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Everything posted by sabretooth

  1. ...that will get the job done
  2. Yeah, I will stop belaboring how awful Miggy is everyday when he stops being awful everyday.
  3. I would love this. I really dont expect all of this turnover this offseason, but I hope they are this aggressive.
  4. yeah, hot bat and stone-cold hands 🤔
  5. Chafin is amazing....I really hope he sticks around
  6. Actually the "cut Baddoo" post was after he got the double and before he was picked off, I was being totally sarcastic.
  7. Yeah, Sayles was, shall we say, eclectic? The same guy that wrote Piranha, Alligator, and The Howling (which was a howl), also had a hand in writing the two classics you mentioned. 8 Men Out remains a favorite of mine no matter what.
  8. It's because he's barely pitched
  9. My goodness I never looked up their pictures but John Sayles was a dead ringer for Ring:
  10. Watching Pete f'ing Carroll run around Ford Field fist-pumping was enough to make me want to throw up. No wonder the D looked shell-shocked.
  11. Goff hasn't mastered the deep ball (though I think with the right receiver like Williams he would be better), but in every other phase he has done very well so far. Campbell has utterly transformed this offense into a powerhouse of running and passing. He and BJ are a very very strong pair, obviously. Campbell probably doesn't have similar defensive insight but if he could find the right brains to partner with I have to imagine the defense would be a lot better....maybe below average, but not all-time bad like this, which is clearly a reflection of both underpowered personnel and utterly shitty D-scheme.
  12. "You sold out! What's THIS Williams??!?! What's THIS??!!?!" Yeah, its a great movie even if its off base in some regards. John Maloney as Kid Gleason, John Cusack as Buck Weaver, DB Sweeney as Shoeless Joe, Michael Lerner as AR, Kevin Teague as Sport Sullivan, it was a character actor paradise. The only thing I didn't like about it is how it trashed the baseball chops of Eddie Collins, who was a legit great player and HoFer in the mode of great players at that time. Whether he was disliked personally as the film suggests, I find it hard to believe that he was openly ridiculed as a player by anyone. Interesting... The one thing with Sayles that I thought was kinda silly was his reporter character mocking the players with "I'm forever blowing ballgames" taunt.... Whether they knew they were guilty or not, I'm guessing that if anybody tried that in real life they would have gotten about 2/3 of the ways through the 1st verse and would have been thrown off the train bodily 😎
  13. Yeah, he was burning rubber for a few weeks, seemed like he had arrived as a hitter, then just like that he was Coolbaugh'd again.
  14. Bryan Garcia is no good. No velo, no command, no swings/misses, no groundballs. His only chance would be as a reliever if he could command his fastball and focus more on the slider, which seems to be his one sometimes-effective pitch.
  15. FWIW, I loved the way he was portrayed in 8 Men Out.
  16. If Mr. Fat-ass's offense torches the D I am going to scream.
  17. If our offense sucked I guess I'd agree that it's best to avoid an early deficit, but with our current offensive production it's not much of an issue to get down a score early. Receiving to start the 2nd half seems like the better move strategically.
  18. Boy the Tigers have been playing some inspired ball to finish out the season. All phases. It would be nice if Tork would participate in the fun.
  19. That's fine with me, I thought you were using the last 30 days as an example of him being lucky overall. I got the sense that a previous poster was trying to make that point and I was just trying to add some broader context.
  20. Logically speaking, it can't possibly be only the players. Nor can it only be scheme. Or else it wouldn't be this bad. It has to be both. So blame Glenn Campbell, Holmes. I mean Glenn, Campbell, Holmes.
  21. The BABIP is high overall, but not lucky at all. He hits a lot of groundballs and not many flyballs. I also think the last 30 days is not very representative of his body of work so far. Overall he's been decent, and consistently so. I tracked his surges and slumps below. - Very good for 53 PA (159 wRC+) - Very bad for 60 PA (48 wRC+) - Decent for 51 PAs (95 wRC+) through August 24th.... ......for a decent 98 wRC+ over his first 164 PA (250/323/358), with a 5.8 LA and an 11.5% barrel (very good) and 45.2% hard-hit (also very good). - Bad for 101 PA stretch (68 wRC+) Starting on August 26th. - Very good for 139 PA (121 wRC+) through yesterday.... .....for a decent 99 wRC+ over his last 240 PA (281/367/388), with a 1.1 LA and a 10.7% barrel (again, very good) and a 42.9% hard-hit (again, also very good). The slugging isn't there of course because his LA is so low....you have to have an LA of like 7 or 8 on average to hit for consistent power. For now he's doing a very good job for a 21-year old on a bad team. Agreed. And he still has plenty of time to learn to elevate the ball and hit for power, hopefully he starts trying to do that in 2023.
  22. I understand where you're coming from but I don't think the differences between the two in terms of hitting come down to batting average or luck. Greene has been consistently decent. Tork has been completely awful in every phase of hitting for all but a 3-week stretch this year. Luck plays some part but Tork has completely sucked outside of that hot stretch.
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