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Everything posted by Tigermojo

  1. Donald Julius Caesar Trump Donald Benito Mussolini Trump Keep flapping your gums. History repeats itself.
  2. Canario. Power right hand bat but strikes out a lot.
  3. Fastball velocity is up so that's a good sign.
  4. Trump and Musk are spoiled little brats who want everything now. They don't understand these "inefficiencies" are there for a reason. Probably to prevent mistakes and potentially save lives. Those psychos only care about their own lives and their money. It's up to the rest of us to take care of everyone because these narcissists won't. It's been the same story all throughout history. Why do people fall for this over and over again?
  5. King of misinformation.
  6. Modestly successful comedian. Zelenskyy should call him a reality show bozo.
  7. Please install a gold throne with an eject button.
  8. He really does only have concepts of a plan. Wouldn't it be great if all manufacturing was in the US? Let's just push this button and see what happens.
  9. Or they already know election rigging works since they just got away with it.
  10. Another reason for Sweeney to play third. If Baez is out, Sweeney plays short and Vierling plays third. They don't have that flexibility with Jung and probably much worse defense. Not that I would give up on Jung. If he hits, they will make room for him.
  11. Couple articles with stories about Greene and Baez from the official site. Greene seeking more nutrition in the offseason and hoping to avoid superstition in his food choices during the season. Also focusing on muscle and ligament health to help avoid injury. Baez is feeling good after his surgery. Not running at full speed yet but did hit a ball over the left field fence today. https://www.mlb.com/tigers/news/riley-greene-diet-routine-offseason-2024-2025 https://www.mlb.com/tigers/news/javier-baez-tigers-spring-training
  12. Tigers' clubhouse manager Jim Schmakel retires Well deserved. He must have so many great stories to tell after 47 years in Detroit plus 10 in Toledo.
  13. I think Sweeney would be good at third if Baez is healthy.
  14. Deport all MAGA to Russia!
  15. Ignore-ance really is bliss.
  16. https://pbats.com/pbats-announces-2024-season-awards/#:~:text=The Detroit Tigers athletic training,and professionalism throughout the season.”
  17. Boss man gonna get involved right after his diet coke and diaper change.
  18. Putin to Trump "Send all of your oligarchs to me. I will steal their billions and send them to Siberia."
  19. Sweeney might be an option at third if Baez is healthy. They have flexibility at third, right and DH. They are going to have guys in Toledo with ML experience. Whoever hits will get a position.
  20. Trump is Putin's little bitch
  21. https://www.mlb.com/tigers/news/john-brebbia-tigers-free-agent-contract Sounds like Brebbia was used too much in Chicago. He's much better with 25 pitches or less. With him and Kahnle they can come in, strike a couple guys out and get out of an inning. Something they lacked last year.
  22. Some of Bregman's money is deferred so the $40 million could be misleading. Boston might be the only team offering an opt out after the first season. From what I read, Detroit and Chicago offered opt outs after two years.
  23. At least he didn't go to an AL Central team. Maybe he'll suck or someone will establish themselves at third otherwise we're going through this again next year.
  24. Make America endure another Great depression Again!
  25. So Mize and Jobe both have a good shot at the rotation.
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