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Tenacious D

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Posts posted by Tenacious D

  1. 59 minutes ago, JackPine said:

    At what point last year did it start to feel like they had turned a corner? I seem to remember it being earlier than July but hindsight bias is real

    I still don’t think they have.  Offense still very inconsistent (and flawed).  I also think the starting pitcher injuries will catch up to us. 

  2. 14 minutes ago, Archie said:

    I would take Baddoo over Grossman in the OF.  Baddoo has higher potential than Grossman since he still has some development to do.  What you see with Grossman is about all you will get and it isn't much.

    I sort of agree with this.  I’m not as high on Baddoo, but ready to move on from Grossman.  

  3. 3 hours ago, Clinkeroo said:

    The debacle was the pick in relation to need and ability.  Any “results” so far are way too early.  We would most likely still have Madden and Pacheco.

    I guess one way of looking at it is this: Does anyone on this board, even the most diehard fanboys, honestly think that Boston would trade Mayer for Jobe?

    We don’t know if Mayer wanted to play for the Tigers—it’s not unusual for a HS player to use the threat of college as leverage. I personally would have preferred Mayer, but it’s hardly a “debacle” that the Tigers took the best pitcher in the draft with their selection, after a few recent drafts where they focused on selecting position players.

    We saw with Manning that it can take longer for a high school pitcher to adjust to professional ball.  The curve is probably greater for Jobe, who took up pitching later.   I recall reading at the time of the draft that if a team had wanted to draft him as a SS, he would have likely gone in the third round, so he was fairly polished/accomplished there.  I’m pulling for him—if he reaches his ceiling, he should exceed Mize or Skubal.  We just have to be patient—I’m encouraged by what he’s doing getting his feet wet in A ball.

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  4. 13 minutes ago, Tigerbomb13 said:

    This whole thing is bizarre. First thing, I hope he’s okay. Secondly, you’d think at the very least his agent would be able to relay some information to the team. I understand if he’s having mental health issues, but there has to be some type of communication between the agent and the team. So strange. 

    It’s definitely delicate, without knowing the specifics.  I think you have to give him the benefit of the doubt.  

  5. 50 minutes ago, RandyMarsh said:

    Also of note is that Austin Martin completely dropped out of the top 100 after previously being ranked 55th, just pointing this out cause he probably would have been the pick if it wasn't for Tork so despite Tork's struggles if we went with Martin instead it probably would be even worse. 

    I had looked up his stats a few weeks back and was surprised at how mediocre he looked (and that might be generous).  I was on his bandwagon for awhile.  Glad to be proven wrong.

  6. 1. He personifies the worst era in Tigers baseball for me.

    2. He famously was outspoken about our Moneyball trade with the A’s that sent Jeff Weaver packing.

    3. His dad used to frequent the old Freep Tigers forum and stir up shit.

    4. I’m pretty sure Bobby was using steroids and his steep decline occurred after he stopped.

    5. He still remains one of my favorite baseball cards:




    • Like 1
  7. 4 hours ago, Clinkeroo said:

    I’d rather see a post-rehab Preillp over another wasted pick on a high school arm.  I am having a hard time getting excited for the draft at all after last year’s Jobe/Mayer debacle.  I have zero confidence in Al to make the right pick.  Greene could be sitting there, and he would still try to do something “clever.”

    What debacle?  Not an Avila apologist, but Mayer isn’t exactly tearing up the minors.  I’m OK with the Jobe-Madden-Pacheco troika right now,

    • Like 2
  8. 3 hours ago, LongLiveMaroth said:

    Don't look now but Parker Meadows has an 860+ ops over the last 30 games. You have to wonder if the change in development personal has anything to do with the new found success for players like him and Perez. Both are still just 22 as well. 

    Packard has also heated up in WM, along with recently demoted Cabrera.  Both should probably be higher, but nice to see them having a bit of success.

    Also, like to see what Pacheco is doing in Lakeland:


    By comparison:


    • Like 1
  9. 2 hours ago, Tiger337 said:

    Shortstop looks like the best position again.  If they want to make a big splash, they can move Baez to second and sign a shortstop.  That would require spening even more money than they did on Baez though, so it problay won't happen.  

    Actually, I could see them going after Correa again, especially if Ilitch and Avila are trying to get the fanbase on their side. Move Baez to 2B and make Schoop a super-utility guy.

  10. Many pitching positives, which makes me think we can weather having Mize out next season, and perhaps Manning, too.  

    Flores and Madden may be able to contribute at the MLB level.  Garrett Hill and Bergner aren’t far behind.  We should be getting Turnbull and ERod back.  If Faedo and Brieske show they belong, we’ll have some depth, particularly when Lynn Henning masterminds trading Tarik Skubal for a bat.

  11. 9 minutes ago, mtutiger said:

    I do think the idea of Al being moved into some emeritus role makes sense - I believe he is the oldest GM in baseball and is approaching his mid-60s.

    Illitch family has precedent doing this with Jimmy Devellano with the Wings.

  12. 39 minutes ago, 1984Echoes said:


    Barnhart hype? What exactly was that supposed to be?


    And Buddha is calling this a "failed trade".


    What are you guys even talking about? There was "Hype" associated with his name?

    Barnhart is exactly what he was supposed to be: NOTHING but a 1-year stopgap. Nothing more than that. 

    Rogers is out for a year after surgery so we went after a guy who had MLB experience, was good with pitchers, and had a small amount of pop in his bat but a known/ expected low BA. We traded almost "nothing" for him. We need nothing more than 1 year out of him. (This does nothing to answer the future of the position, but that isn't what we traded for). And Barnhart has proven that he is exactly what we traded for: a catcher with MLB experience, good with pitchers, and a crappy bat.

    What exactly were (sorry for the Jersey here:) you'se guys thinking he was going to provide?

    You either have amnesia or stepped away for a bit, but that trade was hailed as genius when it happened. And most of the talk was that we had our next catcher—not a stopgap.

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