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Everything posted by Tigerbomb13

  1. Because why not? This seems like it should have happened already.
  2. The amateur-ness of this administration is breathtaking and horrifying.
  3. I’m not sure who this source is, but wild if true. That would also leave some fingerprints to trace back to, you’d think.
  4. Absolutely
  5. It’s no wonder why many of the few sane left in the GOP aren’t running for re-election.
  6. I’m sure Stan forgot how to invest again, just like he did pre-Trump.
  7. The word “tard” used in insults 👎
  8. Ron Watkins has to be laughing every time people fall for this shit.
  9. That’s gold right there
  10. The cages were built to deal with influx. The child separation policy was created under Jeff Sessions.
  11. Yep. Another Archie false equivalency
  12. It just occurred to me that’s twelve gallons a WEEK and not month. That is insane.
  13. Same. I can never use up even the smallest size of milk in time. I usually get almond milk if I want to have cereal, but even that is pretty rare.
  14. To quote Jim Harbaugh: “drink as much melk as your little belly can hold”.
  15. That’s absolutely horrific on both the daughter and caretaker’s end. Ugh. Your mom definitely can’t risk that herself.
  16. Yep, I think Mississippi is the big case coming up.
  17. Democrats need to spend 6 months inspecting those VA ballots for bamboo fibers.
  18. Absolutely. Youngkin did a good job of walking the tight rope of distancing himself *just* enough, while still being just Trump enough.
  19. Yeah, not good.
  20. I saw one of the news networks interviewing Virginians yesterday. The Youngkin supporters were listing CRT at the top of their concerns, but no one could explain what it was. The closest thing they got as an answer is someone’s third hand information that a friend of a friend’s daughter was told that white people are bad.
  21. Got my Covid booster and flu shot yesterday. It kicked my ass. Went to bed last night shivering and super achy. A little better this morning, but I’m still pretty out of it.
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