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Everything posted by Tigermojo

  1. Come on Hader blow it. You want to golf.
  2. Come on Tork do something.
  3. And as soon as I post that they fix the sound and the Tigers find their bats.
  4. Sound is still messed up.
  5. Might as well score some runs.
  6. Tigers are swinging at too many fastballs that are just out of the zone.
  7. The Astros are tired old men. They don't want to be in the playoffs again. They want to be golfing. Just let it happen Astros, the Tigers will make it quick and painless.
  8. I live in a Canadian asylum but I will be coming to a town near you. I want to get into one of those fancy American asylums.
  9. Probably because of Tucker and Alvarez at the top of the order.
  10. Tigers vs Padres 40 years later? Yes please. Since I don't remember the first one.
  11. I thought one of them kept calling Vest, "West".
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