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Evil Roy Slade

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About Evil Roy Slade

  • Birthday 11/05/1956

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  1. Any hints? Such as decade?
  2. To the surprise of absolutely no one, Sasaki signed with the Dodgers.
  3. This might be what the Tampa Bay rays ownership needs to move out of Florida. A good team gets very little support. A lousy facility and a lousy location.
  4. I loved how the catcher looked in his glove to see if he had it.
  5. Yikes! I didn’t realize that. Hopefully a better team will correct some of that. Did they draw better probably obviously, during the better years?
  6. I do feel bad for the Oakland fans. I know how I’d feel if the Tigers left Detroit. They just haven’t supported the team. And their stadiums a dump.
  7. A few weeks ago, I wouldn’t of thought they could finish above 500. Now it looks like that might possibly happen. I hope I’m not getting ahead of myself.
  8. Wow! Looks like .500. Wasn’t sure that would happen after dropping back every time they got close.
  9. The White Sox never did anything for me plus or minus that truly bothered me. Until that father son duo, jumped into the field and attacked the Kansas City Royals first base coach. Since then, they have been my least favorite team in major league baseball. A low rent fan base. I responded to the incorrect post. The one above where you said that you didn’t really mind the white Sox team or their fan base.
  10. I just tuned in and it’s mostly been Andy Dirks speaking.
  11. Enjoyed that inning.
  12. Go to Lakeland and see the Flying Tigers. It’s fairly close. If you’ve been to that area before, I’m sure you’ve been to Joker Marchant Stadium. It’s a nice park.
  13. Was it about a month and a half end of the season if the Tigers were one game below 500 and then they went one for 14. I think they played about 500 or a little better ball since then.
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