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Everything posted by John_Brian_K

  1. These were my thoughts. I really do not think you should adjust it...make it the exact same for each player and it takes out the whinging from the players about their zone not being as big as X player or not "right" or something. Make it static and let the players adjust. The more I think on it the more I think this is the answer, but who are we kidding MLB is not doing this anyway...at least not in the next 10 years IMO.
  2. Right...he likes those high pitches anyway and usually crushes them over the fence...so much power in that little frame. Dudes a mini beast.
  3. The size of the box never changes...would it really be horrific to set it at some point and just leave it? Kinda short and bend a lot at the knees? You may want to reconsider that stance...too tall and stand straight up...may want to bend those knees a little. Batters would adjust. Take all the confusion out of it...start with the same K zone and go from there.
  4. Yeah I can go either way on hyphens or dashes, but usually go dashes for myself because of file systems and not wanting to confuse things.
  5. We saw Eddie Money at Soaring Eagle like 25 years ago or so, but it was inside...all I recall about it was being very drunk and standing on a chair with my brother towards the back screaming "EDDIEEEE"..it was awesome.
  6. 🤣 I think I mentioned this before, but Biergarten sponsored our softball team for a few years about 4-5 years ago maybe. Used to hang there after and sometimes before games all the time.
  7. Yeah today is 9/29/2021...it is what I am used to, but when I organize my pictures folders I start with year then a dash and the month 2021-09.....like that so when I sort the files the are in order. The day in the middle does seem weird when you think about it. Today really should be 2021/09/29 IMO
  8. We also had over an hour delay dealing with this: 20210912_210523.mp4
  9. I was at Pine Knob a couple weeks ago for Alanis with my wife. I liked Ironic when it came out back in the day, but was not a big fan of her until that concert. I am not sure what it was, but something about the entire atmosphere was pretty awesome. Big fan now. When we first started dating I took her to see Alanis at Pine Knob maybe 20 years ago. My wife called it the "concert of her life", she is a HUGE fan of Alanis. It may also just be because it was the first concert we had been to since Joshua Tree at Ford Field like 6 years ago, but we do not go to many concerts. Pretty sure this is the first one I did not have a drop to drink at also...so I feel like I took it in more which sounds weird.
  10. I am 100% behind making the calls more accurate in anyway they can. I hate the "human element" argument for keeping refs in certain positions. Keep the ump there to manage the game, but the K zone is pretty static
  11. lol...literally 2 seconds after I hit send...K
  12. The few memories I have of going were mostly bleachers sitting almost all the way at the last row right in the middle. Vaguely recall that with my older brother a couple times. Went once in 1990 when Fielder hit 2 HR's on opening day I think it was with my buddy...in our circle his dad was "rich", but probably just not as poor as us...his dad had a few connections and we got to go in the booth and meet Phil Rizutto...I had no idea who he was (I was 12 I think), but he autographed a ball for my buddy in between innings. The seats we had that day were not in the bleachers...3rd base side I think. I recall walking across the cat walk to get to the booth and being scared because it was a pretty far drop below us IIRC. Definitely not something I was used to. None of it. We had to stand quietly at the back of the booth while he finished the call, then he turned around and had a few nice things to say.
  13. I was BIG into MLB The show 2015. Almost every scenario when I played had Correa playing for the Tigers around this time...when running RTTS or franchise mode etc. It is weird because it feels like he will be a Tiger. I always recall it being strange they would have Correa a Tiger, but looks like those algorithms are pretty solid.
  14. At the time I had no concept of what a good stadium was, having never really been to any other than that one. I was 22 when they moved and was probably around 15 or so the last time I was there, but when I was a wee little lad...I went maybe 3-4 times and thought it was awesome each time.
  15. I was always a big fan of Stafford...2011 I recall naming him a top 3 QB in the league. Best QB we ever had and say what you want about not winning any meaningful games...it take a TEAM to win meaningful games. People can look at Brady or Brees or Rodgers etc...they all had teams around them...normal above average functional teams...what Stafford did here with what he had is nothing short of amazing IMO.
  16. I was a dumb 20 something and was not following the Tigers that much so did not pay it much attention. Right around the time I started my career at a different firm...doing the exact same thing I am doing to this day. I recall hearing about it and remembering the last time I went to a game...it had been awhile...at least 5-6 years at that point. I actually REALLY started getting back into the Tigers in 2002, went to a few games. I have many vivid memories of Tiger Stadium though...mostly because I did not go to many games...so the ones I did go to I recall pretty well.
  17. I am so proud of this shot I have to add it here again:
  18. I am overly hopeful about this team all the time, even with the apathy. Especially in the beginning of a year. Jury is out on Campbell, but I do like his enthusiasm and attitude. I like going for it on 4th and a couple when the opponents zone...especially when you know your defense is not good. I like how Campbell said he was not trying to be the smartest guy in the room...he was hiring smart guys to be around him to help him make decisions. I do not know if it will work, but I do like people to admit they do not know everything.
  19. Castle Rock on Hulu is pretty good so far. Takes the fictional town that is in a lot of Stephen Kings books and created a story revolving around the town that has characters and important places from his writings. Shawshank Prison is featured predominantly in the first few episodes.
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