Musk clearly went all in on MAGA because he knew he’d be able to be a shadow president.
It’s just really bizarre. The momentum from the 2022 blue wave, insanely long lines in big cities like Detroit and Philly, abortion, etc. I’m having trouble making sense that Harris had 15-20 million fewer votes with the everything at stake.
I just don’t understand people. I don’t get how a majority of the nation can support such an evil bully and want to go through four more years of this, which will be much worst than the first time. It’s going to be some dark days ahead. Ronz was right.
Feeling a bit more confident this morning. Momentum is clearly on Harris’ side. Me and the lady friend are going to some friends’ house after work to hopefully be able to celebrate (if we even know the results tonight).
What is everyone’s anxiety level? Through the roof here, and I don’t know how to tame that in the next 30+ hours. I’m somewhat optimistic, but I’m terrified of getting that 2016 feeling again.
I recently had a small back and forth on Facebook with a former co-worker after she posted that the government created and sent the hurricane to North Carolina so they could steal the land and the lithium. She was all upset two years ago when Roe was overturned and is now all MAGA conspiracy head. It’s impossible to debate a conspiracy theorist because they aren’t dealing with any real world logic. It’s really sad how off the deep end so many have gone.