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Everything posted by John_Brian_K

  1. This season has been pretty brutal to watch. Last nights game really took the wind out of my sails. I was hoping for around .500. Knowing that will not happen and just trying to figure out what is going on has been maddening. They could have turned a corner and been a slightly above .500 team or they could have gone the other way, but this? Just about every hitter is doing well below what you would expect. When things are good the clubhouse is good, when things start to go bad....maybe they just kept spiraling until we got to this. I have never heard about Baez being that bad of a team mate, but something is definitely off.
  2. I did wordle for about a week...it got boring for me and I stopped completely now. Back to solitaire....on sequence 6000 or so, would like to try and get through all million possible boards before I die...I play at least 3-4 boards a day...super quick.
  3. The stress of buying and then selling within days is waaaay more than I want to deal with.
  4. I love discussion like these. I recall maybe a small handful of games at Tiger Stadium. If I had to guess it would be around 4 maybe and a couple of those were with a friend and his dad because he had an extra ticket. Some really good individual memories though while at the park. If i had to guess I would say the first time I set foot in there was when I was 12 or so, maybe as early as 10. I have probably been to about 90-100 games at CoPa.
  5. I was not looking for a "gotcha" moment...I grew up hearing Kee EV and it sounded weird. I do not give a crap either way on the political spectrum with the war, but if it makes you feel better to project it onto me, go ahead.
  6. I watched about 15 minutes of the "News" last night for the first time in at least 10 years...the thing that stood out was how they ALL kept mispronouncing Kiev. Kee ev....not keeve
  7. I was listening to Doug and Gator when they brought it up. I turn the radio off at 2:00pm.
  8. No offense, but I am really sick of this narrative. "Wins nothing"...he is the best QB in the league and makes everyone around him a better player. No one player, even the QB, can win the whole thing. The narrative on Rodgers has shifted IMMENSLEY since the whole vaccine thing...people online love railing on him because he did not take the vaccine and lied about it. I never liked Aaron, still do not, but to act like he will not get a ton of offers from teams that need a QB or that it is somehow his fault is ridiculous. What you should really be railing on is the media these days. They are the ones putting this inane crap in our faces 24/7.
  9. We have beat some good teams this year, but we are not consistent enough for sure. We also need at least a couple more pieces before I would feel confident with them winning a playoff series. I think we may see a splash in free agency this year.
  10. I think so. I think I recall seeing it roaming around the tailgate the last time I was down there for it. This was probably 15 years ago.
  11. Any specific reason you dumped it?
  12. Good to know. I have no real idea how the inner workings of funds work. It is a managed fund. FCNTX
  13. I think my biggest failure is HUMBL...bought them in February last year at 6.80 per....going for .11 now. Brutal.
  14. I hear ya, if I had simply invested directly in FB then at this point I would have dumped them, but the fund has 300+ investments and FB is just one of the top 10...+172.13% since I bought them about 8 years ago. I am not sure what the procedure is for a fund to dump a top 10 investment or even if that is allowed...whoever put the fund together obviously knows a heck of a lot more than me, but I just have really bad feelings about FB since that huge loss last quarter....I see nothing buy red with them from here on out. I have also stopped buying and selling stocks of any kind myself and trust the funds...I have dabbled in about 10 different individual stocks the past couple years and most of them suck now. I am a long haul investor not a day trader. Selling stocks just always makes me nervous. I have only done it once since I have been investing.
  15. 100%...another good drop that came from that time frame "The booty lounge"
  16. I buy on a schedule, but the continuous dips are making me nervous. A couple of the big funds I am in have FB as a top 10 investment...I wish they would dump them because I feel like FB is dying a slow death, but I cannot dump the funds because they have been amazing since I have been in them.
  17. We are still current...we have been watching as they come out since the beginning. Actually I just realized the second part of the season just started...so we are an episode behind right now.
  18. Pretty close how I come out on it. I do not care about the money part of it really. I tend to side with owners, because I know how hard it is to own a business and have the help think you are a millionaire...it is different with them of course they ARE billionaires, but the players are millionaires...so just give me baseball. I do not want to miss any this year.
  19. I think there are different versions out there or something. The most obscure words in the English language are all over the place on that game.
  20. Probably. I did not pay much attention back then. So far the book is definitely adding a ton to the movie. For the most part it is sticking to the plot...a few things are different, but I am still enjoying the book.
  21. Yeah this whole thing is a joke IMO. I hate the world we live in.
  22. I had a discussion about this the other day with another group. How long do ya'll think it will take for them to rebuild?
  23. I get it, these guys are different etc, but I am not sure I could turn that much money down...putting in perspective If I currently make an average salary in the USA of around 53,000.00 the equivalent of min salary in the MLB 570,500.00 and someone offered me 2,500,000.00 a year raise......even if I thought I could hold out for 3,250,000.00 as long as my production does not decrease....that would just be hard to turn down.
  24. I have seent the movie Contact many times...really enjoy it. Looking for a new Space Themed book to listen to after finishing up Hail Mary....I had no idea Carl Sagas Contact was the movie one...I got about 20 minutes into the book when I realized the names were sounding familiar. I am pretty bummed about it, but I did love the movie and the book is always better...
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