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Everything posted by ewsieg

  1. Also worrisome that our clearly better choice for POTUS thinks Iran is the biggest adversary.
  2. https://www.freep.com/story/news/politics/2024/10/04/michigan-teachers-to-pay-less-into-retirement-fund-in-future/75501728007/ Hopefully this is a one-off and not a 'let's govern like Granholm and pass the buck to the next governor to deal with' trend.
  3. Evidence #135 that Trump is a democratic operative as he squashed an advantage the GOP had with this and threw his support to him.
  4. Glad to see that. The immigration numbers are interesting as well, Walz did a pretty good job to drive home the bill that Trump told everyone not to back...after they initially backed it.
  5. Vance presented much better than Walz. He was more smooth and you never got the sense he was going to break character. In presentation alone, Walz didn't have some good looks during a Vance answer from scribbling down notes to just the look he'd give Vance when Vance was speaking. Walz was trying to 'old school' debate Vance too, you know, stupid things like giving data to support an answer. Vance was really good at not answering the question, while at the same time not obviously looking like he was deflecting the question. The abortion answer for one, he kept saying 'we need to build trust again' or something like that as he sounded compassionate and even approving of abortions, yet he wouldn't just answer the question which should give everyone the answer they need. I will say, as a person that has had their boss put them in a no win situation, he handled that quite skillfully.... I just hope those independents and right leaning folks saw through it. The CBS fact checking.....horrible. I really feel that may have 'won' the debate for Vance. While I was not agreeing with anything Vance was saying and some of it was factually wrong, they specifically said they would give the other candidates the opportunity to fact check each other, yet would specifically call out Vance if Walz didn't respond to a specific issue they had. The whole point of Walz was to appeal and maybe even carve out some votes in those rural areas. My concern is those folks which likely already lean right but just don't want to vote for Trump saw it as the media taking sides again and may not have been as receptive to Walz' answers.
  6. The problem with X and Facebook is it's just to easy to make a nonsense comment/reply. My mom still occasionally shares stupid stuff or comments on other peoples stupid stuff with quick 1 line responses that look idiotic. Yet if you talk to her, she fully understands many of these issues are more complicated. Most people that read anything my brother posts would assume he's full on MAGA, in his case he's just a troll.
  7. Not sure why 6'5 makes this more impressive, 5'6 would make this more impressive.
  8. I feel the start of this season was very similar to 2006. Unlike 2006, once the season started, this has been completely opposite of 2006.....until these last few weeks. Just unbelievable. If I told you Baez would be as worse as you thought was possible, that not only Meadows and Keith were sent down, ALSO Tork! Maeda didn't work out, but Flaherty did, so you traded him.... I would have thought we'd be in the White Sox position this year.
  9. Not so much bogus, just wrong. They finally learned to understand earlier Trump/GOP voters didn't want to say they were Trump voters and adjusted for that percentage they felt still weren't telling them. What they didn't realize is by 2022, Trump voters were proud to tell pollsters they would be voting GOP and the overall drop in their numbers was related to people finally getting tired of him and the gop.
  10. Sorry if this was posted already, haven't been on here much recently. I just learned that apparently a young boy was killed in an accident by a Haitian immigrant in Springfield and in part this is what the right riled up their base as they exaggerated the incident. This is his dad speaking recently.
  11. So, my hope this whole time was that Trump loses badly, GOP is gutted, and eventually a better version of the traditional GOP eventually comes out of this. While JD has been an absolute joke, I feel like Trump thinks he's doing a good job and even if they lose, I fear JD is able to take Trumps spot. I'd like to hope JD just doesn't have that 'it' factor to be able to do it, but man it's scary. So, he definitely has no problem lying, but there was something telling in the debate when he basically said the entire premise that the election was stolen was that his pollsters got it wrong and he so badly wants to believe they couldn't make a mistake. It was actually kind of sad if not for the bull**** he put the country through because of it.
  12. I'm definitely joking about this as a conspiracy theory, but unlike 'facts' about the moon landing that can easily be reputed, I could point to so many things that the old GOP would destroy a Dem candidate for, his foreign policy as a whole, tariffs, spending with no plan, even how he has cost his party seats in both federal and state elections because of his need not to support the candidate with the best chance to win, but the one that is willing to look and sound the weirdest and agree with him on everything.
  13. I've mentioned my conspiracy theory before, but I'm about ready to drop 'conspiracy' from it. Trump is an agent of the Democratic party and was used to sink the GOP, yet they were surprised he won so they doubled down on the crazy to try and sink the GOP more. JD Vance hated him, until he was let in on the joke and together they are stacking weird on top of crazy, on top of weird, and behind the scenes have to be amazed that they could possibly still win.
  14. Yeah, I'm not looking for a guy that looks like the Rock, in full gear like he's getting ready to take on the entire world by himself with an AR strapped to his chest. My daughter's high school has a uniformed county sheriff posted at the school. We do have additional SRO's at both the high school and at least the middle schools. You'd assume they are a teacher if you saw them in the hall. Militarization of the police is an issue, but not sure if that's an issue in regards to SRO's at schools.
  15. I have no issue with SRO's. In fact while it was noted it that it isolates Brown and Black kids, I think they can be important specifically for this case. No different then cops walking the beat and getting acquainted with the community, that's a good thing. That said, they are not a solution for mass shootings at schools. Bulwark recently had a good conversation on focusing on reactive force to deal with these solutions. Spend a trillion dollars basically installing TSA style security (and for this arguments sake let's pretend that's really good security) and lock down schools, it just moves the opportunity for these shooters to the school parking lot, drop off/pick up, outside school events.
  16. I'm not saying no one didn't do anything legally wrong, I was just saying I was pausing on condemning everyone named until I learned some more. That said, I listened to a podcast that I believe gives some good news and views on issues and they discussed this a bit and pointed out that better questioning of where the money was coming from would definitely had happened from them, but from their standpoint, if they were told by a team that employs them that it was coming from a 'wealthy Belgium man dedicated to free speech', they would have assumed the investment was being done legally. I don't know anything about Benny Johnson or Dave Rubin, but they did laugh that if this happened to a political opponent of theirs, they wouldn't give the benefit of the doubt they are asking of others right now though.
  17. Oh, I have no doubts that Russia, China, and many other countries, organizations are throwing money to influence the election. My point is simply all to often 'disinformation' is often viewed as an alternate view point that someone doesn't like, not that it is necessarily incorrect facts. Anyone that questions our Intelligence agencies or foreign diplomacy directives could be doing so based on facts but a different opinion of how to interpret those facts. I don't think Democrats that wanted us out of Iraq during Bush were influenced by Russians, but i'm sure there was "Russian interference" aka money, fed into PACs or any other means to sow discourse within our politics and to try and get us out of the middle east.
  18. I'm suspicious of anything that claims to be Russian interference or other interference. Not saying it's not happening, just saying I reserve my opinion until I see more details. Just reporting facts about Ukraine that don't tie directly to our 'rah rah' nature of supporting them is looked at as disinformation by some. Plus, even if Russians gave 10 million to Tenant media, doesn't mean individual podcasts off of it knew or were negligent. To your question though, I would venture Facebook and Twitter made many times more than just what Tenant got from questionable sources.
  19. Dude, you're only focusing on the family aspect of it. He then started saying for those that don't have families that can assist, the Feds need to stop forcing people from getting a 6 year degree just to watch kids. WTF is he talking about?
  20. I suspect it's more related to the cleanup needed regarding the Vermont or New Hampshire Trump campaign head that emailed everyone under him to stop trying and instead focus on PA as their state was a lost cause.
  21. Nothing like getting a boost from an unforced error. This abortion flip flopping is probably worse then just taking an unfavorable position as it keeps the abortion issue front and center.
  22. My neighbor's boss has a cybertruck. Apparently this guy and his wife have been all in on Tesla since the beginning. My neighbor is not a guy I'd imagine giving any props to an electric vehicle and he does laugh at just how ugly it is, but he's been in his bosses and he admits it's pretty cool. Apparently it drives very well and has a lot of neat features. He's very impressed with the bed of the truck. With that said, apparently it's been in the shop 1/2 dozen times in the few months he's had it. Per my neighbor, it has 'virus' issues all the time which is why it's been in the shop, lol.
  23. https://www.yahoo.com/news/trump-claims-hell-declassify-jfk-173616197.html You're pretty clever there Trump, you had me for a second. "Fool me once, shame on... shame on you. Fool me—you can't get fooled again."
  24. Agreed, the posted tweet seemed to indicate Trump was responsible and I took how Romad posted it to agree that he was though, wasn't sure if I had missed something or if it was just related to hating Trump. Sounds like it was the latter. They always say that when you sue, you include every possible person/entity and with the USSS likely enjoying some of that same qualified immunity police do, it would be tough to get anything out of them anyway.
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