatsoever - serves right. Far right folks when folks beat up cops, break into the Capital, destroy property within the Capital, steal notebooks from congressman that may/may not have sensitive material on them and shoot a women that is repeatedly being told to get back - we demand to know who shot that women! You can point to some specific things, gas prices, energy prices, fear of inflation, etc, but 1) A portion of that has nothing to do with who is president and 2) Covid has a role in that and what has Trump done with that which makes you think Biden would be the 'bad candidate' when it comes to that.
  14. Testing appeared to be pretty good there for awhile. IMO, folks assumed everyone would get vaccinated and testing didn't need to happen as much. The result is, testing isn't where it was even 1-2 months ago. Overall my want/need for a test two weeks ago is much different than testing was needed (and lacked) early on. It resulted in a few days of missed school. My daughter was out of school most of last year because we couldn't adequately test. So in no way am I defending Trump over Biden, but IMO, there is some legitimate valid criticism in taking the foot off of the pedal when it comes to testing. At this point, a much more structured testing policy would be great. Maybe standardizing regular testing of specific occupations/students to help control outbreaks, etc.
  15. That just sucks, and yes, cancer sucks. Very glad to hear it was caught early.
  16. Please elaborate <insert Michael Jackson eating popcorn meme> Fauci has been very careful not to jump to conclusions, some of that has appeared to make it look like he has contradicted himself. Some folks in the media have made sure to use certain cuts to emphasize this. I do think he's managed to get the majority of the media on his side. I suspect in time, especially if this is traced back to the lab in Wuhan, there will be some eye opening information down the road. That doesn't mean he's not an expert nor that we shouldn't be listening to him in how to deal with this.
  17. We can agree on that, just like how Clinton get a little bit of credit too for his job numbers, but we all know he was riding H-dubs coattails from last year of his term.
  18. Oversaw a very successful vaccine distribution rollout. Bipartisan Covid relief bill. He got us out of Afghanistan. Even as some generals subtly blasted him this week by stating they advised to keep troops in, which Biden somewhat deserved for lying to us, they also pointed out Biden was right about the war, we lost, we needed to accept it, get out, and get on with life.
  19. Over the little motownsports downtime our household had a situation where we needed testing. I incorrectly assumed, mostly based on the belief that Biden was handling this issue now, that it wouldn't be a problem. No over the counter tests are available, 3-5 day response on a PCR test. My daughter lost at least 2 additional days of school because of a lack of testing. She lost an additional day because I was confident I could find an over the counter test that our pediatrician said to use. This is not to say Biden is handling this pandemic worse than Trump, but I do wonder how much better we might be right now and going into this fall if Biden was still pushing, and putting resources into, testing. This is what gets annoying about me pointing out that you can't look at a specific statistic alone. If I put a poll up asking if presidents get too much credit for a good economy, and too much flack for a bad one, I'm confident that most, if not all, would agree to that. That's all i'm saying with a job growth number. We also had record unemployment under Trump. It's tough to create new jobs when you can't find people to work them. To my theme though, I would gather the record unemployment was a long time in the making and Obama should receive credit for that too. I don't believe I ever said Trump was better at handling it. My point is that on average, pick any stat(s) you feel is/are the best to determine how a country handled Covid, and i'm going to be able to point to massive and in most cases, record job losses. If Trudeau faced re-election at the same time as trump last year, there is a good chance he may have lost. he than would have had 3 million job losses hanging over his head while the conservative person that won would have had the benefit of the 2.7 gain that Canada has already seen come back.
  20. He also was the only president in the last 100 years to deal with a global pandemic that was so bad, that not only did we see massive shut downs by economies all over the world, we even saw the NCAA choose the welfare of their athletes over money. Yes, that bad.
  21. We certainly are.
  22. Indeed, and even with that, they didn't get rid of the filibuster altogether. As a point of clarity, i'm not arguing that if the dems do it, once the republicans have control, than they'll do it. Well, I guess that is what i'm saying, so to clarify. If the dems don't do it, and we end up with republican control in 2024, I certainly wouldn't put it past them in doing it. What I am arguing is that the GOP is so close from never being able to win a national seat in it's current form. IMO, give them another 4-6 years and they'll struggle in congress too, but i'm getting sidetracked. In 2024, they do still have a good chance of having control of the house and senate. So it's imperative not to let them get one last shot at the White House. To Pfife's point, getting rid of the filibuster alone wouldn't give Trump or one of his lackey's a chance IMO, but if the filibuster is removed and progressive dems decide to push for and overrun Biden, every gain progressives might take, could be wiped out soon after. The overreach I see progressives wanting to do would, at worse, put a burden of debt on the back of our kids. (What's a few more trillion at this point.) The overreach I could see this current GOP do if given a shot, would jeopardize our standing as a democracy.
  23. These never tell the whole story though. H-dub made some economic decisions that Clinton (to his credit, our detriment) kept going and he benefited from them. Some of those decisions also led to the 2008 economic strife that W took the hit on and gave the recovery numbers to Obama, propping his numbers up. As for Trump, he inherited a decent economy and for the most part, didn't screw it up to bad. As for Covid, can't think of too many countries that escaped a harsh economic hit, regardless if they were perceived to be successful against Covid or not.
  24. Legit point. My fear is destroying the filibuster will look like an overreach, especially if the dems start passing laws that aren't wildly popular. These infrastructure bills would be fine, folks want them, it's what after that which could be an issue. History already says the house and likely senate will be controlled in 2 years by the GOP. Overreach (and no Trump) is about the only thing I could see giving the GOP a shot at POTUS. Based on how Trump is destroying the GOP, that puts a bunch more MTG types running the show in the house, McCarthy more than happy to go along as he's in power, McConnell who cares about wins more than the country, and in my scenario DeSantis who you could argue is worse than Trump, because he knows better and goes along anyway. I'd argue it was this way as recent as 2015. Like you say, vast differences in how to get to the same place, but overall goals were close. I think individually that is still the case, but it's clearly easier than we probably all thought it could be in getting swept up. Right now you have only one party that even has goals. The other party just wants to 'own' the other side, there is no policy, no goal, no substance.
  25. I've been told you're wrong, see below. No trolling, but yes, heavy on the sarcasm. To be technically correct, Biden has no authority to put a vaccine mandate in place. (POTUS probably had that ability before until an evil GOP legislature took it away just to screw over a democrat at some point in the future) He worked within his administration to identify a legal way to do this and the person with the authority, then took the steps needed to move forward with implementing it. Ironically, this is exactly what Whitmer could do if she wanted to put a mask mandate in place in Michigan. Yet for some reason, instead of asking if or why she's not talking about it, the correct response to that question is that the GOP took away all her power and anyone that says otherwise is a liar. Stop blaming Whitmer, start blaming the GOP. End of story. I don't understand the difference. Mind you I'm not the brightest, so there is that.
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