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Everything posted by Tigerbomb13

  1. Yeah I wasn’t impressed at all by Illinois. It’s just hard to win when you have a team that is completely unprepared and you have a quarterback that throws like his fingers have succumbed to frostbite.
  2. Just a dreadful program right now. Two maybe wins left on the schedule, MSU and Northwestern, but not even those are a given.
  3. Hahaha another Tuttle turnover. Terrible. edit: wiped out by a penalty. Got lucky. Do not attempt another pass this game.
  4. Get. Tuttle. Out. Of. There. Put some other crap QB in
  5. Tuttle is so bad. Not a single passable QB on this whole roster
  6. Yup and they put lights around it at night so it can be seen at all times
  7. They also have a lawn jockey type statue in their yard that looks like it has blackface.
  8. Have some friends that live in this area (on Park). They have a neighbor across the street with a giant Trump sign, but otherwise they like the neighborhood.
  9. Elmo funding disinformation campaigns
  10. Guillen was so underrated
  11. Jack Flaherty and (I think) Max Scherzer are the only two that I think might not be.
  12. Remember when Hillary missed like a day back in 2016, and the right wing hysteria that her health was too poor to serve? Good times.
  13. Want some cheese with that whine, Chris?
  14. No surprise. I’m sure a good chunk of MLB players (especially the white ones) are MAGA.
  15. Could you imagine Hinch getting fired after that improbable run, because of one bad inning by the best pitcher in baseball? I’d be in front of Little Caesar’s HQ with a pitchfork.
  16. I’ve thought about this too. COVID also affected older people far more in general. I don’t have any breakdown, but I would think older voters would likely be more conservative. My 92 year old grandmother died of covid in late 2020. I’m not sure if she was voting near the end of her life (she’d had dementia for around a decade), but it would not have been for Biden if she did.
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