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Everything posted by Tigermojo

  1. Erie won game one of the championship series.
  2. Crush the Twinkies!
  3. Winning season guaranteed!
  4. KC loses!
  5. We're in the playoffs! (for a few hours)
  6. Lugo out of the game. KC losing 2-0.
  7. Heart attack
  8. Yeah Carp does it again!
  9. Inside the Parker
  10. Ty Madden just punched a cow in the face.
  11. KC losing 1-0
  12. Back to back rookie doubles!
  13. Tork bomb!
  14. Collapse Minnesota Twinkies. You'd much rather play golf than post season baseball.
  15. Snell vs Lugo in KC. Need to prevent Lugo's 17th win and hand KC another loss.
  16. Not 35-5 but I'll take it.
  17. Just realized that was win 81. Average team guaranteed.
  18. Heart palpitations....
  19. It's Brieske still.
  20. So you're saying there's a chance
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