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Everything posted by buddha

  1. canucks dominate the game but the wings get a snatch and grab goal on a nice redirect by fabbri.
  2. nice to hear "oh canada" again.
  3. right, but you sound protectionist, just like trump. its ok, you can admit you and donald dont disagree on everything. the "facts" on nafta and all trade agreements show winners and losers. american consumers benefitted greatly, american manual laborers did not.
  4. yes, the market is overvalued now! and if you start taxing it at the higher rates youre talking about investment will move elsewhere. if you want to stop corporations from borrowing money at 0% interest and then using it to increase their stock price, you should stop loaning out money at 0% interest. and if you think corporations will suddenly have an epiphany that "gosh, this form of investment that did nothing but make us oodles of money now makes us less, gosh i guess we'll make long term capital investments in our companies that may or may not pay off decades from now instead" you havent spent a lot of time in a modern corporation.
  5. lol. stock prices would not go up because people would look for other places to invest their money to not pay your new taxes. come on.
  6. everyone who has a 401(k) disagrees with you
  7. he'll miss at least that much because joseph almost broke his neck again. but joseph didnt even get a penalty.
  8. the steelers are not a good team. if watt is healthy theyre not a bad defense, but rothlisberger is so bad now that you can beat them. how they beat the bills is a mystery. #anygivensunday
  9. why 5? chicago is currently at 11.
  10. you dont remember the lockdown? i only mentioned a lockdown to make a joke following mb's joke. lockdowns are no longer necessary. there is no reason you shouldnt go to a sporting event if you wanted to. you'll be fine. being in a very crowded bar with a bunch of people breathing on you? that might make you nervous. other than that you'll be ok.
  11. you sound just like donald trump.
  12. my wife is a big fan of lockdowns and is really rooting for another one.
  13. maybe, but i hope the end game doesnt entail everyone being required to wear a mask indoors. especially kids. its overkill, imo.
  14. larkin called in for supplementary disciplinary hearing.
  15. its a good thing gambling didnt exist until this year!
  16. would you continue all covid restrictions (mask wearing, restricted international travel, quarantining if you get sick or are in the same proximity as a sick person, 3 (or 6?) foot social distancing, etc) until there are no more covid cases in america?
  17. what's the end game in all this? when do restrictions end? when there is zero covid? is there a number that would warrant mask removal in public spaces? or opening society back up? has the cdc said anything about that?
  18. is there a big increase in cases from kids bringing covid home? the increase in cases in michigan seems to be following the pattern of covid, which is that michigan for some reason gets hit first. like i said, chicago schools are all open and there hasnt been a precipitous rise in cases. in fact, there hasnt been an increase at all (to the disappointment of our teacher's union). will that hold through the winter? i dont know. its a contagious virus, there is a pretty good likelihood that people in the northern part of the country will get sick come cold/flu season. a lot of people have been vaccinated which seems to cut the transmission and strength if symptoms down. that may work to decrease hospitalizations next time (if there is a next time).
  19. and larkin will get suspended and joseph (and palat) wont. even though they both cross checked guys from behind when those guys were bent over facing the boards. its the same thing lemieux did to draper but their faces didnt go right into the bench like drapers did. but its no less dangerous and no less dirty. im only disappointed they didnt send smith out there to pummel joseph. if they werent winning the game, they probably would have. palat's hit on ras was just as dirty.
  20. what should we do, mcs? close all the schools? covid has little effect on a vast, vast majority of school age children.
  21. how is that any different from what happens and has happened under the democrats? the democratic party is as beholden to big tech, amazon, et al as republicans.
  22. where clinton and his people were wrong is in the idea that trade would change china. so far, theyve been wrong and china has changed us. but its still early. its only been 30 years, history is a lot longer than that
  23. one question: do you think american business would not have moved their production to lower cost countries if clinton had not done what he did? i think it was inevitable given the high labor costs here, the lowering of transportation costs worldwide, and america (and europe's) more stringent environmental regulations. i mean, most industrial good used to be produced in britain. what happened? somewhere bigger and cheaper came along... but your point(s) about the democratic party are well taken. it has abandoned its role as protector of the working class in exchange for its neoliberal vision of world trade and affairs that made college educated americans rich. only the bernie sanders wing of the party cares to change that, but they too have to tread lightly because their cultural sensibilities on immigration and race dont always jibe with that of their working class constituents.
  24. one could argue that bill clinton's "gop lite" is what a majority of american voters actually wants. america is a majority center-right(ish) country.
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