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Everything posted by SoCalTiger

  1. Wow I totally forgot about the strike.Agree it does add to the season. I was 15 and skipping school to watch Campenerias throw his bat at Legrow. The 2-1 game was heartbreaking. Wish we had replay of Hendricks nubber to Aurelio at third, It was bang bang and decided the game and series IIRC.
  2. Not a fluke but greatly aided by playing 13 games against the woeful White Sox ( same for KC) that Seattle and Boston didn't have.
  3. 1972. The last run for the 1968 Champions with Billy Martin at the helm has to be top 10.
  4. Tough to take but solace in knowing we have a good base of players and management in place that can draft and develop pointing to more good seasons ahead.
  5. Two more innings at I run each and win in 10 . Etching the stone now.....
  6. maybe Tork should lead off. He doesn't like hitting with runners on.
  7. We got 1 and do that the next three we will win in the 10th. FIGHT.
  8. Four innings to go chaps. Lets manifest an epic comeback !
  9. Nice pick up for Cleveland. ****.
  10. I was ok with Baez also I confess.
  11. Just seems so wrong to see Boyd not pitching for Detroit and actually against us in big time situation. We went so far and so long with him only to miss.....? Don't let it be so.
  12. Well we are winning today and playing the Dodgers in the series and one old bald blind short overweight good looking guy will be there to watch them live. GO TIGERS 🐅
  13. Wouldn’t insurance cover the rebuild cost?
  14. Glad your back reporting on the kids. Enjoy your posts immensely. Thank you.
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