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Everything posted by Tigerbomb13

  1. There’s a gas station near me on Woodward that is usually 30-40 cents less per gallon. I’ll go there when I can, but there’s usually a line to get it, which is too much of a bother.
  2. Just noticed I put this in the wrong topic. Oh well.
  3. Didn’t even think about the storm. I’m wondering if that has anything to due with the numbers drop. I guess we will see Monday.
  4. Only 4,905 cases/day in the latest Michigan update. By far the lowest total in some time.
  5. I can’t find anywhere that says it isnt, but seem almost too funny to be true.
  6. Tots and pears, Fox
  7. Really funny to see the “conversation” go off the rails after facing pushback from 8-year-olds.
  8. This is why the midterms scare me so much. All the crazy, Trump friendly candidates running that are not afraid to make these changes.
  9. Nothing really stuck (January 6th was the closest), but we should still be alarmed by someone trying to stop the peaceful transfer of power by any means necessary. Luckily by the time Trump was a lame duck, anyone with any competence left was long gone. We might not be so lucky next time if we aren’t careful.
  10. Boy, they really tried a coup from every angle possible.
  11. This was yesterday, not two years ago. What in 2022 is still locked down?
  12. I already see the narrative in the Twitter bots about civilians dying.
  13. The funny thing is people like Archie calling this board a “socialist oasis”. I’m old enough to remember how this place slanted to the right pre Trump. A lot of those conservatives like Romad are just sane and conservatives without a party. Others I feel like have moved more to the left (Oblong and especially Tater) in that time. But I felt like this was always a reasonable place, and I really have felt like I’ve learned a lot in the over 15 years I’ve followed this political board.
  14. Tots and pears
  15. I did not know of the existence of this bill until today. The current day GOP is just nuts. How does this help anything, and what is the party of cancel culture again?
  16. Hahahhahahaha
  17. I think whomever said Archie wasn’t a troll, probably takes that back. I’m guilty or taking that bait.
  18. These are all either flat out lies or pure projection. It’s Tucker Carlson Mad Libs. Who’s the uninformed ones?
  19. I’m assuming if Arizona or some other crazy state enacted the state legislature to be able to overturn election results without evidence of fraud it would be similar. I’m assuming that would be litigated as well and the SCOTUS would not allow that to happen?
  20. Just making shit up, stream of consciously.
  21. Yikes.
  22. Yikes. You said the quiet, xenophobic part out loud.
  23. Not to mention the ban didn’t cover countries that were more of a threat that Trump did business in. I don’t think it made anyone feel more or less safe.
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