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Everything posted by Tigerbomb13

  1. These “tip lines” always go well…
  2. Should be pretty easy to do in Texas.
  3. Got my Antigen tests in the mail already. Thanks, Brandon!
  4. Either you’re lying or splitting hairs here
  5. Seriously, how dumb to these people think we are? At least Biden had it in him to apologize.
  6. Hahahahahhahahahaha
  7. Look at who slept through the previous four years.
  8. Tots and pears
  9. Is he still asking Jen Psaki questions about Biden’s dogs?
  10. That too, but it seems more than bad genes with Junior.
  11. What substances is Don Jr on, outside of cocaine and liquor?
  12. Thoughts and prayers
  13. Meat Loaf being (what it seams) anti vax and dying of COVID makes me sad.
  14. Case update in Michigan still has us at 16,775 cases a day for the last two days. That sharp Omicron decline we are hoping for hasn’t arrived yet.
  15. I think Sinema is replaceable (hopefully Gallego can take this on). Manchin is about as good as we can get in WV. It’s either him or a crazy QAnon Trumper.
  16. Pitchbot worthy
  17. I know in Michigan they ask for it, but you can sign an affidavit if you don’t have it.
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