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Useful Idiot

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Everything posted by Useful Idiot

  1. Had there been a 3 batter minimum in 2013, there is a good chance he would have been.
  2. It's a good thing, because going into the World Series, it doesn't appear that they can expect much out of Greinke
  3. Personally, as far as roster building is concerned, I believe that "cheap and controllable" are going to trump acquisition of proven talent (from outside the organization) , for years to come. When they said they considered the Grossman signing to be a big splash, I think there was some double entendre intended. If it comes down to a choice of paying for a top tier shortstop, or waiting for internal development to produce a serviceable alternative,....I think the latter option is going to win everytime. And the need for patience to accommodate the wait will continue to be buttered with the explanation that in pursuit of a sustainable future...yada yada,... ad nauseam. They are going to try and build a perennial threat for a wildcard slot, not a team that can crush all comers.
  4. You're right! I always enjoy seeing a bit player "step up" and enjoy the limelight. When the Sox started to get to him in the 7th, I was concerned, especially when he came out to pitch the 8th. But he finished solid. Good defense behind him too. He only faced like two batters over the minimum, I believe?
  5. Considering the way the Astros got their heads beat in during the first game in Boston, I believe they have demonstrated remarkable resilience. It will be fun watching Boston in a do-or-die situation once back in Houston.
  6. Actually, I think that whoever created that graphic in the first place tailored it to emphasize the story they wanted to tell/.....your observation about it being out of scale was correct. But it was a graphic that you sourced. I didn't just pull it out of my ear. Rough figuring, if we ballpark the silhouette figures to be 6 foot tall, then the home plate as drawn would be roughly 26 inches wide (relative to player height) SO, I think it was more of a scrunch, than a stretch.
  7. Can we at least agree that all who insist that particular pitch was a strike, are affirming that the top of the strike zone is more than a ball diameter above the belt? 👀
  8. I was just working with the graphic that you provided. Sorry, I'll try to do better next time.
  9. The point I had hoped you might draw, is that people will support the conclusions that suit them, and labor long and hard to defend their preferred perspective. In that earlier thread, there were some of us who INSISTED the strike zone was only enforced knees to the belt. IF THEIR CLAIMS ARE TRUE, then the pitch was clearly well above the belt. Now, I happen to personally believe the claim that strikes are only enforced between the knees and belt, is in error...and that Evovaldi got robbed on the pitch in question (agreeing with the commentator who furnished the "out of scale" illustration) But my point is that different people are gonna have different views, with each being resolute that they have it "right", while any and all who might disagree, are simply either dishonest, incompetent, or otherwise mistaken.
  10. Isn't it true that some pitches "break late"?
  11. Keying your graphic into the earlier discussion we had about evolving strike zone, it appears the umps are calling strikes above the belt...which I believe some critics here insisted was the exception? I guess if one follows those critics POV, then the Eovaldi pitch was high?
  12. When game broadcasts resume from commercial break, and you observe outfielders playing catch with each other as well as with infielders,... as seems pretty evident to me where the true delay of game originates . Pitch clocks will never fix that.
  13. The Acuna injury for Atlanta is quite a handicap, that they seem to have overcome. And the Dodgers were not exactly ice cold coming into the NLCS
  14. Appears as though the unusual game start time is wreaking havoc on the outfielders.
  15. The post season has grown into more of a tournament than a championship. I agree with your earlier sentiments that interleague play dilutes the significance of post season matchups, I personally see the wildcard format as an abomination, and the size of the post season schedule borders on tedious. But personally I still enjoy the entertainment value. I just pick who I will most enjoy seeing lose, and support the other guy
  16. I agree, ESPECIALLY with the pitcher batting next...thankfully the pitcher just struck out and did not hit an inning ending grounder to short
  17. I had to think for a moment wtf you were talking about. But yeah,....that would be sweet revenge. ⚖️☯️
  18. When I look out and see that big number 44 embedded in the outfield turf, it seems pretty obvious that the Braves are not a racist organization. There will always be people looking for something to claim offense over. And whenever they do, they will usually find something that suits them. To me the real shame is the number of people insistent upon continuing to inject their politics into sports. If the Braves can win one game in LA, I'll be happy.
  19. E'hhh, I lived in Atlanta a number of years. I can enjoy seeing them win, so long as they are playing somebody besides the Tigers.
  20. One thing I found humorous in the final game in Chicago, bottom of the 8th inning with 2 outs and nobody on base, I thought "why not plink Abreu?" And just a couple pitches later, they did...lol. It felt like it might be worthwhile,...and it was.
  21. My picks thus far have been spot on, except I figured the Rays would beat the Red Sox. I still expect the Giants to eliminate the Dodgers, and look forward to an Astros-Braves world Series
  22. Well, it was intended as satire. I think the "push" for a 3rd uniform is silly to begin with. And I SURE don't want the the 70's and 80's era roadies to make a return. I think the white sox look like a circus with their Standard issue, their Pajama retros, and their "Thug" blacks, and I guess they even have more. I say spend the money on talent, not fool-azz showmanship If The Tigers were dead set on jumping into the latest fad, I'd prefer something like the A's had in the 70's with their sleeveless vests and contrasting undershirt...but not in those colors, of course. We'd have to have colors that were more with our own tradition...just my 2 cents
  23. Gary Sheffield comes to mind.. As I recall, he went through an extended period ELECTING to either have additional surgeries or alternatively to just "play hurt". https://www.nytimes.com/2004/08/19/sports/baseball-sheffield-will-play-with-hurt-shoulder.html
  24. Thanks for the additional info. There was just something about your assertion at 1:20 Tuesday insisting that the team pays for none of it, that just seemed wrong.
  25. I thought they already picked "vanity" uniforms?
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