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Everything posted by Tigerbomb13

  1. I remember being afraid to touch my mail and scrubbing all of my groceries. That first month of the pandemic was so dark, but it’s wild to think about deaths being like ten times what they thought it could be. I could be off on these numbers, but I remember a worst case scenario of something like 60,000-100,000 deaths in the country at one point. That sounded horrific at the time, and we of course lapped it many times. This is most likely endemic, but I’m glad to see that the new case count is at 620/day here in Michigan.
  2. I was just telling a friend last night is this is when Putin gets really scary. He’s now isolated from a good chunk of the world, and the invasion has not been as easy as expected.
  3. That is WILD if true. Wow.
  4. I don’t know how true this is, but that was quick if so.
  5. I know you’re trolling and I shouldn’t take that bait, but this is false. It’s some of your bros that are praising Putin.
  6. Crazy grandpa off his meds
  7. Under 1,200 cases/day in the state. Keep this trend going!
  8. It looks like the Lansing freedom convoy was a banger.
  9. https://youtu.be/fzLtF_PxbYw Seinfeld already predicted this
  10. I feel like every road I’ve been on from last spring to early winter was under repair. Work is being done, but decades of neglect isn’t going to make them all better overnight.
  11. I think I wore my VHS tape of this out.
  13. Remember when Stan would constantly post about Durham being the end of Hillary? Those were the days…
  14. This supports the idea that Russia wants this to come off as a false flag started by the Ukraine being the aggressor
  15. Turley always has the worst takes on everything.
  16. I feel like it’s hard to say. She probably scared off a lot of independents and moderates, but also fired up the proto-MAGA portion. She was a little early to get the same following Trump did. All said, I don’t think the race would have been very close either way.
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