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Everything posted by Tigerbomb13

  1. Keith is completely overmatched at the plate right now
  2. Cmon guys. Boyd isn’t THIS good. Alright Parker!
  3. Her campaign/social media team is on the ball.
  4. When is Matt Taibbi going to release a new #twitterfiles?
  5. That sucked. Need to get Riley going.
  6. Tropicana Field
  7. Q-Line is a good idea with how crazy it’s going to be with this and the Wings opener. Should be a crazy atmosphere. Have fun!
  8. This ****ing team, y’all. Remember the trade deadline when we (or so we thought) punted the season away?
  9. I saw a cyber truck in the wild for the first time today. It’s even more hideous in person. Why would anyone want to be seen in one of those? It’s like a PT Cruiser for rich people, but much more cringe.
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