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Tenacious D

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Posts posted by Tenacious D

  1. 3 minutes ago, Tiger337 said:

    I am not complaining about the pick.  If he can hit and be a passable defender somewhere, that would be a good for a #12 pick.  I just don't assume anything with baseball draft picks.  Too many of them fail.  

    Fair.  I guess the question is, was there a better prospect that was chosen after Jung that we should have selected instead? For me, the only one that was close was Neto.

  2. I also remember the speculation around Greene’s defensive prospects.  I was surprised to see that he had at least average speed once he signed—I expected him to be slow/sluggish based on what was being said about him.

  3. Let’s get him signed and playing before we call him a bust at 2B.  As was tweeted, he was dealing with a hip injury this season, which might have impacted his power and mobility. 

    His bat profile is completely lacking throughout the entire organization, so I’m excited to draft him.  Maybe not Matt Shepard-excited, but pretty darn close.

  4. Just now, RandyMarsh said:

    Many mocks had all hitters going before the Tigers pick so with Rocker going that frees up atleast one bat at the Tigers pick that many thought wouldn't be there for the Tigers. 

    That’s logical, but probably won’t impact the Tigers if they have locked into someone.

  5. 10 minutes ago, RandyMarsh said:

    Speaking of the Castros I saw somebody post this mindblowing stat that would have gotten you killer odds before the season started and that is that Harold Castro has made more pitching appearances for the Tigers this season than Manning and Mize combined. 

    Word is that Zach Short is throwing bullpens in the event of a Harold Castro injury.

  6. 19 minutes ago, 1984Echoes said:

    I DO have a recipe... that I believe would be appropriate...

    It's for a Russian Quaalude:

    One shot of Stoli's Vodka, one shot of Kahlua, one shot of Bailey's Irish Cream, one shot of Frangelico hazelnut liqueur. Shaken over ice, and poured into (4) shot glasses. A "White Russian on steroids" shot.

    Doctor recommended prior to the Pick the Stick portion of each pre-game.

  7. 11 minutes ago, LongLiveMaroth said:

    Jobe with one of his best starts yet;

    5IP 6H 2ER 6K 1BB 

    Nice to see.  I’ve seen nothing this season to suggest that he can’t be an elite pitcher still.  The pitches are there, just a matter of getting better command of them consistently.  Remember that his coaching prior to this was a HS coach—he’s getting proper instruction for the first time in his life. Manning went through similar challenges.

  8. 21 minutes ago, Hart said:

    I feel like I have not never carried a pitchfork, at least until maybe the last month, but at some point it's just a matter results and not individual moves or bad luck.  He's been the main guy for nearly 7 years now it seems for every step forward, we take two or three steps back.  

    That’s fair—I actually blame him more for the first 5 years of the rebuild than the last few, where I think he’s made some inspired hires and player moves.  Still, your point is valid—it’s ultimately about getting results.  I hold AJ and his Hinch-men (see what I did there?) culpable, too.

  9. 33 minutes ago, Toddwert said:

    Can Kerry Carpenter play 1st?  like to see what we have in him

    I don’t think so, plus I doubt we see him this season as I don’t believe he’s on the 40-man (and they’ll already need to make room for Turnbull and Rogers).

    Clemens has raked since being sent down and should get the nod.

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