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Tenacious D

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Posts posted by Tenacious D

  1. 5 hours ago, SoCalTiger said:

    Nice to see Carpenter do well but both hits were against just promoted pitchers and not MLB regulars. I think the home run on the high fastball is a swing and miss against most pitchers in the majors like we have seen previously. But it is progress so thats good.

    This isn’t aging well 🤪

  2. 30 minutes ago, Tiger337 said:

    The Tigers acquired Ricardo Sanchez from the Phillies.  He'll go to Toledo.  

    25 years old, 5-10 220 lbs.  Unimpressive minor league numbers.  Sounds like a typical Tigers injury replacement starter.  



    Is this our first transaction with Dombrowski since he left?

  3. 38 minutes ago, RandyMarsh said:

    I saw in a tweet earlier that we are 7-31 since we won those 6 straight games in early July. I knew it was bad 5 or 6 weeks but I didn't realize it has been THAT bad. 

    Funny what can happen when your starters are on the DL, your lineup is abysmal and the SS can’t make the routine throw to 1B. Did I mention what had been a  stellar bullpen coming back down to earth?  I think the more apt question is how they won those 7 games?

  4. 59 minutes ago, 1984Echoes said:

    This is what I want.

    Let him be the "Goodwill Ambassador" of 2023 for the Tigers. Fully retired, fully paid (his $40 Mill), and doing whatever he can to help out the team off the field and allowing the team and the fans to also appreciate him off the field. Or on the field for ceremonies and such...

    Celebrate him next year... just as not a player on the team...


    I think he likes the camaraderie of being on a team.  Guys, he’s coming back next season.

  5. 4 minutes ago, casimir said:

    He hasn't earned the right to go out on his terms.  And if he demands to play 1B and hit 3rd next season, they should give in to him?  What if he packs on another 20 over the offseason and his healthy run in spring training is the same as his unhealthy trot to 1B last night?  Oh well, he's earned the right to be an abomination of a professional athlete?

    You’re not wrong, but I’m sure they realize this season is a lost cause and will ride it out with him.  He’s not blocking anyone who is ready, unless Carpenter starts to heat up.  I suspect he’ll get a bunch of games off the rest of the way and they’ll reset with the new GM after the season and figure out his role for ‘23.

  6. 48 minutes ago, 1984Echoes said:

    Damn... Parker Meadows is actually going OFF...!

    He's 3-4 tonight with another HR (3 games in a row... I think that was mentioned above?) 


    And Reese Olson's line tonight?

    6 shutout innings, 1 hit, 1 BB, 10 K's.

    Olson needed that—he had a string of crappy outings going.

  7. 47 minutes ago, RandyMarsh said:

    Sounds like Skubal is done for the year.

    are we still giving Fetter our unconditional love?  Is it just coincidence or bad luck?  Other teams experience this, but you can't help but wonder when Turnbull, MIze, Manning and Skubal have all encountered arm issues under his watch.  And, yes, I do have a Tin Foil hat on as I type this. 

  8. 1 hour ago, sabretooth said:

    In response to Micro's thoughtful question you responded with a silly meme about how it's obvious that Bernard gets on base.....I was trying to imagine Micro as one of the scouts that had to be schooled by the new kid...didn't really work. 

    The reference of that meme of course is J. Giambi, who had a BB% of 15% in AA and AAA and again in the Major Leagues.  Not everybody who gets on base well walks to the degree that Giambi did, I get that, but the guy you are talking about doesn't even have above-average skills in that area.

    Bernard's AA and AAA BB% is about 7.5%.  His peak was 9.6% in 2014 against A-ball pitching.  He has only 70 walks in his last 870 PAs (8%), so it's not like he's developed in that area even as he has aged through his peak years athletically.

    Anyway, best of luck to the young man, I wish him well, good to see him achieve the dream!

    it was a gif.

    And I didn't realize the firestorm I would set off amongst all of our experts with my throw-away comment "Really liked him as a prospect with the Tigers."  Perhaps I should have balanced that comment with we should have been suspicious that he was discarded pretty quickly by the Padres.  Or that he was older for the leagues he played in.  Or that he was not a particularly good base stealer.  Truthfully, I probably hadn't thought of him since 2015, when our farm system was particularly barren that you could get interested in a prospect who put up good batting averages and OBP.  In full transparency, once I was very thoughtfully called out, I had to go back and look him up on Baseball Reference.  

    To be clear, I'm not an analyst.  I'm equally a fan and a critic who tries to contribute to conversations. Like everyone else here, I have opinions and don't have it all figured out.  My best advice is not to take me too literally or seriously.  

  9. 11 minutes ago, Edman85 said:

    What's weird to me is how tough it is to clean house in front offices these days. As they have grown from mom+pop organizations to 100-person operations on the baseball ops side, a new person coming aboard isn't going to be able to make too many sweeping changes. One of the reasons I was indifferent on firing Avila is I'm not sure this is something that can just be quickly u-turned.

    Also, with Hinch part of the selection process, the GM likely won’t be making any managerial changes right away.

  10. 12 minutes ago, sabretooth said:

    1300 AAA PAs and a .320 OBP.  Jeremy Giambi would be proud indeed.

    He was barely in AAA for the Tigers (149 AB's). The majority of those AB's came after he left the organization. His OBP at WM was .394 and .352 at Erie.  That's where my "fandom" ended.

    but don't let the facts get in the way of a condescending post.

  11. 26 minutes ago, microline133 said:

    I'm curious about this and I don't intend it as some big gotcha moment or to ridicule....genuinely curious.

    What was it about him that you really liked? How did you come to really like him. As I recall, the scouting consensus, mine included, was he was a non-prospect (which time has born out). The only place he was "hyped" (and I put that in quotes intentionally) was from the Tigers themselves....they pumped his tires a bit and added him to the 40-man roster, which was a recognition for a good season and nothing to do with future potential, the same thing they did for Jordan Lennerton once upon a time. 

    Was it the club's PR on him that hooked you, did you have a good experience with him at the ballpark, was it the stats, what drew you to him as a prospect. It's interesting to me because he and Lennerton were two of the first public prospect PR campaigns I can remember from the Tigers....they've clearly been successful hyping some prospects more recently with their social media reach, podcasts, etc., and some of them deservedly so, but I'm genuinely curious if that's what hooked you on him back then.

    As a prospect writer, fighting the org narrative has always been one of the biggest challenges (it used to just be a fight to sift through the BS when you talked to org sources) and I occasionally like to get this data to see how far back I was actually fighting against the org pushing shit publicly versus just fighting normal fan enthusiasm.



  12. 2 hours ago, LongLiveMaroth said:

    Toledo W 8-7
    A.Meadows 2/6 2K 2RBI
    Kriedler 0/3 2BB
    Tork 0/4 1RBI 1BB 2K
    Lipcius 1/5 2B RBI 
    Wentz 2.2IP  2H 3BB 5K 1ER

    Erie W 5-3
    P.Meadows 1/4 HR BB
    Cabrera 2/5 HR
    Perez 0/4
    Kirby 6IP 10K

    WM W 5-4
    Jung 3/5 (all singles)
    Crouch 2/5 2B
    Smith 3.0 IP 4K 3H

    Lakeland L 7-1
    Santana 1/3 BB
    Graham 0/3 BB CS
    Reyes 1/4 HR
    Jobe 6IP 6K 2ER 5H

    Thank you for posting these—much appreciated!

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