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Everything posted by John_Brian_K

  1. Honestly that made me a little nervous how far out of the net he was.
  2. Players are taking no risk...none..AND they are millionaires we would have to pay to step on their boat with also.
  3. I am surprised yesterday was the first shoot out for us. Luckily it went our way. The goal to tie and send it to more shoot outs was super flukey. Keep the streak going boys!
  4. Fans have always had a voice. You know what you will get with social media? The pitchfork crowd who could not care less about baseball...they see old rich white guys and want their pound of flesh.
  5. Having just had a business fail and having people think because you own a business you must be rich...I tend to side with ownership especially now with what covid did to sales etc. They are most likely trying to catch up..you can point to all the numbers you want...those numbers are not actual profit numbers. Just because revenue is up does not mean the owners are piling the cash in. Current social commentary is always "look at how much money they have! They are the bad guys!" when without them we do not have baseball....we do not have many things. People in those positions take massive risks. Sometimes they are rewarded and sometimes not. Just bad timing for the contract to expire now as opposed to in 2-3 years...I think things would be different.
  6. God I hope not. I do not want social media pressuring anything...I do not care how much I love it.
  7. I love the Kraken team name, but sorry boys the Wings are gonna keep the streak going...
  8. Glad I am not the only one who notices that stuff.
  9. 100% thought the same thing. Maybe they were just gassed, but yeah the lack of pressure those last few minutes was surprising for sure.
  10. Yeah a lot of the shots were not super high %, but whatever...that is still a lot of shots to have to stop either way. Great win.
  11. 100%. Either he lights it up which is good for us, we have the chance to lock him up for a little more if needed or we hopefully have a prospect ready to take over. Honestly this is a home run for Avila.
  12. Your wife has her own pilot? Fancy.
  13. Gotta say again here for posterity...pretty happy overall with this and glad they did not give Correa 350 mil. As most have said would have preferred 6 years to 7, but 7 is a hell of a lot better than 10. Go get a starter and lets get ready for 2022.
  14. A good glove and 30 HR a year with a +.750 OPS...I guess we can live with it.
  15. Considering what Simien got I am a little bummed we did not land him instead. But I am 100% thrilled they did not throw 300+ at Correa. The Simien deal was about perfect IMO. Still a 4+ WAR guy and you will not be hating the contract by the time it is over.
  16. We can swear now? Honest question...
  17. My crypto wallet agrees with you. I have dabbled..maybe a couple grand total over the past 5-6 years and while the actual purpose of crypto now is nothing more than what you say...I am hopeful my grandkids or maybe great grandkids can profit from my investing in it now. I do think some form of crypto will be the main stream "money" of the future, but not the immediate future...more like in 50 years or something.
  18. Because people are stupid.
  19. I drive Hines Dr quite a bit and at night it is very dark so I always have the brights on until I see a car coming then flip them off...a couple nights ago I did it about 8 times before I realized I just need to keep them off because there was too much traffic...my wifes car has a fancy feature that flips them off automatically when it senses the lights from the other vehicle.
  20. QFT
  21. I also wish they would have picked ANYTHING but a cat as the mascot/logo...and the blue in the logo....come on man.
  22. They were talking about this on 97.1 today and I found myself getting legit excited about the league. I am going to sell out 100% on this league. A reason to get excited about football again. Apathetic Lions fan here just sick of watching the worst team in pro sports here after year. I just wish they could have worked it out to play all the game in Vegas. You are going to have 8 teams from all over the country spending time and money to see a game in Alabama? I would have 100% scheduled a Vegas trip around a game and gone to see it. I have no reason to go to Alabama. And their team will only (presumably) play once a week?
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