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Everything posted by ewsieg

  1. Or the 50 or so members of the house that are threatening not to take the bird in hand (bipartisan infrastructure bill). Speaking of Sinema, sounds like progressives are talking about primarying her. Apparently as much as they hate Trump, they think the same way. Best way to ensure that flips back to a GOP is to put a progressive up against the GOP there. I understand Sinema and Manchin are the obstacles from getting everything the progressives want and desire. But they appear to be the only ones concerned about what that could entail a few years from now, let's say if we have a DeSantis as POTUS, McConnel leading the senate, and McCarthy leading the house.
  2. I was just stressing the point that POTUS doesn't have the legal authority to mandate vaccines, thus he has absolutely no role in the vaccine mandate that he happened to announce on the behalf of one of his cabinet secretaries. As for that vaccine mandate (rather enforced by the government or demanded by a business entity), i'm not sure if players would be included as they may have a loophole (i.e., independent contractors of a team) whereas the team (coaches/admin/building staff) might be able to enforce mandates on direct employees. Conversely the nba (officials) are possibly subject that way as well. But the crux of it is as you state, the money making assets get more control in determining how they are affected than others.
  3. I enjoyed this unity that we all have had as we lost, and than found, a place to chat again. But let's be real, were we all going to sing Kumbaya? Let's talk Biden. Horrible few weeks. He rises and gains with Coronavirus. He's falling on that now, but ultimately if that's a voting issue, I don't see him getting the blame. I know some think the Afghanistan withdrawal should go down as the greatest US achievement ever, but there were some issues. Add in the whole drone killing of an aid worker as you tout you stopped a terrorist attack and that doesn't help. His party is trying to derail him with the infrastructure bill. Currently the only thing going well for him is the fact that Trump continues to try to destroy the GOP as he points out he's willing to embrace Stacy Abrahms if he doesn't get the candidate he wants.
  4. 2 things: 1) Does the mandate effect NBA players? (that Biden has absolutely no role in) 2) A union response is that there is no inconsistency. I work for a fortune 500 company with a large union segment. Prior to the mandate (that Biden has absolutely no role in), our company was working with the union to arrange a vaccination requirement. Prior to the mandate, the union would use my companies desire to vaccinate them all as a carrot to help gain some other advantage. That's exactly what has happened with the nba. Even if the ref's are unionized, they don't have the leverage the players do.
  5. Even if you don't want to do it, take the faceplate off, shine a light inside, and check to see if you see a bare copper wire in the back. Being able to give that information to an electrician might change it from "I'll call you in 8 weeks when I have a chance to come give you a quote" to 'Well, that's a quick job, if the end of the day works, I can run by after my Thursday job and take care of that real quick. When I sold my old house, I had outlets on both sides of my kitchen sink. The one to the right was on the same circuit and closer to the box and was a gfci, so it was protecting the one on the right as well. Which could be confirmed with similar testing tool as posted above designed to trip the gfci. Their inspector claimed both had to be gfci outlets. I honestly don't if that's the case based on local codes, but a 20 dollar outlet wasn't worth fussing about. I then learned I had to have a licensed contractor make the change. A little annoying. I had no luck finding an electrician that could come out quickly even for that, ended up searching 'handyman' and found a local jack of all trades guy that was licensed and came out within a day or two.
  6. Ending term limits might just be the easiest, achievable way to fix many legislative bodies throughout the nation. Still, there is a huge demand in having them, it wouldn't be easy.
  7. I can't believe this isn't bigger news. I don't think it's going to be that hard to prove that this memo was the process being used by Trump and his admin.
  8. Can't remember what podcast I was listening to, but they had a Doc on who didn't expect anything huge this year as he expects a lot of mask usage still this winter. He expects one more Covid surge in the North east / Midwest. As such, he doesn't think the flu will be that bad this year, but expects a really bad flu season next year. Negative test for my daughter! About 6 more weeks before we can get her vaccinated, assuming it's not approved sooner.
  9. I don't know enough about his district to say one way or the other. We are definitely going to have a lot more of the MTG ilk in congress in the short term. Long term, I hope that does open some eyes to folks that just keeping pulling the "R" level right now. But ultimately, until those districts that have a history of flopping between D and R only trend towards "D", only then will you see change in the GOP.
  10. Last weekend I ran a few errands and decided to just flip through some stations, I don't even know the station I landed on, but they were playing this. Just fantastic.
  11. No battle lines are being drawn, there is no competition either. Trump has control of the party. Old members are allowed to stay if they stay silent about the big lie, new members must openly embrace it in order to join. There is a small fraction that are speaking out, but they have only two choices. 1) Play the media circuit as they claim they are fighting to take back the GOP, 2) Try and run as an independent. They have zero influence within the GOP. That playbook is going to be fine for well established GOP strongholds, but once you start putting MTG type folks up for election in districts that traditionally are closer split between the parties, that's when the rails fall off. That's also when the GOP finally starts to reshape.
  12. She's the only one in the household that isn't eligible yet for the vaccine, so no concern for the rest of us here, but while she seemed better all day, right before bed she started complaining that her chest hurts and she doesn't feel like she can take deep breaths. Oh vey. Cancelled Walgreens and setup a test with CVS tomorrow, they claim 1-2 day turnaround. Found this, how infuriating. https://www.newsweek.com/home-covid-tests-hit-shortage-after-companies-scaled-back-production-1631271
  13. They may have in July, it was close at least. Right now though, we have a chance to finish 9-3 in the last 12 games against some of the best teams in baseball. Just fun to watch (or listen).
  14. My daughter has been home from school since last Friday. Initially just felt I was being extra cautious as she was complaining about a runny nose Thursday night and coughed a little bit. No fever, no nausea, but an occasional cough and a lot of sinus draining. Over the weekend she complained about her throat. No sign of Strep. Overall doing better, but still draining a bit. Pre-covid, i'd chalk it up to the common cold and hope it didn't turn into a sinus infection. Finally called the doc today though at my wife's urging. Based on her symptoms/severity, they don't want her to come in, but say to try and get an over the counter covid test and not to send her back to school until confirmed. Weeks ago I noticed them everywhere. Can't find them and if you are looking for one, don't trust the 'in stock' reporting on any pharmacy website. So now, PCR test scheduled for tomorrow, Walgreens is saying 3-5 days for results though. I'm pretty confident she's going to be out of school for at least a week over the sniffles...annoying.
  15. You guys wouldn't believe how productive i've been at work in the last week.
  16. Probably should have taken the points there. Not a horrible call though.
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