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Tenacious D

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Posts posted by Tenacious D

  1. Just now, 1984Echoes said:

    Kerry Carpenter was drafted in the 19th round.

    yep.  but I think we'd agree that his performance is unusual for someone drafted in that round.  plus, one of our resident prospect experts already said he's just an organizational guy.  


  2. 4 minutes ago, 1984Echoes said:

    Aren't they going to start at the Lakeland Complex first? And they might even get some FSL time (sorry for the old nomenclature... I forget the new ones...).

    I don't think you have to worry about moving guys up or out... just yet.

    would they do that with the high pick, college position players?  I know they coddle the pitchers and high schoolers, but don't recall what happened last year.

  3. They've already said that Jung will play 2B.  Gold is possible.  They might move Keith there, too, when he gets healthy.

    I suspect Jose King and Corey Joyce, both in WM, are probably leaving the organization soon.  And Trei Cruz is probably on notice.  They won't move the young guys in Lakeland up yet (I think), so Jung and Graham could start in WM.  

  4. I'm just negative today.  Got spoiled getting top of the draft picks the last few drafts. Last year, Madden slipped to us, and Pacheco seemed like a nice consolation for all of the HS shortstops we passed on in the draft.

    I'm not seeing any interesting picks--probably losing the 3rd hurt, along with our much smaller draft budget this year.  I'd be OK with that if the MLB team was having a good season, but we're awful and have to wait another draft to "reap" the benefits of our ineptitude.

  5. this draft is pretty uninspiring.  I'm even losing my enthusiasm for Jung and Graham.  

    The good news is that we'll be able to draft in the top 5 next year, and likely many more seasons.  So at least we have that to look forward to.

  6. 6 minutes ago, LongLiveMaroth said:

    From Fangraphs:
     Rated their #100 
    Gold has plus bat speed and pull power but he may not have a position due to issues with throwing accuracy.

    he can platoon at DH with Jung.  I read a different report that his arm was strong enough to play both positions.  I guess that can be technically correct, while being erratic.


  7. The other issue with losing the 3rd round pick (ERod signing) is not only the loss of player opportunity, that pick was worth about $700K that the Tigers could have had in their pool to get creative in order to try and sign a HS player they like that would sign over-slot to forego his college commitment.

  8. 2 minutes ago, Hongbit said:

    Slot for that pick is $560k.  It’s $4M for pick 15 which is probably what he’ll want to skip college.    

    probably--not sure how much they are saving with the Rocker pick that they can apply.  I doubt they would draft him in the 4th if they didn't have an indication or inclination that we would sign.

  9. 7 minutes ago, Toddwert said:

    Brock Porter to the Rangers

    That was the benefit of saving $$ by drafting Kumar at #3.  Rangers get two studs--assume they would not have drafted Porter if they didn't think they could sign him.

  10. 1 minute ago, 1984Echoes said:

    PS: Makes Torks' struggles look like nothing?


    Kelenic broke into MLB at 21 and since then has a .173 BA/ .594 OPS in 473 PA's. Has a .294 BA/ .911 OPS in the minors in 1107 PA's.

    Tork broke into MLB at 21 and since then has a .197 BA/ .577 OPS in 298 PA's. Has a .267 BA/ .935 OPS in the minors in 530 PA's.

    These two look almost EXACTLY ALIKE in performance, especially in MLB...

    you conveniently removed MLB from my comparison.  Kellenic has failed twice now--if over the next 180 AB's in the MLB (to get to Kellenic's MLB experience), Tork puts up similar crappy performance, I will revise my stance and apologize profusely.

  11. 5 minutes ago, 1984Echoes said:

    Yeah... despite his struggles in MLB... 

    Let's use Tork as an example. What would you need in a package to trade Tork to another team? Soto? More? Put together a package that gets you Tork, and then we're in the ballpark with Kelenic; although I would imagine that even that package might be just a bit short. But start from there...

    understand your point, but Tork is more highly regarded.  And Kellenic has failed miserably in two separate MLB trials.  Also, if the Tigers were a playoff contender, they might be open to a similar move, if they could get players to put them over the top.  I'm too lazy to look at the Mariner's bullpen, but if getting Soto and Fulmer, along with one of our better prospects would free up a player they don't expect to contribute this year, they might be more open-minded to it.

    I get it, though--we overvalue our own players/prospects.

  12. 18 minutes ago, 1984Echoes said:

    Yeah... I don't think we're getting Kelenic for Soto.

    You’d have to add to it, but I doubt he’s untouchable.  The bloom is off his 🌹. He’s made Tork’s struggle in the MLB look like nuttin’

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  13. 10 minutes ago, mtutiger said:

    I don't mind the strategy with Fulmer or even Chafin, because they are on more short term deals, but trading Alex Lange or even someone like Will Vest for a lottery ticket seems unwise from where I'm sitting.

    Theoretically, they are all available, but the price for guys that are controllable longer term should be higher.

    Yes—everyone has a price, but keeping the younger, controllable guys is ideal.  Of course, they have more value to another team for those reasons.

  14. 2 minutes ago, chasfh said:

    Well, if we're going to do anything, flipping relievers for good prospects would be the thing to do. But flipping relievers for the best warm body you can get at the last second? Not so much. But that's pretty much what I anticipate from yet another Al Avila Trade Deadline Bonanza-like Selloff Extravaganza.

    Hey, by the way, fun fact about Travis Demeritte: he got more at bats in Detroit to try to prove himself for a permanent job than Isaac Paredes got.

    We’re in violent agreement.

  15. 3 hours ago, chasfh said:

    I’m not sure the Tigers should do anything at this deadline. There is zero playoff urgency—in fact they’d do well at this point to avoid triple-digit losses—so we can’t really justify selling youngsters for veterans; and “the rebuild is 100% over”, so it’ll be hard to convince fans about the wisdom of selling veterans for prospects. We remember what the organization said.

    But also, if we sell veterans for prospects they’ll be selling low because they’re all doing so awful—you remember what we got for All-Stars at the top of their game; and if we sell prospects for veterans—well, you saw Paredes for Meadows. No guarantees.

    They’ll still probably do something anything, but to me it’ll probably feel doing stuff to look busy.


    We should be sellers—not distressed, though.  I’d capitalize on our MLB 3rd ranked bullpen and move an arm or more to get position player talent.  As mentioned in another thread, I’d rather move multiple in the same trade, or take on a salary dump to get a better player.  No more Travis Demeritte-types.

  16. 3 minutes ago, Shinzaki said:

    Today we can discuss the actual cost of the Meadows/Rodriguez deals.  Combined they have contributes to the 2022 Tigers  only slightly more than 1970's Tigers SP Les Cain  and IF OF Marv Lane...which is to say...slightly more than zero

    That’s the point, though.  Both were young players with a good track record and upside potential.  Not having them, and relying on replacements, has had a negative impact. 

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