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Tenacious D

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Posts posted by Tenacious D

  1. 1 hour ago, RatkoVarda said:

    so Thompson can get at-bats on the best team in baseball, but the Tigers did not need him? 



    I can't lose any sleep over this.  Happy for the guy, but doesn't seem like his success will be sustainable long term.  At the time, we probably thought we would get Meadows back, and Baddoo had been hitting well in Toledo.  Sure it's hindsight now, but at the time, I wanted Baddoo to get the AB's.  If there is a silver lining, Thompson might have been able to help us win a couple of more games that would only hurt our draft lottery odds for next year.  

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  2. 24 minutes ago, RandyMarsh said:

    Cool article, its definitely easy to fall in love with the stuff. Fastball sitting mid 90s and touched 100 with 19 inches of vertical movement to go along with that 3300 rpm slider. 

    Its just going to come down to command and of course health, with that type of stuff you don't need to be Greg Maddux but can't be Gregory Soto either, if he can atleast control the stuff he could be a real ace. 

    and maybe fix our SS problem.

  3. 1 hour ago, gehringer_2 said:

    I might have been nice to see if Parker could have sustained his success at AAA at the end of this season - but OTOH maybe it's also good for him to experience some sustained success with the bat after what has to have been a frustrating MiLB career prior to this year.

    agree with your 2nd point.  He was still young for Erie--let him go into the offseason feeling good about his season.  And we should, too.  Greatly reduced his K's--if his K rate can hover around 25%, he might be a good major leaguer as his combination of speed and power is certainly appealing.  Toledo will be a good test--looking forward to following his progress there, along with Wenceel Perez.

  4. 10 minutes ago, chasfh said:

    Carlos Correa is on record as not wanting to sign with a rebuilding team, so that eliminates the Tigers this winter.


    I doubt the Tigers will position themselves that way.  If they really want to sell him, they will point to the young core that has had some unfortunate injuries and bad luck.  They won't be tearing anything down (or at least I doubt the new GM will overtly do that).  Of course, they will play to his ego, by telling him they will move Baez to 2B to accommodate him, and that he will be an essential part of their quick turnaround.  I don't think their record this year will have any bearing on his decision.  Remember that this is a guy who had to sign a one-year deal last offseason, so he'll follow money and long term security 

  5. I think the Tigers need to upgrade SS, at least defensively.  I'd like to see the push for Correa, and move Baez to 2B where his throwing issues might not be as pronounced.  With all of the health issues with our starting pitchers, we likely need to go and sign another (please no more upside signings, like Tyson Ross, Julio Teheran, Michael Pineda).  If Chafin goes, we probably should add another veteran to the pen.  Basically, we need to mirror last offseason's free agent signings (SS, SP, RP).

    I can only see minimal improvements made via trade--the only trade chips we have are in the mid-minors and haven't been exposed yet (i.e., Jobe, Madden, Keith).  

    The guys on the major league roster?  As Dombrowski famously said, "you try and trade 'em."

  6. 44 minutes ago, mtutiger said:

    My gut is that whoever they hire, they arent gonna let Meadows walk. Too much upside offensively. And Tigers fans shouldn't be rooting for that outcome either as it opens up (yet another) hole to fill.

    Unless as Cas suggests he wants to leave on his own terms. But that's a different ball of wax altogether 

    Would you count on him to be one of the three starting outfielders next season?  Because that is the decision that has to be made.  It’s really not about his contract, which is team-friendly.

  7. 10 minutes ago, SoCalTiger said:

    If nothing else it will be interesting to see what the new GM does. He won’t be connected to these players and therefore objectively evaluating them. Doing so should result in significant change in personnel. 

    Agree.  However his hands are a bit tied—too many injured players and poor performers.  Not much the new GM has in trade capital.  

  8. I’m Ok with Victor and Harold as bench players again.  But that should mean 150-200 AB’s, tops.  Candy maybe stays as backup 1B/3B, though Schoop could also serve in that capacity, too. Can’t see a new GM keeping both. Please make Barnhart go away.

    Will be interesting to see what they do with Austin Meadows.  They certainly can’t count on him.  The only OF that seems certain is Greene.  Then you have some combination of Meadows, Baddoo, Carpenter, Willi C. and Cameron. This group is too risky to fill two spots. Would they non-tender Meadows—would probably face some backlash given his mental health issues.

  9. 3 hours ago, buddha said:


    its baseball finally waking up to the realities of the modern sporting viewer.

    all other sports have made meaningful changes to speed up play, bring in more speed and skill, and change the game to make it more watchable (three point shots and 24 second shot clocks, eliminating the two line pass prohibition, changing the pass interference rule).  every sport except for baseball.

    i dont know how all these changes will play out, but i'm willing to give them a chance.  i hope it does speed up the game and bring more baserunning and balls in play.

    maybe if it does, we can even bring back the SHEER EXCITEMENT of the four pitch intentional walk?  lol.

    Not sure why you’re reacting to my post.  I really don’t have an issue with these changes, just don’t think they’ll have the desired impact.

  10. 18 minutes ago, bobrob2004 said:

    Ok, compromise.  Have some start earlier and others stay the same.  Why should all the punishment be on the east coast?  

    The 9:30pm start time on Labor Day should have never been allowed to happen. 

    Punished?  A 1 pm ET start time, say the Angels at Detroit, starts at 10 am Pacific. Not the ideal time to be watching a baseball game— high schoolers and college kids are probably still sleeping in. Solving game times is not the issue.  

    It’s time to realize that baseball as a product isn’t as compelling to younger fans, compared to the NBA, NFL and NCAA. All of these efforts to make the game more interesting are like putting perfume on a pig.  They wreak of desperation.

  11. I now think it’s 50/50 he plays next season. I do think it will be his choice, but I also think they will help him with a dignified exit if he chooses so.  His deteriorating play is not a result of him getting old, it’s really just his bad knees have rendered his lower half pretty useless in driving the ball. No shame in that, but also no further need in tarnishing his reputation any more than the second half of this season has.

  12. Is Lipcius on the verge of leapfrogging Kreidler on the org depth chart? He was drafted 3rd from Tennessee (Kreidler was 4th from UCLA).  Similar college pedigrees. Don’t know much about Andre’s defense and likely position, though he seems like he could be as versatile as Kreidler (2B, 3B, SS).  Seems to have a bit more speed, maybe less power, but he has walked almost as many times as he has struck out, with an OBP close to .400.  Andre seems like a better fit in our current lineup.

  13. 2 hours ago, RandyMarsh said:

    Reese Olson went 5IP 2R(both unearned) and 6Ks today. After struggling for most of the summer this is now his 4th start out of the last 5 where he has given up 2 runs or less and in that time he has a 39 to 6 K:BB ratio so it's good to see him finishing the year strong. 

    Think he set the Erie all-time season strikeout record, too.

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