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Everything posted by Tigerbomb13

  1. On Nov. 21, a teacher at Oxford High School reported Ethan was searching for ammunition on his phone, she said. The school reached out to Jennifer Crumbley, but never heard back from the parents, the prosecutor said. Jennifer texted Ethan about it, McDonald said: “LOL, I’m not gonna get mad at you, you have to learn to not get caught.” Dumbfounded. There’s a clear line to these parent both being culpable.
  2. Good. Four counts each.
  3. Yes, trying not to take the bait there since I know a Whitmer response is likely coming. My response is this - if you claim to be pro-life, and know there’s something that can easily be done to prevent death, you may not want to call yourself pro-life in this instance.
  4. So much projection here. I think you misspelled William Barr.
  5. The killer five years ago. I don’t know how a kid goes from being a kid to being a mass murderer, but everything about this is heart wrenching. Not looking for sympathy for the kid, but it’s truly sad.
  6. The banning guns and airplanes has to be the most tiring of logical fallacies. Guns are made to kill. Vehicles and airplanes are not. It’s that simple.
  7. This is Handmaid’s Tale level stuff.
  8. Yup. We are basically at Darwinism at this point.
  9. It was just a matter of time before this idiot got it.
  10. At least they had their vaccine freedoms.
  11. If anyone remembers, this is one of the people that tried to overturn the election results in Wayne County.
  12. If his father purchased it for him, he should undoubtedly face murder charges. The kid was just charged with a host of charges, including 4 first degree murder charges as well as terrorism charges.
  13. That’s a great ad
  14. Apparently we needs to coddle these people so they aren’t mad about masks and trans people.
  15. Well said. This is nonsense that addresses nothing. We are stuck in an endless cycle where it’s a matter of time where this happens again. And again. And again. A lot of us are tired of this bullshit.
  16. Jesus. That could have been negligent homicide.
  17. Sadly, I think all of the stuff from the old site is gone. I miss going back to that stuff.
  18. 15 years old!! Awful.
  19. JFK Jr and his 104 year old papa will show up in Dallas one of these days.
  20. My sister’s husband’s stepdad died of COVID just before Christmas last year, and his mom was also hospitalized and very sick with it. He still refuses to get vaccinated. His job is about to mandate vaccines and he told my sister he’s likely to quit his job over it. I just don’t get it.
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