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Everything posted by John_Brian_K

  1. "Arm Barn"....I am not changing the name of the bull pen. Sorry PETA.
  2. We watched a movie called His House last night. Very different from what I am used to, but the ending tied it all together pretty nicely IMO...for the most part. Still some oddities I did not get, but the basic premise of the movie was good.
  3. So we had a thread like this in the old forum (RIP) and I wanted to bring it back to get some recommendations. I feel like I am in a rut. I have started and almost finished about 3-4 different books the past few months and get soooo bored with them because the outcomes seem so obvious or the characters are just so poorly written I do not care what happens to them. I have literally stopped listening with only an hour or so left in a couple books because I just did not care what happened to the characters. I did that with the Traveler series, New York 2140, 2312 & Awaken Online. I end up going back to a story I know I love and just re-listening to it. According to Audible I have 275 hours of listening so far this year and I would say at least half of that is listening to something I already read at least once before. Currently re-listening to the Stand for at least the 5th time. I like good character driven stories. Maybe someone can give me a recommendation that will open my eyes to a whole new author.
  4. I hear ya. If a Tiger game is on and I am in front of the TV it will be on, same with the other local sports. WS I will flip between it and whatever other local game is on...like the other night it was the Wings game. I always thought it was the same thing over and over, but now it is like getting a computer prgrammer...one of the best ever to now all of a sudden learn a new trade and TALK about being a programmer in front of millions of people...just because they were the best programmer does not mean I want them trying to entertain me or talk about it. I mean that is the recipe for someone becoming a professor right? Not an entertainer talking to the masses about it. If you get a guy or 2 that can do both, then great, but unfortunately most cannot. Stop grabbing the best players and putting them in front of a camera to do a side show before the game. Want to special guest them....sure thing, but this full time gig for some of these guys is just brutal to watch.
  5. I have completely stopped watching pregame anything...I just do not have the time and even when I did I was bored to tears with it all. I tune in about 4-5 minutes AFTER they say the game is supposed to start for football, baseball, hockey and B Ball these days.
  6. Mila Kunis Wicked witch Michele Williams good witch Continuity Dorothy Anya Taylor Joy Lion David Harbour Tinman Henry Cavill Scarecrow Jim Carey PS I also get the joke about QT and the same actors...I just started randomly thinking about people what would be good for the roles.
  7. Chapelles "Closer" was filmed at the Fillmore Downtown Detroit. According to him his last one in awhile. Funny as usual, but I teared up at the end. Dude was speaking the truth about so many things towards the end. I loved it.
  8. One of my old mans favorite sayings. I think in todays world we can pretty much replace half with nothing as well....at least what is viewed online.
  9. My dad kicked cancers ass about 7-8 years ago. Prostate and Colon, he was in his late 70's. 86 today and still going as strong as an 86 year old man can I guess. Keep up hope, it is what keeps us going.
  10. I did not come up with it, just passing along what I heard from people who have looked into this pretty hard.
  11. It is based on some theory that where in the roll the current card is at, not necessarily the game itself, but how many are left in the roll. I do not buy so do not have all the details, but read some on it like 4-5 years ago and they had a topic about it on the local sports radio a few months ago and people were calling like crazy with "tips", that one did seem to pan out.
  12. I bought the netgear range extenders back in 2016, got 2 of them for around the house...I think they helped a little. The service I use now had an extender proprietary to them..it is plugged in upstairs and the modem is in the office downstairs. The real difference IMO is the speed we bought and a new install. The old internet was (unaware to me) split a couple times before hitting the modem and was a much lower speed. Straight line to the modem and gig speed now...we never have any ;lag issues or drop outs. 69.99 a month
  13. I do not buy them, but I have read about this and it does matter. At least a little. I know you are a stat guy so you should appreciate it.
  14. Standing in lines may be the thing that causes me the most stress...when discussing normal every day things people do all the time, that is. I literally HATE standing in a line...especially one where there are no boundaries to show the inconsiderate/rude people where the line is....we went to this Dinosaur themed outdoor nature walk type thing last year with the kids....there was a path, but it was WIDE...we are all standing in line waiting our turn (had to be close to a thousand people there) and people are just walking right past us clogging it all up...I thought my head was going to explode.
  15. I have only gone a few times in the past 15+ years with my wife for some random reason. There is always a bagger so I wanted to make sure my wife was not being a "Karen".
  16. So is it ok to let the bagger bag them if there is a bagger there?
  17. Are you in it for the long haul or are you planning on day trading? Do you want funds to sit and grow or will you sell them at some point in the near future? Within 2-3 years or even sooner? What is your risk tolerance? What are the funds?
  18. The scanner tickets are kind of annoying. I had 2 for the Lions preseason game, took my son and had my phone out and already on the ticket as the cursor at the bottom is going back and forth...get to the front and the wfi cuts out and I lose the tickets...sit there for about 20 seconds trying to get it back up, then step to the side and have the people behind me start filing in as I try to get the app to work again...had to login to their wifi and it finally worked, but took like 3-4 minutes of just sitting off to the side and they were the only proof of tickets I had...so if for some reason I could not get it working I am not 100% sure what I would have done. Probably have to go to a guest service window or something. I am not grumpy old man about that...I enjoy the conveniences tech provides, but when it does not work....
  19. My wife is pushing for these with the local police dept and the school. I would take video with my phone and send it if I thought it would do anything. It is ridiculous.
  20. Jeez without knowing anything more than what you just typed up I would say do whatever you want. There is no way someone can give good advice based on what you just said.
  21. People who blow through school bus stop signs. The worst kind of people IMO. Saw 3 of them this morning while my kids were getting on the bus. My wife has called the cops about it multiple times. Not a care in the world...just blowing right through a bus sitting for 30 seconds waiting for the kids to get on. It happens at least twice a week.
  22. It was brutal. It was not close.
  23. 100%, but I think across the board Sony usually is at the tops in terms of quality and value etc. I have not looked it up in awhile, but I know they used to be. Depending on how much I paid for the TV would depend on if I open it up or not. What is the time worth? It is an individual decision. I have been known to spend WAAAAAY too much time trying to fix something out of spite more than out of a cost analysis.
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