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Useful Idiot

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Everything posted by Useful Idiot

  1. Well, that's just it. On the spreadsheets, aren't the Astros (and previously the Dodgers) the analytical darlings? A team like the Braves succeeding despite what the spreadsheets say, kind of comes across as heresy diluting the religion, doesn't it? I believe that's why purists insist upon actually playing the games, and not just awarding the championship based upon simulation?
  2. I don't mean this to sound personally disrespectful, but that's the kind of thing I normally expect to hear from anyone whenever the team they believe to be superior is faltering, if in the alternative the tables were turned, then it "was (pick affirmative cliche) all along". I'll be content regardless of whoever prevails, but I have to admit that I admire the way the Braves went out and did something assertive when Acuna was injured instead of pussyfooting around claiming that it was up to some AAAA player already in the system to "step up".
  3. Since it's not fashionable to recognize the Braves as good team, I guess the only alternative is to insist that the Astros were a Cinderella team, and the Red Sox and Dodgers were mis-managed? 😳
  4. These days I don't think that people attend baseball games as much for the game play, as they do for all the snazzy special promotions. I mean, "bring a relative disguised as a zoo animal and get a free Victor Reyes bobblehead".....who can beat that? We don't need no steeking trophy!! Trophies are for drunken sailors.
  5. What do you think the main motivation is behind the owners desire for a payroll floor? Perhaps to prevent "bottom feeder" owners from profiteering from the revenue sharing arrangement?
  6. LOL: "Even though the Atlanta Braves have won the World Series, as the result of our witnessing flagrant demonstration of outdated cultural gestures by Atlanta Braves fans, we in the commissioner's office have decided to take the high road and award the commissioner's trophy to the Houston Astros"... would they go so far?
  7. I agree with you. Something I was thinking about last night, but in context with baseball's declining market....I first developed an interest in baseball watching it on TV. Then I wanted to play. But, if I was doing it all over but in the current environment, I probably wouldn't have the patience to wait it out through all the commercial breaks. I'd be like "what a disconnected line of garbage"...and the interest to try it myself simply would not be there. My point being that I think the folks running MLB are deluding themselves, believing the changes they are making are enhancing the game.... because they aren't.
  8. https://abcnews.go.com/Sports/wireStory/major-league-baseball-work-stoppage-dec-80759056 Interesting how the first thing they expect to be adversely affected is the demand for free agents. Woo HOO! a buyer's market!! (sarcasm) You just know what this is gonna do as far as a ready made excuse. Also noteworthy that it is management pushing for a lower luxury tax threshold. I've felt for years that some teams have used the threshold as an apron to hide behind to shield themselves from fan animosity over frugal spending,... now I'm sure of it.
  9. Maybe he should push for a constitutional prohibition on the Tomahawk chop too, while he's on a roll?
  10. I can be happy with either team winning the series. But it would be extra sweet seeing Manfred have to present the trophy in Atlanta, to Atlanta, after he denied them the All Star game. How many times have the World Series champions come from the same city that hosted the All Star game? And Manfred potentially boogered this up by playing politics.
  11. Think the Dodgers might start with an opener tonight, and then put in David Price until his arm falls off?
  12. I strongly suspect that the players seeking greener pastures, pour it on starting about June 15 ®️
  13. I doubt that Chris would object to AJ getting out his checkbook?
  14. I'll bet that neither Carlos Correa nor Cory Seager would object to working for a drunken sailor?
  15. And lets not overlook the significance of the Trevor Bauer debacle as it keys into the Dodgers current dearth of pitching options.
  16. Well, I rattled some bones around in an old tin cup, too.
  17. I liked the Brewers as a team, but I had noticed that head to head during the regular season, the Braves had bettered both the Brewers AND the Giants......so I picked accordingly after matching up a few player performances. Of course, the Dodgers won their regular season series against the Braves...so when the Dodgers bested the Giants I suspected the Braves were out the window. Too small a sample size with the way the schedules are set up.
  18. Of course after the Yankees picked up Gallo and Rizzo, I didn't think there was any way they would NOT win division. Especially with the talent that has left Tampa Bay on the past year. But my critics assured me that Tampa Bay was a lock for the world series. "Bullet proof" they insisted.
  19. FWIW, here are the brackets I put together on Oct 5....missed a couple
  20. Headline of the Day!!
  21. I originally picked Tampa Bay to beat The Red Sox in the divisional round. But my optimism was misspent. Maybe if the Rays had spent a little more liberally for proven talent, they might still be playing?
  22. It was you specifically that I was thinking of when I posted that...lol!
  23. The Giants peaked too soon...lol!
  24. I get your point...it is a valid one, there are no sure things. But my perspective is, the teams that really don't want to spend money, are going to use the wildcard as a "back door" ploy to keep fans in the bleachers as late into the season as possible...for those team owners.. "that" will be their victory. The reality that most fans hearts will be broken by crushing first round elimination...really won't matter to such owners...they'll simply claim that they "tried", and it was up to the players to "step up", who ultimately failed
  25. I admire your optimism. Wish I could share it. You are correct about their actions this offseason being a good bellwether......I really hope they prove me wrong...really I do. But I suspect they are going to intentionally obfuscate the distinction between "smart" and "Thrift" to their exclusive benefit
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