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Everything posted by John_Brian_K

  1. Depends on what he does the rest of the way...as of right now? Hard to say...add a couple more good years in LA...maybe a few playoff wins...most likely.
  2. That has been my argument to those complaining about the Rams doing well. It doe snot matter where they draft...historically they are god awful drafting...maybe that changes going forward and if it does good for the fans, but there is ZERO % chance I bet on that. Every dog has it's day...too bad they were not called the Detroit Dogs....or we may have accidently run into a playoff win the past 30 years.
  3. I was 100% rooting for the Rams last night. Mainly because I want all the ridiculous Stafford haters to shut up. I would love nothing more than for LA to win it all while Stafford has a top 10 SB performance for a QB in SB history. Again...mostly just to shut the fans up with their lazy takes about it was "all Stafford" or "Pat Statfford" for our team blowing every year.
  4. My apathy kicked in about 3-4 years ago maybe...I just gave up. I watch now because it is the only time I see my brother who comes over every Sunday to crack a few beers and watch the game, but I only half watch these days and do not care at all if they win or lose. I still like watching REAL football and will sometimes catch the Sunday night or Monday night game, but 30 years of this? Watching every game in 2008...and only missing about 5 games since 1991? Naaaaaaa...I am done with them. It is WAAAAY more interesting to discuss the Lions after losing the emotion part of it.
  5. What? I get the idea that the future is unknown, but it is kind of hard to support the idea that the Lions have done much of anything successful in their entire history. Maybe a few things here and there in the 50's, but in a sport where the only thing that matters is winning it is not real difficult to look back at the history and see it has been beyond pathetic for (what most people would consider) "forever". I literal terms....has it been pathetic "forever"? No, but 70 years is pretty much the average life span these days so... Also as far as the last question....because they are fans.
  6. Same. I am sick of the same cookie cutter buildings that go up because they are the cheapest. Add a little flare to downtown...I am good with that.
  7. It is an apartment complex called the corner now and the field is still there.
  8. It is different...I like it.
  9. That first kid alone was good...after that...my ears..
  10. As with war movies or other fiction that basses itself on real life...just remember it is still a work of fiction/Drama based on real life...liberties are taken.
  11. Everyone is usually looking to improve their station in life, generally speaking. But for those who are already comfortable it does not make a ton of sense to change countries unless you have strong opinions about the country you are in and can at least make a lateral move (greatness wise). All things considered I have always, and still think, the USA is pretty great. One thing I always take into account is the number of people living here and how large we are. Trying to make the basic quality of life good or at least not poverty level for a country as big as us, bordering a poor country with not super strict immigration laws (at least not compared to some of the other "great" countries around the world) is no easy task.
  12. It was pretty ugly.
  13. I have never looked, but I think Immigration numbers is a good sign of how good a country is or is not...also the # of people who leave a country voluntarily every year. You would have to weight it based on countries that bordered extremely poverty stricken countries though...like us with Mexico. To me that would be the only # that could truly show which countries are best...I also have no idea if this is true or not, but I have heard some of those REALLY great countries to live in are VERY difficult if not impossible to become a citizen of...that would also have to factor in to the equation.
  14. I missed the game completely, but after watching the last couple plays...how was the thiird down throw not PI?
  15. I looked into this and the eero wifi WOW uses for their gig speed is a mesh network...so I have had it the whole time. One of the many reasons I have no issues with my signal ever. Absolutely zero internet issues since getting it installed early last year.
  16. Thanks I was wondering if there was an actual date that has been thrown out, but that will work. I am sure it messes with people plans about spring training...I know every other year or so we talk about going down and plan it all out a few months before. Hard to do that now.
  17. How soon does an agreement need to be made before it interferes with the season? I mean they cannot go until opening day, then just say "ok we have a deal, play ball!" I am assuming they would have to have a deal done at least a month or 2 before the season starts...probably longer...is there a date?
  18. Who is this "we" you keep referring to? To be a 100% honest I am not nearly as far in the corner of the owners as it may appear on here, but I am sick of the "old white rich guy" being blamed for every problem..and this is coming for a non rich middle aged white guy whose family was nowhere close to middle class so it is not like I am defending my fathers honor or something. The owners are rich and I find it extremely laughable that people are trying to claim the average MLB player is not a millionaire...not sure where that comes from...only because the owners are "more rich" maybe? No idea, but the defense of them is weird to me. I know people who are worth a million...they are millionaires by definition...they do not make anywhere close to the min salary an MLB player does. It is a difficult thing to make all the right decisions to keep a business going. The MLB may very well be a "sandbox" for the owners, but without them we do not have baseball.
  19. Talking about what "we say" when poor people take risks...I have no idea what that even means.
  20. SUPER easy <sarcasm> for the tone deaf. You guys are moving the goal posts all over the place....I never said it was easy...I said they are not taking the risks...they are doing their jobs...jobs that are NOT easy, but I am not going to sympathize with a guy who has been given all the opportunities in life to make it in the biggs...from preferential treatments in school, to families making concessions, families helping to support them while they try to make it etc...for that guy to "only" make like 700,000 a year...and then they gets fans to sympathize for them ..
  21. It is a "risk" for any employee to start a new job or position. You are betting on yourself to make it...you don't? Then you have some great stories to tell about playing in a baseball league and move into the next chapter of your life. And I never said anything about a player making 10 million. I said they are millionaires...and if they are playing in the MLB they SHOULD be...if they are even half intelligent about managing money...and if they are not...it is their fault.
  22. So because the Illitchs have other assets they are taking no risk with the baseball side of things? Give me a break? In what world does a business as large as an MLB team mean nothing because the owners are diversified? Also are you really crying a river over the MLB player who makes millions a year to play a game? People on here are acting like they are in the poor house...like Lee said if they are having issues with money that is on them, not the owners. The media has nothing to do with me knowing the players are (or SHOULD be if they are half intelligent about investing or managing money) millionaires. 70% of players were not paid at least a million, but come on with this....you know what the min is....you do not need to make a million a year to be a millionaire. And like I said...if you own a business you should understand this...just because revenue is up does not mean profits are up.
  23. It is not ridiculous at all. The players are playing a game for a living and getting paid millions and yet somehow the average fan thinks they are "like me", they are not...they are elite just like the owners putting up none of the capital it takes to run a business. You are fiddling the violin for baseball players playing a game for a living....really? Also moving the goal posts again to include minor league players...minor leagues should continue as usual.
  24. It is not usually like you to move the goal posts...the players are wealthy also....
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