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Everything posted by SoCalTiger

  1. Hinch had brass •••• or is drinking his own cool aide
  2. McStinky bringing the A game
  3. Hinch/Harris has earned my trust. I find myself wrong doubting their moves so much more than in years past. It's really nice to just relax and watch them work..reserving the right to second guess of course which is every fans right and duty if done respectfully. I am so enjoying this ride. Go Tigers.
  4. I just wish Rose would have owned up to his gambling addiction and baseball betting straight away. His bats and balls are in the hall but he isn’t which is strange. Personally all the questionable players should be in the Hall if their play met the standards. Not hard to list and make known the bad facts on their plaque. Bet on baseball, possibly part of the black Sox scandal, known to have used steroids. Ect. the games top home run and hits players aren’t in the Hall and it’s a Hall of Fame or Hall of no shame. If so I think many slipped in. Just my two cents.
  5. Ya they always do that it's annoying
  6. God is still shining on Detroit !!!!!!!!!!!
  7. My heart doctor is calling...
  8. not so lazy but same result
  9. 1-538 when trailing by 3....post season...
  10. G2 had Holten 4 out save.
  11. Why did he burn Holten so quickly ???
  12. Need strike out closer.
  13. I feel like I'm getting a root canal
  14. Surprised Holten didn't get Alvarez
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