It's good that Trump is finally bringing the country together again. All the racists are being so nice to minorities. I wonder if the people who think they are safe have blonde hair and blue eyes.
Top Google searches during election week:
"How can I change my vote?" and "Did Joe Biden drop out?"
Google employees must sit there and say "look at all the stupid people".
I read an article yesterday about how elections around the world have been like this. People are blaming the high housing and grocery prices on their government. It hasn't mattered if it's left or right wing. Voters have flipped based on the global economy.
Left needs to go French Revolution and make the 1% the enemy. Let them eat cake. The ignorant only understand fear and hate but they need it pointed in the right direction.
In Windsor, we have fluoride in the water again after not having it for several years. They did studies and found dental health became worse when the fluoride was gone. I've always drank the tap water here. Too bad science, truth and facts are not part of project 2025.
At least the next four years are going to be the best in American history because Trump media is going to tell us so. The Truth, the whole Truth and nothing but the Truth with a capital T.
Putin can focus his propaganda machine on Europe now and the fascists won't have to fire a shot. Most of us will be too busy trying to survive to even notice. Welcome to Russia 2.0.
There's nothing innocent about this election. People know exactly who Trump is. More than half the voters chose hate. Hate of "others" which is a remnant from caveman days when another group might actually kill you. In a progressive society, we shouldn't have to worry about it but people still do because of ignorance. Latino voters hate the idea of someone from another country taking their jobs. Religious voters hate the idea of sexual sinners and abortion (charismatic rapists and misogynists seem fine for some reason). It's all about hate, it's selfish and people are too ignorant to rise above it. Now the whole planet descends into fascism because nobody is willing to stand up to these vile men who victimize whoever they want to enrich themselves. Ignorance is bliss except for the rest of us.