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Everything posted by Tigerbomb13

  1. Stan said something insulting about my (at the time) girlfriend’s sick son, who was thought to have possibly had Covid at the time. That was pretty much the last straw.
  2. Oh come on. This wasn’t just “vandalism” and “trespassing” and you know this.
  3. Just reading this now, and hope all is well! My big sister had it just under two years, ago and they thankfully caught hers early as well. She’s doing great and is cancer free.
  4. At the same time he’s trying to lure anti vax cops from NYC. Just more proof that the GOP is more about cultures wars than anything.
  5. Okay, Stan
  6. Drink ten!
  7. Archie is the master of false equivalencies.
  8. It wouldn’t be Trumpism without pure. 100 percent projection.
  9. This is what it looks like to me. Being in the senate is just a stepping stone in a quest for personal gain.
  10. 8 Republicans so far
  11. Texas is a weird place
  12. Truth. Hahahahhaaha
  13. I just spent a week on vacation in North Carolina. Four days in Charlotte, and a couple days in Asheville. Loved those areas, but it was an entire different universe driving outside of them.
  14. Trump is whatever is advantageous to him at the time. If there was an opening to be a bleeding heart, he would say that he was.
  15. Does it really matter?
  16. Comparing a statue of George Floyd to ones erected for those that would have enslaved him, might be the ultimate false equivalency.
  17. Fox News Mad Libs (pun maybe intended).
  18. BuT wHaT aBoUt HiStOrY?
  19. Edit: I see in the thread in the non political board that it’s gone. Bummer that all that stuff is lost. Is the old board accessible now? I just tried to go there and it brings me to this.
  20. Yeah I don’t know why any lawyer would ever trust working for that deadbeat.
  21. Special interests win again, but that’s not surprising at all.
  22. They can’t even help but fuck up interceptions.
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