New information becomes available every day. It's silly to me to value the words of a 2000 year old book over the daily scientific discoveries being made. For example, comparing homosexuality to murderers, rapists and thieves is ridiculous. Sexuality is determined in the womb. Murderers, rapists and thieves are a result of a combination of genetic, physical and social influences.
These ballplayers reject Pride uniforms because the church rejects sodomy. They reject it unless one of their priests is a pedophile, then they transfer him to a different parish.
It's hilarious to me how people try to cling to the past and then complain about being woke and laughing at snowflakes. "Let me just live in my white privilege bubble where everyone is the same as me. I don't have to deal with brown people. I don't have to learn about the atrocities my ancestors perpetrated, I can simply enjoy the fruits of their murderous labor with a clean conscience and I can pass judgement on anyone I please." Who is it exactly that needs a safe space?