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Everything posted by buddha

  1. you said i wouldn't address you directly in a message board post in a post that you refused to quote me on. weak sauce as usual from mts's sports message board political board's #1 troll. i mean, what kind of guy spends all of his time posting on a sports message board ABOUT POLITICS. do you even follow sports? anyway, check you pms. i'm sure everyone else is tired of us fighting.
  2. shot chaser. dont ever change, troll.
  3. hahahahahaha. like you did when we had lunch? yeah, right. internet tough guy.
  4. that's the best time to eat fondue.
  5. michigan 7-0 michigan state 7-0 u$c 3-4 its amazing that a program that so blatantly cheats can STILL suck so bad in the worst power 5 conference in the ncaa.
  6. i should say "i wasnt trying to be insulting to sue." stan was being insulting, and that's what got him banned.
  7. currently down 23 in the 4th.
  8. yeah, but he was a special kind of mean. didnt he say insulting things about sue's family member dying? something like that. i thought that's what got him the lifetime ban. as opposed to other posters who just constantly say insulting things, misread everyone's posts, and act like total dicks who just get temporary bans but still talk a lot of shit they would never say to anyone's face.
  9. he got banned because he said mean things to you, right? that's what i remember. wasnt trying to be insulting to anyone.
  10. my first thought was danielson, but then checked and saw he played for the browns. then i guessed at the nipple!
  11. eric hipple?
  12. hockey was never going to overtake basketball. half the country couldnt care less about hockey and college basketball is still big on the east coast and in the south and midwest. that was never, ever going to happen. and hockey eventually got to nbc, which was decent for it, while the nba went to tnt/tbs. it would have been better on espn, but im not sure that was because of the work stoppage. hockey is - and will likely alway be - a niche sport. the nba is the second most popular sport in the world behind soccer and (maybe) formula 1. that wasnt because of hockey not being on espn, its because of michael jordan and the dream team.
  13. penn state ohio state and georgia florida the only other contenders, i guess.
  14. jerami grant questionable with an elbow infection. boy, the tank starts early this year!
  15. the owners are going to have to give on the arb and free agency eligibility issue. maybe make it 4 or 5 years in exchange for a harder luxury tax? maybe a restriction on contract length?
  16. i think the only reason mlb hasnt become like euro soccer is because of the roster requirements that the players (quite rightly, imo) want to get rid of. not the draft per se, but the eligibility rules and 6 years before you hit free agency. if they get rid of that or significantly pare it back and allow players to hit free agency at a much younger age, then without a salary cap you'll see all the young players bought up by the big clubs. and if that happens i think you'll see more stratification because the rays and other such teams wont be able to control players long enough to compete. that's my thinking. even with a draft, if you only control a guy for one or two years and then you have to pay him, only the big clubs will be paying. baseball free agency is fool's gold now because youre buying guys at the end of their primes for the most part. and dumping 10 year deals on 32 year old players will kill you. if you have a cap, those deals will dry up.
  17. i wouldnt buy donnie's t shirt either, but i will recognize it as being funny and i would say the same thing if trump had done it.
  18. sure, i imagine if trump accidentally shot one of his trumpkins, you'd be laughing your ass off.
  19. its a chip to get a hard cap. no more of this luxury tax stuff, they want a hard cap that guarantees them profits. thats all a salary cap really does. that said, without some sort of cap-ish thing on top youre going to end up like european soccer teams and have teams owned by jeff bezos and elon musk spending $600 million on payroll to buy all the best young players, no more old free agents, they'll be getting the young guys in their primes for top dollar. which, good for those guys getting paid, but it will lead to big time stratification.
  20. i couldnt care less if baseball goes on strike. i suppose i would care in july and august after the nba finals/stanley cup and before football starts. but soccer starts in august and the nfl in september. it wont be a big loss. the owners have such a sweet deal right now, i can see why the players would strike. baseball players get totally screwed by the system theyre in now that the owners have figured out how to use it.
  21. why do you think the nhl hasnt? i think nhl ratings are pretty steady from the 90s until now. and they've successfully expanded multiple times since then. i dont think people even remember those stoppages anymore. baseball has inherent problems to the game that prevent it from gaining tv viewers (imo) and younger fans, but the work stoppage 25 years ago has very little to do with it.
  22. that's a hilarious shirt. i find donnie jr to be abhorrent, but any time you can make fun of a self-righteous gas bag like alec baldwin, please do so.
  23. but is thibs just jadaveon clowney 2.0? great talent that occasionally flashes but ends up being more of a standard DE than a pass rush demon (and is always hurt)?
  24. my untrained eye generally agrees, but i watched thibs a little against ucla and wasnt all that impressed. i guess i came in thinking he would be unblockable on the pass rush and thought all he really did was bullrushes. if he really has the physical quick twitch skills for someone that size, you have to take him. he could be myles garrett. hutchinson reminds me a chris long type: great motor, good skills, teachable, but not that uber athlete like a garrett or von miller or kalil mack that changes the game with one play.
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