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Tenacious D

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Posts posted by Tenacious D

  1. 3 hours ago, chasfh said:

    A.J. Hinch helped hire Scott Harris, so he isn't going anywhere.

    You know the phrase, "To whom much is given, much is expected?" The flip side of that is that you can't make chicken salad out of chicken shit. When a manager a given a roster dominated by rookies and AAAA players, demanding him to turn that into a playoff contender is too much.

    It's a total O.G. move to blame the manager for the failures of an entire organization, but I think most people recognize that any manager can do only so much with a roster of ciphers given to him by an organization that has spent the last seven years spinning its tires in the mud. When the tunnel is completely dark, it's easy to understand how the human beings on the roster would mentally check out. People can blame the manager 100% for failing to turn that around and inspire a .400 team to run through the wall every single night to avoid losing this individual game, but I think most reasonable folks can see how mentally taxing, maybe even impossible, that is to expect over the course of 162 games played for six straight months.

    Now that we appear to have plugged the gaping hole in leadership at the top of front office, once Hinch is given a solid roster to contend with, if he falls well short of expectations, then he will deserve to be shit-canned. Now is not that time.


    how do you explain the performance of the veterans? Schoop, Candelario, Barnhart, Baez?  That's a lot of veterans who played beneath recent seasons. Consensus top prospects in Tork and Greene? Not sure we can blame Hinch for this, but it's not as though the team was littered with AAAA players.

  2. I don't follow the Giants or the NL that closely, so don't know many of the names that were acquired, either via trade or waivers, but the list appears to be underwhelming.  I remember the Cozart trade--it was suggested here by a few that that was the type of trade that the Tigers should make--take on a bad contract to get a good prospect in return.  No idea how that panned out with Will Wilson, though (too lazy to look).  

  3. 1 hour ago, CMRivdogs said:

    That was the Divisional series. Championship series starts Sunday

    according to their Twitter account, this is the first time in their history that they have made it this far?  I like their chances in a short series, with Flores and Olsen getting starts.  Unfortunately, Madden looks like he might have hit a wall in his first full season of play.

  4. 3 hours ago, RatkoVarda said:

    Serretti is way down the list of infield priorities; he will get assigned where there is room/need

    Going to be interesting what they do with SS as Peyton Graham will be 22 next year; Santana will be 19. Assume that Workman goes to Toledo, though not a sure thing. Unless they are super aggressive with Santana and have him jump to Erie like Greene, I assume he starts at WMI, and Graham starts at Lakeland, with in-season promotions expected. Or they could move them around the infield together at WMI. Start with this?

    Tol - 2b Perez; ss Workman 3b Lipcius; util Short or Clemens or Davis?

    Erie - 2b Jung; ss Cruz; 3b Keith; util Garcia or Navigato or Joyce or Valente?

    WMI - 2b Sequera; ss Santana; 3b Pacheco; util Serretti or Mendonza or King?

    Lake - 2b Gold; ss Graham; 3b Reyes; Bastidas is already state-side so that needs to be factored in as well

    I think most of your assumptions make sense, though I don’t think Cruz warrants being considered as a starter. I wonder if they’d push Graham that high? I would think he’d be at West Michigan, at least.

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