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Everything posted by Tigerbomb13

  1. Will Rogers absolutely torching the secondary
  2. This might end up a worse blowout than today’s Tiger game
  3. Orji is better than Warren, but the QB position remains a black hole.
  4. Jyaire Hill getting torched in the secondary often in this one
  5. Just mowed the front lawn after it was 7-0. I kinda wish they played tomorrow so they can forget this one quickly.
  6. I would, but the padres GM would be fired immediately. This ain’t a video game.
  7. It’s pretty incredible that there’s people in 2024 that still don’t know to expect this from him.
  8. The Karen of all Karens. I just saw that she told the judge she can’t go to prison because she needs a special mattress.
  9. Hundreds of comments agreeing with this post
  10. Just went on a deep dive of the MAGAsphere that believes hurricane Helene was an “inside job”. We are truly doomed.
  11. BiDen hAs DImEnTiA
  12. Just got back home. Electric atmosphere down there. Just awesome.
  13. Mize is basically Jacob Turner
  14. Uhhh guys. This is Tyler Alexander, not Sandy Koufax.
  15. On the way to Detroit from Ann Arbor via the D2A2 bus. Let’s GO!!!!!!
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