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Everything posted by Netnerd

  1. Trumpers like to post Bible verses, not read them. Or apply them.
  2. Last straw for me. I'm gone.
  3. When will we recover our national sanity and boot this embarrassment out of the Oval Office?
  4. Now I’m confused. Are we supposed to get our due on merit and binding agreements or because “I know a guy?”
  5. So Donald turns them into thugs. Got it.
  6. Ben Garrison? LOL
  7. Shoot. My eyes were closed.
  8. My adult daughter has multiple needs. She's deaf, struggles with spectrum issues, disabled. She is able to enjoy a level of independent living through Medicare and SNAP. This is a life we cannot provide her; it would break us within a year. The difference is that our daughter has a family to care about her; too many of her peers' families have long ago forsaken them. As parents we fully apppreciate the expense Medicaid provides. Any waste or fraud only takes from those who most need the aid. This is not how to make a system better. This is pulling the plug - literally, for some - on life support. The question is not what sort of political move this is. The question is whether this is the sort of society we aspire to be. Some argue Medicaid isn't a right. But it is the right thing to do.
  9. I can still see "Mexico" under the part where the Sharpie wrote, "America." I refuse to comply with this nonsense.
  10. I’d rather be the 11th province.
  11. Will there be a half mast flag in the rotunda? That’s very important to me. 🙄
  12. Semi was a straight truck. (This probably fits better in the pet peeve thread.)
  13. I doubt Biden pardons his son if a different president had been elected. This puts Hunter farther out of Trump’s reach. I’d want to do the same for my kids.
  14. While we were mopping Aisle Lunatic the sewer backed up.
  15. Wall Street is happy this morning. How about Chicago Board of Trade? I’m hearing nervous news about ag commodities and possible tariffs. Will China buy Iowa soybeans? Also uncertainty about labor is starting to surface in farm economy outlooks.
  16. Today our fellow citizens chose to vote out of fear and not toward the future. We’ve chosen to believe they’re eating dogs and cats, that they are invading our country, that “they” are the other we should resent. By choosing fear we may find we’ve chosen something of which we will need to be afraid: not of “them” but of “us.”
  17. I’m holding out hope for blue Iowa.
  18. Except that Donald didn’t say he’d like to. He said they “let him.” He bragged about it. Do you honestly think all this is nothing more that bluster and hearsay?
  19. There are so many of them. Hopefully, not TOO many.
  20. Absolutely disgusting.
  21. I think Clay hung up the prayer line before he heard God also say, "...and apologize to the Haitians."
  22. See? Trump CAN draw the BIGGEST crowds.
  23. Alternate facts leads to alternate reality. Trump believes this. Chilling.
  24. Cynical me thinks... Trump doesn't really want to win, or at least doesn't care whether he wins. Losing allows him to remain a victim and to play to the MAGA need for victimhood. Losing allows him to use his victim status to leverage legislation and elections. He doesn't lose political power. Losing might not have much effect on his insulation from legal consequences. Losing means he can play as much golf as he wants. OTOH... Winning means he'd have to work.
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