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Everything posted by Tigerbomb13

  1. She also bartended. Don’t forget that. Evil! 👿
  2. Yep, the mob was there to overthrow the election certification and topple democracy. And they came close to breaching the chamber while congress was still inside. There’s no way that can stand without serious consequences.
  3. Hahahahahahaha
  4. I’d love to see the basis of Liz Cheney being a moderate.
  5. Violence can happen without guns. I would say 150 police offers sustaining injuries is not good. Offers were tased, beaten with flag poles/hockey sticks, and sprayed with bear spray. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/capitol-police-injuries-riot/
  6. To say the insurrection was not violent is some serious revisionist history. You Trumpers never cease to amaze me.
  7. So despite having one of the most conservative voting records in all of congress, because she didn’t support one ethically bankrupt individual, she deserved it? That’s why the GOP is now more of a cult than political party.
  8. I don’t know if anyone has been following this, but this is great news.
  9. No. I have several friends that go by “they/them” and I’ll use whatever makes them comfortable.
  10. What were they doing on that final drive? Call a timeout on Penn State 4th down and then run the ball?
  11. It’s been years since I’ve seen this. Was this judge involved in this, or are Wisconsin judges wacky in general?
  12. Nearly 16,000 Michigan cases the last two days. Jesus.
  13. The judge in this case is…really something.
  14. You should see the paint kids are using these days. Clorox ain’t gonna get that shit out!
  15. That NYT headline could definitely be interchanged with the Pitchbot account.
  16. I never heard anyone offended by “let’s go brandon”. Just that it’s really fucking laughably stupid and juvenile.
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