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Everything posted by Tigerbomb13

  1. Archie is the king of logical fallacies. This one makes even less sense than the other ones he makes.
  2. 7 months from now??
  3. I feel like we are grading on a curve in regards to the previous admin.
  4. Yup. If Archie wants to start a thread about responsible car ownership, he can have at it. Otherwise, his nonsensical comparison is just a red herring.
  5. Again for the 582662th time. Automobiles are made for transportation. Guns are made to kill. It’s not hard to understand.
  6. Archie still pushing that automobiles = guns faulty logic I see.
  7. They just might be dumb enough to try and cross the border, which would have made it easier to get caught.
  8. There’s a really nice brewery that opened just a block away (Brewery Faisan), as well as the Detroit City Football Club Clubhouse, but other than that it is indeed pretty desolate. Maybe they knew it was desolate and thought it would be easy to hide. Who knows what these people were thinking as we know they don’t exactly make sound choices.
  9. Wild. They have been caught after hiding in an industrial building.
  10. It appears their vehicle has been found not far from Belle Isle. Lots of comments here in the thread in the Facebook link.
  11. They apparently are not turning themselves in.
  12. Yeah the fact that they still haven’t surrendered tells me they are still on the lam. The lawyer statement is just some type of damage control that hasn’t come to fruition.
  13. Same here. I live in Oakland County, and have voted for her. I think I she is putting her foot down, which is refreshing in times of nothing happening with this type of thing.
  14. This was my thought as well. Bouchard and McDonald have never aligned politically.
  15. FWIW, one of my good friends works for Oakland County and he says it’s night and day better there and well run since Coulter took over. He works directly under Coulter (and formerly Brooks).
  16. Watching WDIV and their attorney now says they plan on turning themselves in.
  17. Possible, but according to article their attorney can’t reach them.
  18. Absolutely. The kid was absolutely disturbed and nothing at all was done to intervene. In fact he appears to have been enabled.
  19. On Nov. 21, a teacher at Oxford High School reported Ethan was searching for ammunition on his phone, she said. The school reached out to Jennifer Crumbley, but never heard back from the parents, the prosecutor said. Jennifer texted Ethan about it, McDonald said: “LOL, I’m not gonna get mad at you, you have to learn to not get caught.” Dumbfounded. There’s a clear line to these parent both being culpable.
  20. Good. Four counts each.
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